Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 86 Humanoid Demonic Beasts

Lu Chen carefully cut off the Zhuyan flower growing in the crevice of the stone, together with the stone on that side, and sent them to the world of Jinzhu, intending to refine a batch of Zhuyan Dan when he is free.

After doing this, Lu Chen extended the Divine Sense and found nothing of value, nor the existence of Demonic Beasts. He thought that this area might be the territory of the underground Demonic Beast, and there were no other Demonic Beasts. It's also normal.

Then he took out the information jade card, injected Divine Sense into it, and found that he had deviated from the previously planned route, so he replaced the Magical Item long sword with a flying boat, and continued to move towards the area covered by the cultivator signal during the fusion period.

Relatively speaking, the deeper the endless forest, the more abundant resources will appear, but it does not rule out that there will be no precious resources in the periphery.

The senior sister of Shennongmen, Mu Kexin, has the seventh-level Spiritual Roots of pure wood, and she can be regarded as a genius among geniuses. She broke through to the Foundation Establishment period in just two years. She was still refining Qi when she was in Canglan secret realm Dzogchen period.

Breakthrough a big Realm Talent in such a short period of time is also remarkable, but her junior sister Ling Manyu is relatively inferior. In the same period of time, it is only now the Foundation Establishment early stage.

In private, the relationship between the two is very close, like two sisters, so for this endless forest trial, Ling Manyu and Mu Kexin formed a team together.

"Senior Sister! Where are we going?" Ling Manyu withdrew Divine Sense from the information jade tablet, wondering.

Except after the two of them hunted down a few Demonic Beasts in the forest before, Mu Kexin took out a small flying boat and flew Ling Manyu on it.

" will know when you arrive, Man Yu! Do you know why you have stayed in the early stage of the Foundation Establishment period for so long?" Mu Kexin replied with a smile while driving the flying boat.

"Because my aptitude is not as good as yours! So I have to rely on my senior sister to take care of me." Ling Manyu smiled mischievously.

"! It's just that you are too weak. You should be stronger. When you encounter difficulties, you must dare to fight and break through. Understand the true meaning of cultivation in danger. Don't think about those love affairs every day." Mu Ke Xin said.

"How can I think about love and love? In Sect, I have never had much contact with other senior brothers." Ling Manyu


"Little girl! Don't think I don't know. I saw you secretly holding a male cultivator's robe several times in a daze. How dare you deny it." Mu Kexin pointed out.

"How could I!" Ling Manyu's face turned red when she heard this, and she retorted shyly in a low voice. She never thought that her secret behavior would be seen by her senior sister, she was really ashamed.

"You can tell by your expression that I've hit the spot. Tell me quickly! Who is that man?" Mu Kexin wanted to get to the bottom of it, but his face suddenly changed.

The flying boat that was originally flying over the endless forest suddenly had a cloud of thick fog in front of it. The flying boat didn't even have time to turn around and plunged into the thick fog.

"Senior Sister!" Ling Manyu exclaimed.

"Don't panic! Let's talk after landing in the forest." Mu Kexin said calmly, and the Magic Treasures Immortal Ring appeared in his hand, shining purple brilliance under the infusion of true essence.

"Roar..." A terrifying roar came, accompanied by a powerful momentum, which made people's hair stand on end.

"Be careful! There are Demonic Beasts!" Mu Kexin reminded, put the flying boat into the storage bag, and stretched out the Divine Sense to check with a dignified expression. This momentum made her feel faintly uneasy.

"En!" Ling Manyu nodded when she heard the words, and the Magical Item long sword appeared in her hand, looking around vigilantly.

"Roar..." A tall humanoid figure ran towards Mu Kexin and Ling Manyu in the blink of an eye at such a high speed.

I saw that Demonic Beasts were more than ten meters tall, with a huge body, running upright like a human, looking like an orangutan, with fierce red eyes and fangs.

"Manyu, run! It's the Titan Giant Ape, I'll hold her back." After Mu Kexin saw Demonic Beasts clearly, her heart sank to the bottom, but she still rushed out.

Titan giant apes are fourth-order Demonic Beasts, comparable to fusion early stage, and the whole body defense is extremely strong, and their nature is ferocious and very ferocious.

Ling Manyu's face paled, watching the huge body of the titan great ape pounce on the senior sister, although she didn't know what to do after hearing the words for a while.

Mu Kexin's true essence poured into the sleepy fairy ring, and the sleepy fairy ring exuded a dazzling purple light, and it instantly became larger, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, encircling the giant ape that was rushing to own Titan, and then dodged to dodge.

Take out a Magic Treasures sword again, Magic Treasures

Under the infusion of true energy, there was a soft cry, the sword produced one, one produced two, and three produced ten thousand swords, attacking the giant ape like a celestial maiden scattered flowers.

"Roar..." The Titan Giant Ape let out a loud roar, abruptly tore off the purple sleepy fairy ring that was covering his body, and threw it at Mu Kexin. The sound of ding ding could not complete the damage.

The titan giant ape waved its fist and rushed towards Mu Kexin again.


A fist the size of a sandbag hit the light curtain with a clang.

At a critical moment, Mu Kexin resorted to the defensive Magic Treasures Flood Dragon Shield, and saw that the Flood Dragon Shield instantly turned into a huge shield taller than the Titan Giant Ape under the infusion of true energy, blocking the Titan Giant Ape like a city wall.

"Hey! Why is it so foggy?" Because Lu Chen deviated from the planned route before, he is now driving the flying boat closer to the original route, and by the way, see where there are Demonic Beasts, so as to test his current strength.

At this time, he felt the roar of Demonic Beasts coming from ahead, Lu Chen's eyes lit up when he heard the sound, and the flying boat quickly flew towards the direction of the sound.

"Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." The titan giant ape crazily smashed his fists at the Flood Dragon Shield, and every time he hit it, the brilliance of the Flood Dragon Shield dimmed a bit.

"Manyu, run! I can't last long, and we will all die by then." Seeing that Ling Manyu didn't listen to own, Mu Kexin said anxiously.

"Senior Sister! Huh...I won't leave, I'm going to die together." Seeing Mu Kexin's pale complexion, with a mouthful of blood spurting from the corner of her mouth, Ling Manyu was still struggling to support herself, feeling extremely anxious in her heart.

I saw Ling Manyu raised her long sword and flew towards the Titan Giant Ape. The long sword was infused with Spirit Power, but before she could perform any moves, she was knocked into the air by the energy of the Titan Giant Ape's wave and fell to the ground.

"Crack..." The dragon shield, which could have withstood the blow of the Great Perfection during the fusion period, shattered under the continuous attacks of the titan giant ape.

Another punch hit the dragon shield, the body of the dragon shield shattered, Mu Kexin flew upside down and hit a tree before stopping, collapsed on the ground, spitting blood.

The titan giant ape didn't know how to pity and cherish jade, so it flew forward, stepping on Mu Kexin with its big foot.

"Don't... woo..." Ling Manyu shouted, the consequences of this kick can be imagined.

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