Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 72 The Far West Of Beichen

The next day, Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang, and Zhao Chengzhi arrived as scheduled.

Lu Chen asked Yang Yunfei to find a shelter for Zixuan temporarily, and pick her up when he came back from the endless forest.

Yang Yunfei was also willing to help when he heard the words, so he suggested that Miss Zixuan could go to his family's alchemy building as a receptionist, so that she could earn Spirit Stones with her own ability without delaying her cultivation.

After Zixuan heard the words, she readily agreed, reluctantly said goodbye to Lu Chen, and said that she would wait for him in Shun'an City, and secretly kissed Lu Chen when she left. This scene made Yang Yunfei and others booed.

There are hundreds of states in southern Xinjiang, and the westernmost state covers an area several times larger than other states. With vast grasslands and blue sky, it is called Western Tibet.

Because it borders the endless forest, most of the cultivator enters the endless forest and never returns, so it is named "Buried West" state

The Spiritual Qi here is relatively thin, so the total population of the cultivator is slightly smaller than that of other states.

Most of the cultivators who come here are to enter the endless forest and obtain cultivation resources. The endless forest not only has countless Demonic Beasts, but also various precious spiritual herbs.

Most cultivators are usually only active in the periphery. Even if some cultivators with advanced Cultivation Base go deeper, the distance is very limited, otherwise it is easy to get lost, and once lost, the consequences will be disastrous.

Because there are high rank Demonic Beasts of different levels in the depths of the endless forest, their combat power is not inferior to that of human high rank cultivators, and they are even more ferocious. They also regard human cultivators as hunting targets.

There is nothing in a majestic and resplendent palace, except for a circular formation groove the size of a football field in the center of the palace.

suddenly! Mysterious runes emerged from the circular formation groove, and after a burst of golden light flashed, a large group of cultivators appeared out of nowhere in the formation, both men and women, about five or six thousand people, very magical.

The originally empty and quiet palace began to be noisy and noisy.

After a while of dizziness, Lu Chen, Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang, and Zhao Chengzhi felt their feet suddenly feel solid, and when they saw the surrounding environment clearly, they all showed joyful expressions.

Because of the long distance, each of the four spent 30,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones to take a ride from Shun'an City.

The teleportation array came directly to Zhongba City in Xizang Prefecture.

"Haha... Lu Chen! We are here." Yang Yunfei waved and shouted.

Similar shouts are constantly ringing around, and other cultivators have also found their own companions, or are looking around to find their own companions.

"I didn't expect there to be so many people! When we set off, there were only four of us, but now there are thousands of people arriving. It's really amazing." Lu Chen came to Yang Yunfei and others, and said happily that it was his first time riding teleportation array.

"This should be the cultivator who just arrived with us from another city. In fact, this is also the first time we have taken a long-distance teleportation array." Qi Yutang looked around curiously and smiled.

"This is Zhongba City, let's go! Let's find a place to live first, and then take a stroll. I heard that the most popular thing here is stone gambling. We must go and see it after the registration is completed." Zhao Chengzhi smiled. .

"Stone gambling? What is stone gambling?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"Haha... I knew you would ask this question, you! You should read more books Jade Slip, and you can't just focus on cultivation. Let's go! I'll tell you after I settle down first." Zhao Chengzhi patted Lu Chen's Shoulder, said old-fashioned.

"Zhao Chengzhi, don't always show your sense of superiority there. If your family is not in the Jade Slip book business, how would you know so much information?" Qi Yutang stood up to speak for Lu Chen.

"What happened to the book Jade Slip business? Have you never used the books produced by my family since you were literate?" Zhao Chengzhi retorted, and several people followed the crowd to leave the teleportation hall amidst the noise.

"Cooking cakes... Delicious cooking cakes... Would you like some cooking cakes for the senior? This is made of high-quality Lingmai, it's delicious." A person less than 1.2 meters tall,

The honest-looking middle-aged man, the Cultivation Base on the eighth floor of the Qi Refining Stage, pushed a wooden trolley, and hawked to passers-by on the main street of Zhongba City.

"Pineapple! Sweet and delicious pineapple, picked from the endless forest, eating a pineapple can enhance a little bit of Cultivation Base." A little boy who looked 15 or 16 years old shouted with a basket of pineapple .

"Senior! Would you like to take a look at the gambling stone, this is the latest raw material mined from the endless forest,

As long as one middle-grade Spirit Stones, maybe a treasure worth one hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones can be opened...

Alas... senior don't go! Or I'll give you a little cheaper. "A stall owner said anxiously when he saw that the customers were not very interested.

Zhongba City is located in the westernmost part of Western Tibet, and is the closest to the Endless Forest. Standing at the gate of the city, you can directly see the edge of the Endless Forest. Its land area and cultivator population are comparable to first-tier cities.

Because the trials organized by the Seven Sects officially started three days later, almost all the inns in Zhongba City were overcrowded, and the prices were several times higher than usual.

A random room usually only needs 30 low-rank Spirit Stones, but now it actually costs 300 low-rank Spirit Stones.

Lu Chen and the others managed to find two remaining rooms in a good-looking Lingxi Building. They had no choice but to make do with it first, after all, three days would soon pass.

So Lu Chen shared a room with Yang Yunfei, and Qi Yutang and Zhao Chengzhi were together.

"Brother Yunfei! Where do you sign up for the trial? How do you sign up? I'm still confused about this, can you tell me something?" Lu Chen laughed.

"Hehe...Brother Lu, you are welcome. In fact, it is the first time for us to participate in the trial, but the elders in the family said that you can go to the place designated by the seven sects to register and receive a special jade token the day before the trial. This kind of jade token It has the function of receiving signals.

There is a large formation signal tower on the outskirts of the endless forest, which is jointly built by the seven Sects. The signal can radiate a certain range. As long as the cultivator is within the signal range, it will not lose its way. If it leaves this range, it may never come back. up.

Normally, the formation signal towers are closed, so the cultivator can only operate outside, but with the help of the formation signal towers, everyone can go deeper into the endless forest. "Yang Yunfei said carefully.

Hearing what he said, Lu Chen probably understood in his heart, no wonder there will be trials hosted by the seven sects.

"Then why do the seven sects allow other aristocratic families or Rogue Cultivators to join the trial? Isn't it good for you to have it all for yourself?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"This is the brilliance of the seven sects. You will understand when you get the jade card and enter the endless forest." Yang Yunfei laughed and gave Lu Chen a pass.

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