Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 73 Qiankun Stone Workshop

The three major regions of Beichen Prefecture are: Northern Territory, Central Plains and Southern Border, divided from top to bottom.

In Zhongba City in Xizang Prefecture of Southern Xinjiang, three days later is the day when the Endless Forest Trial hosted by the Seven Sects will start, so the number of cultivators coming and going in Zhongba City has increased significantly, and the streets and alleys are unprecedentedly lively.

The main street is even more crowded with people, bustling and bustling.

"Xuan'er! We should find a place to settle down first, and then go out shopping, otherwise there will be no place to stay when it's late." A handsome young man in a light blue robe followed behind a young woman, persuading road.

"Zhang Haoyang! Please don't be so close, please? We've only known each other for a few days." The girl said displeased, and then continued to walk forward, as if she saw something new and interesting.

Zhang Haoyang gave a bitter smile, so he had no choice but to chase after them, and then two figures appeared, not far behind them,

If Lu Chen were here, he would definitely recognize these two people. They were Uncle Zhao and Aunt Zhao who helped him out of trouble in Longquan City, and Cultivation Base of Gold Core Dzogchen.

Because Zhao Chengzhi's family is in the business of book Jade Slip, he has read a lot of books since he was a child, and he likes to read all kinds of books Jade Slip after practicing. Therefore, in terms of knowledge, Zhao Chengzhi is the highest between Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang.

But today, Zhao Chengzhi has stole the limelight, especially when he introduced the cultural features and geographical features of Zhongba City, he talked eloquently, and his sense of self-confidence is overwhelming.

Even Lu Chen had to admit that this kid did have a trick.

Among them is the unique characteristic gambling stone in Zhongba City. Gambling stone is a professional term in Cultivation World's refinement.

It is a way of trading raw mineral resources, mainly popular in the edge of the endless forest, with the nature of gambling.

When Spirit Stones or other mineral resources are mined, they are covered with a layer of weathered skin stones, and it is impossible to know what is inside.

Even a cultivator in the Transformation Stage cannot use Divine Sense to view it, and it must be cut to know what resource it is.

So when Lu Chen and others settled down, Zhao Chengzhi took a group of people to Gambling Stone Street, where there are countless large and small Gambling Stone shops on this street.

Zhao Chengzhi took the lead in finding a stone workshop that looked good in scale.

It also has an atmospheric name called "Qiankun Stone Square"

"One knife, The Underworld, carefully selected, half a piece of Spirit Stones, Bo Tian, ​​horizontal inscription: There is Qiankun inside." Lu Chen read with great interest, this is a couplet at the entrance of "Qiankun Stone Workshop".

"What are you looking at? Cheng Zhi and the others have all gone in." Seeing Lu Chen stop, Yang Yunfei came over and asked.

"'s nothing, I just think this couplet is more interesting." Lu Chen pointed to the gate of Qiankun Stone Square and said.

"'s really interesting, but it's also a true portrayal of gambling with stones. If you're lucky, a few pieces of raw materials bought by low-grade Spirit Stones can produce a piece of top-level refining material. It's worth tens of thousands of mid-grade Spirit Stones or even if you sell it casually. More,

If you are unlucky, you will get nothing if you go down with a knife, and you will lose all your money. "Yang Yunfei smiled after reading the couplet.

"Let's go! Let's go and see what's going on with this gambling stone." Lu Chen and Yang Yunfei went into the Qiankun Stone Workshop.

As soon as you enter the door, a beautiful cultivator takes Lu Chen and Yang Yunfei to the back garden. There are all kinds of pavilions and waterside pavilions in the back garden. Various rough stones, large and small, are placed along the way. The cultivator can enjoy the scenery while selecting rough stones.

There are many cultivators coming and going, and some cultivators stop and stay from time to time, commenting on the rough stone in front of them, but they just don't make a move.

"Where did Zhao Chengzhi go?" Lu Chen asked.

"It should be in the front, you go shopping first, I'll look for them." Yang Yunfei knew that Lu Chen didn't have many Spirit Stones anymore, and Lu Chen had explained it before, so he thought that Lu Chen would not buy raw materials to gamble with stones. Zhao Chengzhi came here to gamble on stones on purpose. He wanted to see the process of betting on stones.

"It's okay! You go first, I'll come to you later." Lu Chen said, he really didn't have many Spirit Stones on him now, and all the Spirit Stones he got before were used to redeem Zixuan's body.

After Yang Yunfei left, Lu Chen casually picked up a rough stone the size of a grapefruit at his feet, with a price tag of five middle-grade Spirit Stones on it.

From the appearance, it is indeed no different from ordinary stones. Lu Chen tried to inject Divine Sense into it, but found that the Divine Sense seemed to be separated, and it was impossible to see the situation inside the original stone.

"Senior! Are you going to buy rough stones? I suggest you buy raw materials with a slightly higher price, so that the probability of finding precious resources will be lower.

Bigger," a beautiful cultivator wearing the logo of Qiankun Shifang and Foundation Establishment early stage smiled and said, she should be the receptionist in charge of this area.

"No! I just took a look," Lu Chen smiled, and put the rough stone in his hand back to its original place.

"Yes, senior. My name is Xiaoqing. If you have a rough stone you like, remember to call me. I will be in charge of explaining the stone and handling the sales procedures." Xiaoqing smiled politely, and then went to greet other cultivators.

After Xiaoqing left, Lu Chen picked up a pineapple-sized rough stone again. This time, he secretly carried the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, gathered the true essence in the palm of his hand, intending to analyze the rough stone like analyzing spiritual herbs.

At this time, there is a strong fluctuation of Spirit Power in the palm of the hand, and when the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue is stopped, the strong fluctuation of Spirit Power disappears again.

In order to confirm the conjecture in his heart, Lu Chen put down the rough stone in his hand, and touched several rough stones with the Dao Sheng Jue of Chaos. Some rough stones had no fluctuation of Spirit Power, and some rough stones had little fluctuation of Spirit Power.

Lu Chen guessed that there should be good resources in rough stones with large fluctuations in Spirit Power, and rough stones without Spirit Power fluctuations are really just stones.

This discovery made Lu Chen very excited, and once again lamented the power of the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue in his heart, "Haha... I've made a fortune now!" Lu Chen said happily.

"Xiaoqing! Please come over here. I want to buy this rough stone. How can I deliver it to Spirit Stones?" Lu Chen picked up the pineapple-sized rough stone and called Xiaoqing not far away.

"Senior! Are you sure you want to buy this rough stone?" Xiaoqing tried to keep a smile on her face, because she has almost no commission for this rough stone, and she has to be responsible for unlocking the rough stone.

"En! I want this one. Maybe I'm lucky and I might be able to find a good resource." Lu Chen showed a harmless smile.

"Alright then! Just give me five low-grade Spirit Stones." Xiaoqing said lightly,

After receiving the five low-grade Spirit Stones, he took out the information Jade Slip of this rough stone from the storage bag and handed it to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen took the Jade Slip and took a look at the contents of the Jade Slip, and then he understood the meaning. It was a bit like an invoice. Every rough stone should have a Jade Slip with information.

"Wait a minute! Can you slowly wipe off the stone skin?" Lu Chen suddenly suggested.

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