Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 70 Aren't The Rogue Cultivators Poor?

"This Miss Zixuan is an old acquaintance with me. I thought she looked familiar just now, but I just didn't remember it for a moment, and then Miss Zixuan also recognized me." Lu Chen simply said the matter again.

"There is still such a thing." Yang Yunfei understood, waved his hand to persuade the rest of the female cultivators to leave, and the scene fell silent.

"Miss Zixuan, if you need help, just tell me. Since you are brother Lu's friend, we will do our best to help you." Qi Yutang said.

Zixuan glanced at Lu Chen, and after getting Lu Chen's approval, she told the general story of the matter.

She used to work in Duobao Building in Wangyou Valley, Anlin Prefecture, and Duobao Building is an industry owned by Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce is second only to Feiyu Chamber of Commerce in Beichen Prefecture. The internal promotion mechanism is perfect, which gives many ordinary people Chance of promotion for junior cultivator.

Zixuan is kind-hearted and has strong professional skills. She got a chance to be promoted and was sent to work in Duobaolou in a big city.

However, she was robbed on the way, sold to a tooth shop, and then sold to Shun'an City after several twists and turns. A low-level cultivator like her was powerless to resist.

Today was also the first time she was forced to come out to pick up guests. She did not expect to meet Lu Chen. If she didn't seize this opportunity, she might really become a prostitute in the future, and there would be no future for her.

Zixuan burst into tears while talking, and Lu Chen and the others were also very touched when they heard the words.

"Hey... this damn world," Qi Yutang sighed after taking a sip of his wine. There are many examples like Zixuan in Cultivation World. Low-level cultivators often can only accept their fate in reality. It is better to live than to die.

"Miss Zixuan, please don't cry. Since we met, it can be considered that you and I are destined. I will try my best to help you escape from Sea of ​​Bitterness." Lu Chen comforted Zixuan.

"Yutang! Go and call the old bustard!" Yang Yunfei ordered.

Not long after, a bloated and coquettishly dressed middle-aged female cultivator followed Qi Yutang into the partition.

"My gentlemen, you are very polite! I am Ruhua, who is in charge here. I wonder which son wants to redeem Miss Zixuan?" The old bustard introduced himself, and bowed to Lu Chen and the others one by one.

"Tell me how many Spirit Stones you want?" Yang Yunfei picked up the wine glass and drank by himself.

"Masters! I think everyone should know the rules, so I don't need to say more, Miss Zixuan

But we paid a lot of money to buy it, and it was still a baby, so the price is naturally more expensive. "The bustard laughed.

"Whatever you spend, just say how many Spirit Stones are not enough!" Zhao Chengzhi said impatiently, and picked up the wine glass and drank by himself.

"Hehe... Since the masters sincerely redeem Miss Zixuan, the price is half a million medium-grade Spirit Stones." The old bustard stretched out five fingers and gestured.

"Pfft... what? Five hundred thousand middle-grade Spirit Stones? Why don't you grab them!" Zhao Chengzhi exclaimed in surprise as he spewed out his wine all the way.

You must know that they, as children of aristocratic families, only have one hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones per month on average, and they have to find ways to earn the rest on their own. Shock.

Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang, and Lu Chen also frowned slightly, they didn't expect the old bustard to speak so loudly.

To put it bluntly, selling the four of them wouldn't get half a million mid-grade Spirit Stones.

"This is all my savings, about 20,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones, let's get together and see how much I have." Yang Yunfei threw out a storage bag and said.

Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang also each took out a storage bag. The two together only had more than 50,000 medium-grade Spirit Stones, which was far from enough, and they began to blame themselves.

"Hehe... Since the masters are inconvenient, I won't bother the masters," the old bustard was polite on the surface, but his eyes were obviously a bit condescending.

Zixuan was also very disappointed when she heard the words. Half a million mid-grade Spirit Stones was already an astronomical figure for her. Besides, she didn't think that Lu Chen and others could take out so many Spirit Stones. Zixuan was also very moved when she sold her savings.

"Thank you for your kindness. It's all my fault for disturbing your pleasure. I'll call the sisters here and serve you well." Zixuan said with a regretful expression.

The bustard gave Zixuan a look to turn around before cleaning up your expression, and she was about to turn around and leave.

Yang Yunfei and the others felt ashamed because they boasted about Haikou before, but they couldn't help now, and they didn't dare to look directly at Zixuan.


"Unlock the seal of Miss Zixuan's prostitution contract," Lu Chen threw out a large storage bag, which was caught by the bustard with a snap.

Lu Chen's words caught everyone's attention, especially Yang Yunfei,

Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang were even more shocked.

They couldn't believe that Lu Chen, a Rogue Cultivators, would be so rich. Half a million mid-tier Spirit Stones is not a small amount.

I didn't see that they had only tens of thousands of middle-grade Spirit Stones just now. They didn't ask Lu Chen just now because they thought Rogue Cultivators should be very poor.

So several people stared at the storage bag in the hands of the bustard, and Zixuan also felt that it was unreal to look at the hand of the bustard.

When the bustard poked the Divine Sense into the storage bag and saw that there were exactly 500,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones inside, he immediately changed into a smiling face.

"Hehe... This young master is still generous, and I will undo the seal of Zixuan's contract of selling herself." The old bustard said, using seals with both hands to cast spells for Zixuan.

With the confirmation from the bustard, Yang Yunfei and others finally believed that there were really 500,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones in the storage bag, and they all looked at Lu Chen complicatedly.

"Senior! Thank you for your great kindness!" Zixuan knelt down and cried, the contract seal of prostitution is a unique sealing method in brothels to prevent them from escaping, once escaping is tantamount to suicide, no matter how far you escape, the other party can The spell casts you to ashes.

"Hehe... Miss Zixuan, get up quickly! My name is Lu Chen, and Spirit Stones are something outside of me. I'm glad I can help you." Lu Chen helped Zixuan up, not caring at all that he just spent half a million yuan. Brand Spirit Stones.

"Brother Lu! You really opened our eyes. To be honest, I really admire Brother Lu's personality and mind. Come! I respect you for this glass of wine. I hope we can become friends too." Yang Yunfei laughed, and Zhao Cheng Zhi and Qi Yutang agreed one after another.

"Hehe... It's a great honor, and I hope you will take care of me during the endless forest trial." Lu Chen smiled, and because of what Yang Yunfei and others did just now, Lu Chen also wanted to make friends with them.

The next few people talked happily over wine, and the relationship became more familiar.

After leaving the Zuixian Tower, Lu Chen, Yang Yunfei and others made an appointment to set off together at noon tomorrow, and then went back home.

Lu Chen felt a little headache, because Zixuan had nowhere to go, she followed Lu Chen to the Spiritual Breath Tower, but then he was going to the Endless Forest, so he couldn't take her with him!

If she was left alone, if someone caught her again, then own Spirit Stones would be in vain, and Lu Chen didn't know how to deal with Zixuan for a while.

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