Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 75 The Trap Of Tianyuan Pavilion

Wang Jingxuan's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he also ran to join in the fun. Xiaoqing came to introduce at the right time, looking very proud and proud. Biqu library

Under the description of the parties, Wang Jingxuan was as excited as other cultivators, and began to choose rough stones.

After Lu Chen left, she secretly took out the storage bag that Lu Chen gave her. She didn't know if she didn't look at it. She was shocked when she saw that there were actually a thousand middle-grade Spirit Stones. This made her very happy, so she did Get up and work harder.

Because the rough stones of the low-grade Spirit Stones had already been sold out, Wang Jingxuan could only choose the rough stones with a slightly higher price.

Randomly pointed to six watermelon-sized rough stones, and asked Xiaoqing to go through the sales procedures, and only spent a total of 200 low-grade Spirit Stones.

"Ms. Jingxuan! I think these rough stones are so cheap, and there shouldn't be anything of value. If you really want to play with them, let's go and buy some more expensive ones!" Zhang Haoyang kindly reminded.

Hearing this, Wang Jingxuan forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and ordered Xiaoqing to start dissolving the stone.

As a result, there was not even a hair on the six rough stones. Wang Jingxuan was angry, and she was very unwilling to admit defeat. Why did others have such luck, but she did not.

He pointed to dozens of rough stones one after another, but the result was still the same, and nothing came out.

"Miss Jingxuan..." Zhang Haoyang planned to persuade her.

"Shut up!" Wang Jingxuan scolded coldly.

Then he said to Xiaoqing: "These...and these...let me untie them all, I don't believe in this evil anymore!"

"Uh...Okay!" Xiaoqing said happily, fearing that Wang Jingxuan would go back on his word, he hurriedly helped her complete the sales procedures, and if the scraps were sold out, she would also be able to get a lot of commission.

However, with hundreds of rough stones, nothing of value was found, and more than a thousand mid-grade Spirit Stones were spent. Spirit Stones cost little, but the point is that they are extremely insulting.

Wang Jingxuan walked towards the inner courtyard with a dark face, Zhang Haoyang chased after him without making a sound.

After Yang Yunfei's brief explanation, Lu Chen frowned slightly.

It turned out that Zhao Chengzhi came to the inner court to gamble on stones by relying on his own knowledge of stone gambling. He made a small fortune at the beginning, and won more than 100,000 mid-grade Spirit Stones.

So Zhao Chengzhi was a little flustered, and under the booing of the crowd around him, he picked out a few more expensive rough stones

, the result is definitely a loss.

At this time, Qi Yutang advised him to stop in time to at least make money, but Zhao Chengzhi quit, saying that he was careless just now, so he picked a few more rough stones, but he still lost tens of thousands of middle-grade Spirit Stones. Biqu library

At this time, a Fatty cultivator said that he would first lend Zhao Chengzhi tens of thousands of middle-grade Spirit Stones to recoup the money without interest.

At this time, Zhao Chengzhi just took a fancy to another high-quality rough stone and thought that something would definitely come out, so he borrowed Spirit Stones from Fatty.

Seeing that something was wrong, Qi Yutang asked Yang Yunfei to come to Lu Chen to see if he could help. After all, Lu Chen has quite a lot of experience in Rivers and Lakes.

"Open! Open! Open..." In the inner garden of Qiankun Stone Workshop, in the high-grade rough stone area, a group of people are shouting for Master Jieshi to announce the results.

Zhao Chengzhi's face was flushed, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his eyes were full of red light, and he stared nervously at Master Jieshi's hands, his eyes were red from gambling.

Just now, the knife fell down cleanly, but the original stone did not separate, and was held down by the stone master with his hands.

"It's him! You're driving it!" Zhao Chengzhi jumped up and said angrily. This is his only chance to turn around. If he wins, he can not only repay the one million mid-grade Spirit Stones he owes, but also make a small profit. If you lose, no! I will not lose.

Zhao Chengzhi felt extremely regretful at this moment. If he could stop earlier, not only would he earn more than 200,000 mid-grade Spirit Stones, but he would not owe so many Spirit Stones.

Master Jieshi is an old man in his 60s. He integrated the early stage Cultivation Base. I saw him slowly moving his hands around, and the rough stone the size of a wax gourd was gradually split in half from the middle.

"Wow..." The onlookers burst into an uproar.

"Crash! Crash! The 500,000 rough stones bought by Spirit Stones actually collapsed." Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

"Hey... This little brother has misjudged his eyes. I heard that he borrowed usury to buy the rough stone. It's miserable."

Various discussions followed one after another, and Zhao Chengzhi stared blankly at the rough stone that was divided into two.

"No! No, it's clearly stated in the book that this will definitely produce top-level refining materials. How could this happen?" Zhao Chengzhi knelt on his knees and rushed forward suddenly.

The true essence gathered in the palm of his hand and shattered the rough stone the size of a wax gourd, but there was still no miracle.

"Haha... I

I believe in books all my life, but I can't believe in books," Zhao Chengzhi, like a madman, took out the Magical Item long sword and cut off his neck, wanting to commit suicide.

"Ding..." A ray of true energy knocked the long sword in Zhao Chengzhi's hand to the ground.

"Hmph! Boy! You still owe me 1.5 million middle-grade Spirit Stones, what? Do you want to die?" a Fatty cultivator said coldly.

"When did I owe you 1.5 million medium-grade Spirit Stones? Isn't it 1 million medium-grade Spirit Stones? Didn't you say no interest?" Zhao Chengzhi roared like crazy.

"Hehe... the previous 100,000 medium-grade Spirit Stones did not require interest, but the 800,000 medium-grade Spirit Stones you borrowed later did have interest. This is an IOU you signed yourself, why? You still want to renege on the debt No way?" Fatty cultivator waved the IOU in his hand, it was clearly written in black and white, and he couldn't renege on the debt.

"Haha...haha... I don't want Spirit Stones, but I do have one. Take it if you want it!" Zhao Chengzhi laughed loudly, and at this moment he also understood that he had fallen into the other party's trap.

I only blame myself for being stupid for not reading the IOU carefully, and I also blame myself for being greedy. I still want to make money after losing the bet, so that I get deeper and deeper.

"Huh! I've seen people like you a lot. No one has taken the Spirit Stones from our Tianyuan Pavilion. If we can't get them, I'll cancel his Dantian. Then find out his identity and take the IOU. His family wants a bill." The Fatty cultivator said disdainfully.

After speaking, a big man who integrated the middle stage walked towards Zhao Chengzhi.

"Tianyuan Pavilion? This is terrible! This cultivator's family may also suffer." A cultivator in the crowd sighed softly.

"That's right! Tianyuan Pavilion has a strong background. It is rumored that it has an indescribable relationship with the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. It usually commits crimes and commits all kinds of evil. How many cultivators have been buried in Tianyuan Pavilion's hands, hey..." Another cultivator echoed in a low voice.

"No! Please! Don't involve my family, I will find a way to return the Spirit Stones to you as soon as possible." When Zhao Chengzhi heard that the other party was from Tianyuan Pavilion, he immediately became cowardly.

If the Spirit Stones are not returned, the family may face annihilation, and by then, he will become a sinner of the Zhao family.

Zhao Chengzhi knelt down on his knees, regretting so much, he kept begging for the Fatty cultivator, not caring that the big man who merged with the middle stage was slowly walking towards him, wanting to abolish his Dantian.

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