Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 83: Being Beaten Is Learning

"Jade plaque No. 9527, Rogue Cultivators Lu Chen, has fallen." In the Great Hall of the command center on the first floor of the formation signal tower, a cultivator integrated with the middle stage is using Jade Slip to describe the information of the fallen cultivator.

Whenever the red dot on the big screen disappears, there are only two possibilities, either he has fallen, or he has escaped the signal coverage of the formation signal tower.

Obviously he thinks that Lu Chen's Cultivation Base cannot be the second possibility.

"Huh? Why did the red dot 9527 appear again? Did he come back to life without being completely dead? Or is there a problem with the signal in that area? I'll record it." The cultivator who fused with the middle stage just now was puzzled murmured puzzledly,

It also automatically replenished the brain with a reasonable reason, and then continued to check the red dot that disappeared on the big screen.

In the world of golden beads, Lu Chen recalled the experience just now in shock. He remembered that he smelled a charming fragrance, and then he seemed to have a strange dream.

Thinking of the charming scene in the dream, and the scene of a few people wearing modern clothes, it had a special charm, Lu Chen smiled.

Thinking that he almost became the food of Demonic Beasts, Lu Chen also had lingering fears. Fortunately, Zhou Hongfu woke him up in a dream at the critical moment.

"The scent is amazing, it can actually make people hallucinate. If I go out now, I must be in the belly of Demonic Beasts. I was too hasty just now and didn't see the level of Demonic Beasts. If I go out now, will it be too dangerous? Already." Lu Chen said to himself.

"Croak...croak..." This was the cry of the Gold Devouring Toad.

"Hehe... yes!" Lu Chen felt the location of the ancient mythical beast Pixiu, and appeared in the territory of "Little Earthworm" in the next second.

At this moment, the little earthworm is sleeping and screaming in his hut. It seems that besides sleeping, he is eating. Sleeping after eating is the only two things he can do.

Lu Chen intends to throw the little earth out first, even if it is in the belly of the Demonic Beasts, with the ability of the little earthworm, he can eat the inner alchemy of the Demonic Beasts first, so that no matter what kind of Demonic Beasts they are, they will definitely die.

"Haha... little guy! It's time to eat!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

Xiaoji looked at Lu Chen in bewilderment, his small eyes rolled away, and suddenly felt the master's Divine Sense in the next second, thinking that the master was going to let it out,

After all, the outside world is richer and more colorful than the world of Jinzhu.

, so linger on the outside world.

Sure enough, the ancient mythical beast Pixiu disappeared in the blink of an eye, and Lu Chen only needed to wait a while in the golden bead world.

When it was estimated that the time would be about the same, Lu Chen left the world of Jinzhu with a thought.

As expected, the little worm did not disappoint him. The inner alchemy of the giant Demonic Beasts was completely eaten by the little worm, and he couldn't die anymore.

When Lu Chen came out, the surroundings were pitch black. Divine Sense checked and found that he was still in the mouth of the Demonic Beasts. Lu Chen felt very lucky.

Because if it's in the stomach of a Demonic Beasts, it's going to suck.

After sending Xiaocho into the world of Jinzhu, Lu Chen's eyes froze, Wulian's heart fire burst out of his body in an instant, and the blue flame enveloped him. Lu Chen stood in the sky fire like a Vulcan, and the body of Demonic Beasts blinked. into nothingness.

"Hehe... Tianhuo is really domineering this day," Lu Chen said with a satisfied smile, without any sense of overkill, since no one would see it anyway.

Lu Chen began to look at the surrounding environment. He was in an Immortal Cave, surrounded by hard rocks, and the air was filled with a fiery atmosphere.

At first he thought it was caused by the sky fire, but after Lu Chen took the sky fire into his body, the fiery breath still existed, and Lu Chen felt that something was wrong.

The terrain in Immortal Cave is from low to high, and Divine Sense extends out. Lu Chen frowned. He is in an underground cave. There is only one exit in the cave, and there seems to be a formation light curtain at the entrance of the cave. flushed.

Lu Chen used Xuantian Nine Steps to reach the entrance of the cave. The entrance of the cave is about the same size as the entrance of a train tunnel. The closer to the entrance of the cave, the higher the temperature. This is because there is a natural formation barrier at the entrance of the cave, otherwise the temperature should be higher.

Through the formation light curtain, Lu Chen could clearly see that the red species outside was actually magma.

"It's over now, I can't go back!" Lu Chen murmured.

Lu Chen used the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, and gradually approached the light curtain, and the temperature gradually increased. When Lu Chen reached the light curtain and could touch it with his hand, the clothes on his body had been reduced to ashes.

His whole body was flushed red. If it wasn't for the body protection of the Primal Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, his body would probably be scorched.

Lu Chen stood at the entrance of the cave, picked up a stone from the ground and threw it towards the transparent light curtain. He thought that the stone would be bounced away, and that way the stone would go straight through the light.

The curtain was quickly swallowed by magma.

This shows that he can also fly out.

But just flying out like this, I guess I also got the lunch box in advance.

"Hey... what the hell is this place?" Lu Chen sighed.

Glancing at the fiery red magma, Lu Chen took out the Magical Item long sword, planning to pry some magma in through the light curtain to study it.

When the long sword successfully pried a large lump of magma in, Lu Chen saw that the Magical Item long sword showed no signs of damage, and suddenly he had an idea.

"Haha... Vajra is not bad, water and fire are invulnerable, that's right." Lu Chen laughed loudly.

He was inspired and thought that on the parchment scroll he got from Horn, it was written that if the cultivator reached a certain Realm, he would be able to achieve Vajra invulnerable, water and fire invulnerable.

In other words, as long as my body refining technique reaches that Realm, I will no longer be afraid of the magma, and I can even take a bath in the magma.

Just doing what he said, Lu Chen entered the world of golden beads, found the sheepskin scroll, immediately sat in the Lotus Position, and began to practice the contents on the sheepskin scroll.

Although it is a fragment, it doesn't matter, the chaotic Daosheng Jue will automatically generate the incomplete part later, and the body refining technique derived from the Chaos Daosheng Jue is definitely stronger than the original one.

As the so-called external training of muscles, bones and skin, internal training of one breath, there are three stages of body training,

The first stage is: skin refining, meat refining, tendon refining;

The second stage is: Minggu, Mingfu, Mingzang;

The third stage is: transforming blood, transforming marrow, transforming veins.

As for the body refining technique derived from the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, the division of realms has changed.

It is divided into nine Realms: Spiritual Realm, Zongti Realm, Royal Realm, Monarch Realm, Royal Realm, Sacred Body Realm, Zun Physical Realm, Emperor Physical Realm, and Divine Physical Realm.

If Lu Chen completes the first three stages of cultivation, he can basically reach the king body state.

Lu Chen called the new body refining technique Chaos Body Refining Technique.

In order to complete the first stage: skin refining, meat refining, tendon refining;

A terrible scene happened in the world of Jinzhu.

Lu Chen Divine Sense communicates with the Golden Toad and the Sky Knife Mantis to beat themselves hard to achieve the effect of refining the skin.

If you want to beat someone, you must first learn how to be beaten. Lu Chen still understands this.

"Ah..." In the golden bead world, Lu Chen screamed again and again.

He even had some doubts that these two guys were out to take revenge on him, and the shot must have been too heavy, it really hurt too much.

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