Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 71 News Of The Top Ten Spiritual Roots

In the room of Lingxi Building, Lu Chen arranged for Zixuan to sleep on the bed, and he took out another small wooden bed from the world of Jinzhu and put it at the door, planning to arrange Zixuan's place after tonight.

"Lu Dage! I'm really grateful that you can save me, otherwise I really wouldn't have the courage to live any longer, but the half a million middle-grade Spirit Stones, I might not even get them in this life, or...or I Let's make a companion for you!" Zixuan mustered up her courage and said, then lowered her head shyly.

"Hehe...Miss Zixuan, don't get me wrong, I'm not that kind of person, you don't have to take the Spirit Stones matter to heart, and you don't have to pay it back," Lu Chen politely refused,

He likes beautiful women, but he likes to let nature take its course when it comes to relationships, and he doesn't like to win girls' hearts in this way.

"Tomorrow, I plan to ask Yang Yunfei and the others to help me find a place for you in Shun'an City. After all, I'm not very familiar with this place." Lu Chen continued.

"Lu Dage! Do you dislike me for staying in the Zuixian Tower? But...but I am very clean." Zixuan said a little sadly,

In fact, she couldn't tell what it was like in her heart. Maybe it was because she was grateful to Lu Chen, or maybe it was because she liked it. Anyway, she felt particularly safe by Lu Chen's side, so she mustered up the courage to confess.

"Silly girl! It's not what you think. Emotional matters need to go with the flow. Do you understand what I mean? If there is fate in the future, maybe we may be together. You should work hard to find yourself again, you know? " Lu Chen comforted.

"En! I got it! By the way, Lu Dage! I heard that you are going to the endless forest trial, and this is for you." Zixuan cheered up, took off the necklace around her neck, and there was a soybean-sized bean hanging under the necklace. handed the jade pendant to Lu Chen, and smiled.

"This is?" Lu Chen wondered, it was just an ordinary round jade pendant in front of him, and Lu Chen didn't notice anything unusual.

"This is an ancestral item of my family. My ancestor was also a cultivator in the Expanding Aperture period. Later, the family fell into poverty. For hundreds of years, I was the only one who could practice. My father gave me the necklace before he died.

I don't know exactly what it is, but my father once said that this jade pendant is very

It is very important and related to the endless forest, so I want to give this pendant to Lu Dage, hope it can help you. "Zi Xuan looked at Lu Chen sincerely.

Lu Chen took the pendant upon hearing this, and injected Divine Sense into it, checking back and forth, but he didn't see any clues.

But considering that Zixuan's ancestor was Power in the Expanding Aperture period, it should be impossible to be aimless.

After checking again to no avail, Lu Chen handed the necklace to Zixuan and said, "I don't see any difference yet, why don't you wear it yourself! It's pretty pretty."

"There's no reason to return the things that girls give away. I've gone to practice." Zixuan said playfully, and then she really started to practice with her eyes closed in Lotus Position on the bed.

Lu Chen smiled, injected Divine Sense into the pendant again, and at the same time analyzed the jade pendant with the Chaos of Luck.

At this time, a green light flashed faintly inside the jade pendant, and under the action of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, Divine Sense successfully read the content inside. Lu Chen did not expect that this small pendant was actually a message Jade Slip.

After reading the content inside, Lu Chen was shocked, and looked at Zixuan sitting in the Lotus Position with complicated eyes,

She wondered whether she wanted to swallow the content all by herself, if she didn't tell her she wouldn't know, and she gave the jade pendant to herself.

But if it is said, what if she regrets it, after all, the content recorded in it is really shocking.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Chen decided to tell Zixuan the contents of Jade Slip, as for the final result, it is up to God.

After thinking about it, Lu Chen suddenly felt that his own state of mind suddenly became clear, and his whole body was very relaxed.

Lu Chen feels that it won't be long before he can break through to the Foundation Establishment late stage.

"Zixuan! I have something very important to tell you." Lu Chen said solemnly.

"Lu Dage! What's wrong?" Zixuan was a little startled seeing Lu Chen's solemn expression.

"Your necklace pendant is actually a message Jade Slip, I think it is necessary to tell you the contents inside." Lu Chen said solemnly.

"Oh? Really? Did Lu Dage successfully solve the mystery? That's really great." Zixuan happily showed a sweet smile.

so next

Lu Chen told Zi Xuan what he saw.

The world is mysterious and yellow, the universe is prehistoric, and when the chaos first opened, some spiritual creatures were born in the universe, and these spiritual creatures are collectively called Spiritual Roots.

Spiritual Roots can be divided into Innate and Acquired. Those that existed before the world was opened are called Innate, and those that grow naturally after the opening of the world are all acquired.

In the Universe, there are ten top Innate Spiritual Roots, which are: chaotic green lotus, flat peach tree, ginseng fruit, yellow plum, green willow, bitter bamboo, Calabash vine, fairy almond tree, hibiscus tree, and laurel tree.

This Jade Slip not only records the names of the top ten Innate Spiritual Roots, but also the appearance characteristics and functions of each Spiritual Roots,

What's more terrible is that there is also a simple map inside, which should be drawn by Zixuan's ancestors. It impressively records the location of Bitter Bamboo, one of the top ten spiritual roots, and it is in the endless forest.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he handed the necklace and jade pendant to Zixuan, and Zixuan was also shocked after hearing it.

After all, this news is too shocking, if leaked out, it will be enough to drive the entire Cultivation World crazy.

"Lu Dage! Thank you for telling me this. In fact, you don't need to tell me this. Back then, my ancestors couldn't get the bitter bamboo, and it was even more impossible for me to get it.

Besides, Lu Dage, you have spent so many Spirit Stones to save me. If Lu Dage can get bitter bamboo because of me, I will be very happy. "Zi Xuan was very moved in her heart.

At the same time, he also admired Lu Chen's openness even more, and pushed back the necklace pendant.

"This... alright! I will find a way to compensate you in the future." Lu Chen didn't evade any more, after all, bitter bamboo, one of the top ten spiritual roots, is too precious to be refused.

"Hehe... Lu Dage don't regret it, I don't need Lu Dage to make up for anything, as long as Lu Dage has me in his heart." Zixuan was as happy as a child, and she finally had the opportunity to enter Lu Chen's heart.

"I still have some resources here, you can use them first, and I will come to you when I come back from the endless forest trial," Lu Chen took out a storage bag, and put some Spirit Stones and Medicine Pill in it, enough for her breakthrough The Dao Qi Refining Period is Dzogchen.

This time Zixuan did not refuse, she also wanted to improve her strength quickly so that she could do more things for Lu Chen.

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