Xiaoqing felt a little displeased when she heard that, you said you spent five low-grade Spirit Stones to buy a piece of scrap, why did you ask me to spend so much effort?

Which of the original stones here has not been appraised by an experienced appraiser? Do you really think you can pick up the big leak?

These words flashed quickly in Xiaoqing's mind, and then she showed a toothy smile and said, "Okay! senior!"

Lu Chen didn't care about Xiaoqing's expression, he only cared about what kind of treasure he could get.

Xiaoqing took out a special Magical Item, and slowly scraped off the stone skin on the surface of the rough stone like peeling a pineapple.

I have to say that Xiaoqing's technique was pretty good, but after a lap, the rough stone looked like a pineapple with the skin peeled off, but nothing was found. Xiaoqing cast a questioning look at Lu Chen,

It means, look, there is nothing! Shall I punch it up for you?

"Excuse me! Keep wiping!" Lu Chen smiled.

Xiaoqing felt contemptuous when she heard this, so she continued to cut the knife like a pineapple, but when the knife went down, a strong Spiritual Qi came out. With her years of experience, she immediately knew that this was a sign of a big rise.

"Ex...senior! It's so high!" Xiaoqing looked at Lu Chen in disbelief and said, she didn't expect this piece of rough stone that was identified as waste to reveal such a strong Spiritual Qi.

"Haha...Really? That's great, I just took a cheap rough stone, and it actually went up! Untie it and see what it is?" Lu Chen pretended to be surprised, then surprised, happy laughed.

"En!" Hearing this, Xiaoqing calmed down and continued to cut, this time she was extra careful, for fear of scratching the resources inside.

Leakage of Spiritual Qi can only mean that it has risen sharply, but it is still impossible to see what is inside.

Many cultivators around here heard the news of the big rise, and they came to watch and asked each other what was going on.

After Xiaoqing peeled off another layer of the stone skin, a touch of fiery red was exposed inside, Xiaoqing's eyes lit up, she had a guess in her heart, and she couldn't believe her guess, so she continued to strike.

Carefully scrape off the last thin layer of stone powder on the surface, a fiery red, crystal clear ore appeared in front of everyone.

"Senior! Look! It's Huo Yuanjing, and it's a top-level Huo Yuanjing." Xiaoqing

Shouted excitedly, and handed the Huo Yuanjing to Lu Chen.

"Huoyuanjing is hard and is the top material for refining Lingbao. Moreover, it is such a large piece. I estimate that it is worth at least 200,000 medium-grade Spirit Stones." A middle-aged cultivator in the crowd commented.

"What? Two... 200,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones. I just heard that the cultivator only spent five low-grade Spirit Stones to buy rough stones. Oh my god, this is a huge increase!" The cultivator next to him Hearing this, he was surprised.

"What did you say? Did he only spend five low-tier Spirit Stones? This cultivator's luck is too heaven-defying!" Another cultivator exaggerated.

The surrounding crowd began to make noise, talking about how heaven-defying Lu Chen's luck was, and the news of the surge here seemed to have wings, and quickly spread throughout the Qiankun Stone Workshop.

"Haha... Thank you so much, you and I have really good luck today." Lu Chen took the Huo Yuanjing and looked at the Huo Yuanjing in his hand with joy,

Xiaoqing looked at Lu Chen anxiously, secretly happy in her heart, betting on stones is based on luck, if she can help customers solve the soaring rough stones, according to the rules, she can get a lot of rewards.

"Hehe... This little friend is really lucky. Can you give up this piece of Huoyuanjing and sell it to the old man? I am willing to give you 200,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones. What do you think?" An old man in the crowd smiled. Said, he also came here after hearing the news.

Lu Chen was secretly shocked when he saw that he couldn't see the old man's Cultivation Base.

"Hehe... the senior has won the prize! Yes!" Lu Chen Divine Sense controlled Huo Yuanjing to fly in front of the old man, and a storage bag appeared in front of him. After Divine Sense checked it,

Satisfied, Lu Chen put the storage bag into the Golden Bead World. Now is the time when he is short of money, and he does not know how to refine weapons. If someone is willing to buy it, he is of course willing to sell it, and the price is more reasonable.

After the transaction between the two parties was completed, the crowd of cultivators also began to disperse, and many cultivators began to buy some rough stones priced at a few low-grade Spirit Stones, hoping to have a big price increase like Lu Chen did.

The psychology of human nature to follow suit exists everywhere.

Not to mention, there are really cultivators who spend a few dollars on low-end Spirit Stones in the low-price area to open up a good resource, but there is no such thing as Lu Chen.

What an exaggeration, but also a small profit.

"senior!" Seeing that Lu Chen finished the transaction, Xiaoqing planned to leave directly.

"Uh... is there anything else?" Lu Chen wondered, he was going to find Yang Yunfei and the others.

"This... okay... senior, do you know the rules?" Xiaoqing said coyly,

The rules are actually a kind of lottery. The guests usually reward the reception staff of Jieshi with some Spirit Stones after a big increase. Over time, it has become a rule.

"Rules? Oh...Sorry! I forgot in a moment of excitement," Lu Chen was puzzled at first, and then suddenly realized that Zhao Chengzhi had said something about the rules.

Then he took out a storage bag and handed it to Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing didn't hesitate, took the storage bag, said thank you, and left, because she felt that it was too embarrassing.

"Lu Chen! It's not good! Something happened to Zhao Chengzhi! I came here specially to find you." Yang Yunfei rushed over and said anxiously.

"What happened?" Lu Chen asked with concern.

"Oh! Go! Talk while walking!" Yang Yunfei dragged Lu Chen to the back garden of Qiankun Stone Workshop.

"One piece of The Underworld is carefully selected, and half a piece of Spirit Stones is for Tiantang, with a horizontal comment: there is heaven and earth inside." Wang Jingxuan read with great interest,

When she came to "Qiankun Stone Square", she was also attracted by the couplets at the door.

"Miss Jingxuan! You can't go to this stone workshop. If you're unlucky, you might lose your fortune." Zhang Haoyang persuaded.

"You crow's mouth, it's unreasonable for you to curse me before I even entered. If you are afraid, go back to the inn and stay alone, and don't follow me anymore." Wang Jingxuan's face changed when he heard this.

"Me!" Zhang Haoyang originally wanted to refute a few words, but he took it back when he heard the words.

Seeing Zhang Haoyang's long-winded and cowardly appearance, Wang Jingxuan didn't get angry, and walked into Qiankun Stone Square on his own.

Zhang Haoyang shook his head and caught up with Wang Jingxuan.

The two were taken to the back garden by the beautiful cultivator who was in charge of reception at the door. They saw many cultivators looting the rough stones.

From time to time, there are rumors that a cultivator just spent only five low-grade Spirit Stones and issued fire crystals worth 200,000 mid-grade Spirit Stones.

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