Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 69 Senior Save Me

Yang Yunfei and the others bid farewell to Lu Chen one after another, saying that they would go home first and prepare what they needed for tomorrow's departure, and then come to Lu Chen in the evening and take him to a fun place.

Seeing that although a few people had the aura of descendants of aristocratic families, overall their personalities were not bad, so Lu Chen promised them to see each other tonight.

Lu Chen opened a room in the Spiritual Breath Building. After returning to the room, he flashed into the world of Jinzhu. He also needed to make some preparations to face the unknown endless forest.

The first is to refine some daily needed Medicine Pills for emergencies, such as: Jiedu Pill, Huichun Pill, Huizhen Pill, etc.

With the help of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, Lu Chen's pill refining technique has been greatly improved. Ordinary Spirit Medicine Pill Lu Chen can refine. Sometimes he wants to challenge the refining pill, but there is no corresponding one. Spiritual herbs.

Lu Chen estimated that his current level should be at the level of a ninth-rank alchemist, but he has no alchemist certification, and he doesn't know where to get certified, and how to get certified.

I counted my recent gains. I got three storage bags from Yishan Miracle Doctor and Wang Yuanjiang and his son. There are more than 500,000 medium-grade Spirit Stones in total, one Magic Treasures pill furnace, one sky tower, and some other refining materials. , and the article on the art of body training given by Horn.

Lu Chen had tried refining weapons before, and no matter how powerful the Chaos Daosheng Jue was, he could not automatically generate the method of refining the weapon. He had to have a basic method before he could use the Chaos Daosheng Jue to derive the following formulas.

After counting the existing supplies, Lu Chen was very happy. As expected, horses have no night grass and no fat, and people have no windfalls and no wealth.

After making a short-term training plan, Lu Chen returned to the room and waited for Yang Yunfei and the others to come to him.

Yan Zixia's eyes lit up after reading the information about Lu Chen collected by her subordinates, Jade Slip, and ordered her subordinates to continue to keep an eye on Lu Chen's traces.

In the evening, Yang Yunfei, Zhao Chengzhi, and Qi Yutang came to the Lingxi Building to find Lu Chen. They exchanged a few words with each other, and then dragged Lu Chen to what they said was a fun place.

During the period, when Lu Chen asked where he was going, several people prevaricated, making it mysterious.

The four of them came to a tower. The tower was brightly lit and had seven floors. There were many cultivators coming in and out. It was very lively. The plaque on the tower was carved with

: The three ancient characters of "Zuixian Tower".

Seeing the words "Zuixianlou", Lu Chen felt speechless for a while, and took him to the brothel with the three brothers, and the good impression he had just established for them disappeared in an instant.

"Haha...Brother Lu! Tomorrow we are going to the Endless Forest for a trial, which is extremely dangerous, and we don't know if we can come back alive. Today I will be the host and let's relax, how about it? You have never been to this place before! "Yang Yunfei laughed haha.

"Yes! You hit it off with us right away. Today is a rare treat for Yang Yunfei. Tonight we won't come home drunk." Zhao Chengzhi said while pushing Lu Chen forward.

There was no other way, Lu Chen felt that he was careless in making friends, so he had to follow a few people into the "Zuixian Tower".

To be honest, this is really the first time for Lu Chen to come to a place like "Zuixian Tower". In his previous life, there was no such public place on earth. After coming to Cultivation World, he has been exhausted in cultivation, and all the people he met are stunning Beauty, her vision has naturally improved a lot.

There is a circular high platform in the middle of the first floor of the "Zuixian Tower". Several female cultivators with graceful figures and revealing clothes are dancing on the high platform. There are many tables and chairs around the high platform, and there are no empty seats at the moment.

The middle of the tower is hollowed out, and the roof can be seen directly from the first floor. There are independent partitions on the second and third floors, and the cultivator can watch the performance in the partition.

The fourth to seventh floors are guest rooms, which can meet the special needs of cultivators.

Because the first floor was already full, Lu Chen and the others were taken to the partition on the third floor by the female cultivator in charge of reception.

Soon after sitting down, a cultivator brought spiritual wine and spiritual fruit, as well as some snacks similar to melon seeds.

"Come on! Let's have a toast for getting to know Brother Lu today," Yang Yunfei took the lead and smiled while picking up his glass.

"Do it!" Lu Chen and the others picked up their wine glasses and drank them all in one gulp.

At this time, five beauties cultivator pushed the door in and stood in front of Lu Chen and others for them to choose from. Next to them was a female cultivator who looked like an old bustard, introducing them enthusiastically.

"Hehe...Brother Lu! Pick one! I'll spend the night here tonight and leave at noon tomorrow." Qi Yutang put down his glass and smiled.

"No! You choose!" Lu Chen refused, but couldn't help but look at the five female cultivators. The highest Cultivation Base was Dayuan in the Qi Refining Period.

There is only one man, and the remaining four are all between the seventh and ninth floors of the Qi refining period, and everyone looks good.

Especially the last one. Although the Cultivation Base is the seventh floor of the Qi Refining Period, it has the most beautiful appearance among the five, and Lu Chen still has a familiar feeling. Slightly unnatural, it should be that he has been in the industry for a long time.

"Haha...Brother Lu! Maybe he's still a child!" Yang Yunfei guessed seeing Lu Chen's unwillingness to let go.

"I think it looks a bit like it," Zhao Chengzhi echoed.

"What nonsense are you talking about, brother Lu is so handsome, how could he still be a child?" Qi Yutang booed.

"A man is not like a woman, how to judge if he is a child?" Yang Yunfei laughed.

"Forget you guys, I'll choose her!" Lu Chen said speechlessly, pointing at the last beauty. The more the three brothers said, the more outrageous they became, which made Lu Chen feel embarrassed. Next, Yang Yunfei and the others chose each One.

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly became more lively with beautiful women as companions. The three brothers behaved in a sophisticated manner, and they would reach out to explore the beautiful women from time to time. It seemed that they often came to this kind of place.

Because Lu Chen didn't like this kind of place, he only cared about drinking and put the beauties aside, he just hoped that it would be over soon so he could go back to sleep.

"Senior! Do you remember me? I was forced, please help me, senior." The beauty beside Lu Chen looked at Lu Chen imploringly, and whispered.

"Are you...Zi Xuan?" Lu Chen tried his best to remember who she was after hearing this, but he was not sure.

Zixuan was the beautiful female cultivator that Lu Chen received when he went to Duobaolou to buy Magic Treasures for the first time, no wonder he felt familiar.

"Yes senior, please senior help me, I was forced," Zixuan was very excited when she saw that Lu Chen remembered herself, as if she had grasped a life-saving straw, and immediately told Lu Chen Kneel down.

"This...Miss Zixuan, get up quickly, if you have anything to say slowly, if it can help you, I will naturally help you." Lu Chen hurriedly helped her up.

"Brother Lu! What are you?" Yang Yunfei asked first, and they all discovered the situation on Lu Chen's side.

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