Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 84 Copper Skin And Iron Bone

The command center in the Great Hall on the first floor of the formation signal tower is responsible for recording the fusion period of the cultivator's fall information. The cultivator is called Pan Shou. He has been engaged in this work more than ten times, and has a work experience of more than 100 years.

He had never encountered anything like today, which made him very confused.

Because Lu Chen entered the world of golden beads many times and was beaten, and after being beaten, he ran to the formation light curtain to test the effectiveness of the body training technique.

So much so that the red dot information on the screen disappeared and reappeared many times, so that Pan Shou didn't know whether he was recording this guy named Lu Chen dead or not.

"Brother Pan! What made you so moody?" asked the cultivator next to Pan Shou.

"Brother Zhang! There seems to be something wrong with the upgrade of the formation signal tower this time. There have been problems that have not occurred in previous years." Pan Shou said in a low voice.

Zhang Chengze is also a cultivator who integrates the middle stage, and the relationship between the two is usually relatively close, so Pan Shou expressed his thoughts.

"Brother Pan! Why did you say that?" Zhang Chengze asked doubtfully.

"The red dot on the number 9527 message appeared and disappeared many times. The signal is very unstable. Look and see, it appeared again." Pan Shou pointed to the small screen in front of him.

" are a small problem. What happened to me is a big problem. I reported it just now, but the head of Qingkong immediately lost his temper. I was so scared that I didn't dare to move." Zhang Chengze complained in a low voice. .

"Oh? What's the big problem?" Pan Shou asked in a low voice.

"Walls have ears, I'll tell you in private later." Zhang Chengze responded in a low voice. After Pan Shou nodded in agreement, the two continued to work while staring at the small screen in front of them.

In the Golden Bead World, Lu Chen was wearing the big black pants he made himself, with his upper body bare, and the two Demonic Beasts in front of him were already panting from exhaustion. Biqu library

"Hehe...come again!" Lu Chen smiled triumphantly, and Divine Sense communicated with the Golden Toad and the Heavenly Knife Mantis to continue attacking him.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, just stood there motionless, allowing these two guys to punch and kick him.

Of course, he specially ordered the Gold-eating Toad not to spit at himself, otherwise he would roast it with sky fire.

No way, this guy's saliva is extremely corrosive, even formation can be eroded, Lu Chen

But dare not try it lightly.

Lu Chen once analyzed its saliva with Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, and found that it contained gray matter information.

So for a while, I paid special attention to the Golden Toad, and accidentally saw this guy, lying on the edge of the Golden Pearl World, licking the gray substance with his tongue like a dog, and he looked delicious.

Therefore, Lu Chen speculates that the gray matter has the effect of accelerating plant growth. After the gold-eating toad licks it, it should produce some kind of upgraded.

So its saliva is not corrosive, but accelerates the aging and necrosis of a certain substance.

But when Lu Chen put gray matter directly on the surface of an object, it didn't work.

Anyway, as long as you know what's going on, Lu Chen doesn't bother to worry about such small problems.

"Quack...quack..." The Gold-eating Toad suddenly yelled aggrievedly, and its body and the Heavenly Knife Mantis drew a beautiful arc in the air.

"Boom..." Then it fell heavily on the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust, the two Demonic Beasts felt very wronged, they were fine just now, why did the master suddenly change his face, and kicked himself and Xiaotian away.

"Haha... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. You two beat me up for three days. It's called an instinctive reaction, you know? You don't understand. Anyway, I didn't mean it, and you are not allowed to know it in your heart." ?." Lu Chen came to their landing point and smiled shamelessly.

After three days of practice, Lu Chen saw that the attacks of the two Demonic Beasts could no longer cause any damage to him. In order to thank them for their hard work on own in the past three days, Lu Chen kicked them each.

Lu Chen has suffered a lot in the past few days, in order to complete the first stage of body training: skin refining, meat refining, and tendon refining;

He ordered the two Demonic Beasts to beat him. At the beginning, it was a pain. The key was that he couldn't use his true energy to resist, so he could only use the Chaos Body Refining Technique to bear it silently.

But after three days of self-abuse, the effect is still there. Lu Chen obviously feels that his own skin has changed a lot.

The first is the color, from the previous white color to wheat color, the whole person looks handsome and healthy.

Of course, this is not the key, the key is that the defense ability has been improved.

Ascension, under the full attack of Tiandao Mantis' front paws, only a faint scratch was left on the surface, and its own body was as hard as copper skin and iron bones. Biqu library

That is to say, Lu Chen can resist the attack of the Foundation Establishment early stage cultivator with only his physical body, without any damage.

Just imagine, if you are fighting with other cultivators, Lu Chen just needs to stand still, despite the crazy output of other cultivators, but you can't hurt Lu Chen, you say he is not angry.

Anyway, Lu Chen was very excited, he sighed at the power and nausea of ​​the body training technique, and made up his mind to practice the body training technique well.

When the feeling was about the same, Lu Chen left the world of golden beads again, and came to the formation light curtain. Now he no longer needs to transport his true essence to resist the hot temperature at the entrance of the cave.

Instead, it felt warm and very comfortable, but the big black underpants were reduced to ashes again.

Looking at the magma that was still wriggling, Lu Chen used the Chaos Body Refining Technique, and with a sudden heart, he directly stretched his hand into the magma. Although there was some pain, it was still within the tolerance range.

See here! Lu Chen was overjoyed, and plunged headlong into the magma. At the same time, he kept running the Chaos Body Refining Technique, starting the stage of refining the flesh.

"Damn Fatty! Put down that Yinyuhua plant and get out of here, or you won't be able to leave after a while." A voice sounded.

Zhong Tao frowned when he heard this. Just when he was happy because he picked a fourth-level Spiritual herbs, this untimely voice sounded, and his face suddenly became ugly. He hated people calling him Fatty the most, not to mention this guy Call him dead Fatty.

At this time, two cultivators, one tall and one short, were jumping down from the tree and landed in front of Zhong Tao and Gu Feng, about five meters away. It was the short cultivator who spoke just now.

"Haha... which crotch door didn't close properly, and let you, this little thing, leak out." Zhong Tao saw that the two of them were also Cultivation Bases of Dzogchen Qi Refining Period, so he had nothing to be afraid of.

"Looking for death!" The short cultivator had a vicious look in his eyes when he heard the words, and he was about to strike. He also hated people calling him a dwarf the most, not to mention that Zhong Tao had something to say.

"Wait a minute! Brother, can you listen to me?" Gu Feng suddenly yelled and stood up with a smile.

"What do you want to say?" the short cultivator stopped his hands and asked.

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