Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 85 Preserving Beauty Flower

"The endless forest is so big and there are so many resources, why do you have to fight us for a silver rain flower?"

"With this skill, you can find better spiritual herbs, why waste time with us here, wasting time is wasting life..."

"What if you can't beat us and die, think about your parents, think about your children..." Gu Feng said a lot.

Zhong Tao looked at Gu Feng like a monster. This guy usually doesn't say much, so why is he so talkative now.

Hearing this, the cultivator, one tall and one short, had a gloomy expression on his face that was about to drip water. He didn't expect this kid to be so eloquent, and his heart was terribly agitated, and an unknown fire rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Biqu library

"Shut up!" A tall and a short cultivator yelled almost at the same time. Obviously, both of them had the same idea. They each showed their housekeeping skills and turned into two afterimages, rushing towards Zhong Tao and Gu Feng.

The tall cultivator uses a Magical Item broadsword. Under the perfusion of Spirit Power, the broadsword glows with bursts of blue light. This tall cultivator should be water attribute Spiritual Roots.

While rushing towards Gufeng, a sword shadow more than ten meters long formed from the big knife in his hand, and slashed towards Gufeng from top to bottom.

The shorter cultivator used a Fang Tian painted halberd, which was 3.5 meters long, and the shorter cultivator was less than 1.5 meters. Such a perfect match made Zhong Tao and Gu Feng laugh.

But the short cultivator has extraordinary skills. He came to the back of Zhong Tao in the blink of an eye. Under the infusion of Spirit Power, Fang Tian's painted halberd bloomed with purple light, accompanied by purple lightning, and stabbed fiercely at Zhong Tao's back. .

This unremarkable short cultivator is actually a rare thunder attribute Spiritual Roots.

It was too late, it was too late, Zhong Tao dodged first, took out the Magical Item long sword, poured Spirit Power into it, instantly condensed a long sword the size of a door panel, and slammed it fiercely at the short cultivator.

"Huh! Good time," the short cultivator was not slow, and seeing that he couldn't make a hit, he immediately turned around, and Fang Tian's painting halberd spun at high speed, with purple lightning, like a giant electric spinner, poking sideways at Zhong Tao's door-sized The sword shadow.

The brilliance dissipated, and Zhong Tao's fat body flew upside down.

When the tall cultivator jumped up, Gufeng had already taken out the Magical Item long sword, poured Spirit Power into it, and the Magical Item long sword changed from one to nine, like nine missiles

It bombarded the tall cultivator from all directions.

The explosion dissipated quickly, and Gu Feng and the tall cultivator actually had a tie. The two glanced at each other, and rushed towards each other again like two cows fighting.

After Zhong Tao flew upside down, he quickly stabilized his figure. Although both of them were Cultivation Bases of the Dzogchen Qi Refining Period, their thunder attribute Spiritual Roots must be stronger than Zhong Tao's metallic Spiritual Roots, so Zhong Tao was a bit at a disadvantage. .

"Damn dwarf!" Zhong Tao got angry, and grabbed a large number of talismans from the storage bag, such as fireball talisman, wind blade talisman, earth trap talisman, sky thunder talisman, etc., and threw them at the short man cultivator. Biqu library

With a very serious expression, his hands quickly formed seals, his right foot kept stomping on the ground, and he chanted a mantra: "Grassy horse, blah blah blah! Grass nymph, blah blah blah!"

The talisman glowed with colorful brilliance in the blink of an eye, and then turned into countless lights and shadows and rushed towards the short cultivator.

"You're still a Talisman?" The short cultivator sneered, and just wanted to dodge, when five thigh-thick vines grew out of the ground, wrapping around his hands, feet, and waist, and getting tighter and tighter.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden thunderclap, and several arm-thin thunderbolts directly approached the short cultivator's head.

Then spells generated by wind blades, fireballs, wooden stakes, ice seals and other symbols blasted at the short cultivator.

"Damn it!" The short cultivator couldn't break free from the shackles of rattan and ice for a while, and suffered various spells solidly.

After a burst of explosions, all the talisman spells disappeared, and the short cultivator's hair stood on end, his clothes were torn, and a pair of big white underpants covered his head, looking very embarrassed.

"Haha... I'm sorry, I almost lost my hand at the moment." Zhong Tao laughed loudly.

"You...poof..." The short cultivator was about to say something, when he spat out a mouthful of blood, apparently seriously injured.

"Junior Brother!" The tall cultivator forced Gu Feng back, and he dodged to the side of the short cultivator, grabbing his shoulder and running away.

"Okay! Zhong Fatty! Well done." Gu Feng praised with a smile.

"That goes without saying, and I don't even look at who I am." Zhong Tao smiled triumphantly.

Then the two changed directions and continued to search for resources.

In the signal coverage area of ​​the Endless Forest Foundation Establishment cultivator, under a crack, the underground magma boils like boiling water. A well-proportioned, long

A handsome, bronze-skinned, healthy-looking young cultivator was swimming up and down the lava.

Sometimes backstroke, sometimes breaststroke, with a frightening smile on his face, this man is exactly Lu Chen who uses magma to complete the first stage of body training: skin refining, meat refining, and tendon refining.

Lu Chen's tendons and Dantian were originally transformed by golden particles, and then burned by sky fire, so he easily completed the first stage of body training and reached the spiritual state of body training.

The spiritual mirror is equivalent to the Foundation Establishment stage, because there is no subdivision of the Body Refining Realm, that is to say, without the use of real energy, Lu Chen already has the strength of the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen just by practicing the Body Realm.

Coupled with the thick real essence and the Divine Sense far beyond ordinary people, Lu Chen estimates that own comprehensive strength should be able to kill the Foundation Establishment stage in seconds, beat the fusion early stage, not be afraid of the fusion middle stage, and be able to fight the fusion late stage, seeing the great perfection of the fusion period just run.

Feeling that the freshness was gone, Lu Chen leaped naked and flew out of the ground on the Flying Sword. There was no way he couldn’t wear clothes in the magma. Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise he thought Lu Chen had a quirk and liked to run naked with the sword.

Not long after flying out, Lu Chen hurriedly took out a set of clothes from the Golden Bead World and put them on. At this moment, a faint scent of medicine came from the crack. If it wasn't for the short distance, it might be difficult to smell.

"Hehe...the fragrance of medicine again? If there are Demonic Beasts, I can just use you to practice." Lu Chen smiled confidently.

Stepping on the Magical Item long sword, he flew slowly along the long and narrow cracks, looking for the location where the medicinal fragrance came from.

As the fragrance gradually became stronger, Lu Chen speeded up his flight. When he saw nine garlic seedlings as high as white jade in color, a silk-shaped flower bloomed in the middle of each spiritual herbs, and each petal was crystal clear, faintly Jojo glowed white with a holy aura.

Seeing this flower, Lu Chen's heart almost jumped out. If I remember correctly, this should be the ninth-level spiritual herbs, Zhuyanhua.

Zhuyanhua is the main medicine for refining Zhuyan Pill. As the name suggests, Zhuyan Pill can make people stay young forever, freeze their appearance, and have the additional effect of washing tendons and cutting marrow, and reborn their appearance.

That is to say, if you are disfigured, you can regain your original appearance and be more beautiful than before.

Just ask which woman does not love beauty, and which woman does not want to remain youthful forever, because the main beauty-retaining flowers are extremely scarce, so Cultivation World's beauty-retaining pills are especially precious.

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