"Boom..." The Titan Giant Ape finally stepped on it.

Mu Kexin looked at the huge soles of her feet stepping on her, wanted to run away but was unable to move because of her injuries, all thoughts were lost in her heart, and she slowly closed her eyes, ready to accept the coming of Death.

"Huh..." The airflow generated by the falling of the soles of the feet blew Mu Kexin's hair, and there was no pain in his appearance.

"Fuck! This beast's feet stink!" A man's voice suddenly sounded, and it was Lu Chen who came.

Mu Kexin opened her eyes abruptly when she heard the words, and saw a slender figure with her hands supporting the huge sole of the giant ape's foot, but she couldn't see the foot of the giant ape being lowered by half a cent.

"Are you saved? Who is this person? He's so strong!" Mu Kexin felt relieved when he saw a cultivator rescue him. Who wouldn't want to live if he could survive?

"Roar..." The Titan Giant Ape also felt a new human cultivator pressing against the soles of its own feet, and suddenly increased its strength.

Lu Chen also felt the strength of the giant ape's feet become stronger, and he sneered in his heart, and the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue and Chaos Body Refining Art were activated at the same time.

"Hehe...Get up!" Lu Chen snorted, and pushed up with both hands, abruptly pushing the Titan out and backed up a few steps before stabilizing his figure.

"Roar..." the giant ape titan roared and rushed towards Lu Chen.

"Senior Sister! Are you alright?" Ling Manyu came to Mu Kexin's side and asked concerned.

"I... Poof... I'm fine. Fortunately, this senior brother appeared, otherwise..." Mu Kexin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said in a weak voice, obviously seriously injured.

"Boom..." The huge impact attracted the eyes of Mu Kexin and Ling Manyu, but the next scene left them dumbfounded.

I saw the giant ape titan descending from the sky with fists the size of a truck hitting Lu Chen, and Lu Chen also punched, one big and one small facing each other.

"No!" Ling Manyu couldn't bear to look directly at him, Demonic Beasts' body is so strong, how could they fight him with bare hands?

"Is he crazy?" Mu Kexin exclaimed inwardly.

However, when the dust settled, the imagined Lu Chen being smashed into meatloaf did not happen.

I saw two fists, one big and one small colliding, Lu Chen was unscathed, but there was a small red spot dripping blood on the fist of the titan great ape.


The giant ape let out a roar. Although it is a Demonic Beasts, it also has intelligence, and was shocked by the physical strength of this human cultivator.

"How is it possible? How did he do it?" Ling Manyu was shocked.

"This senior brother should be a body cultivator, with an extremely strong body, that's why he dared to fight the titan great ape." Mu Kexin was shocked and also figured out the reason.

"Roar..." The titan giant ape was also very angry under the pain, and attacked Lu Chen even more frantically.

"Haha... Good time!" Lu Chen yelled, and rushed forward. After seeing the strength of his physical body, his self-confidence exploded.

I saw the Xuantian Nine Steps under Lu Chen's feet running to the extreme, and his body turned into several afterimages. With the help of the body of the Titan Giant Ape, he reached the shoulder of the Titan Giant Ape in a few vertical leaps, and rushed towards the Titan Giant Ape like a mosquito waving his fists. Ape cheeks.

"Bump..." The titan great ape received a solid punch. Although the fist was small, it was surprisingly powerful.

"Roar..." The Titan Giant Ape let out a scream, and its body fell to the ground under the action of inertia.

Then Lu Chen leaped high again, the true essence poured into his right palm, and the palm spread out. The true essence seemed to be solid, and instantly condensed into a huge palm, which descended from the sky, like a Buddha Palm, with a powerful aura.

As a result of the momentum, the ground flew sand and rocks, and the trees swayed, as if destroying the world.

"Boom..." Before the giant ape had time to get up, the palm print condensed by this true essence hit the ground again, and the ground sunken instantly.

If you look from the top down, the sunken deep pit just formed a huge palm print. This is Lu Chen's whim to imitate the moves of the previous star master.

In Cultivation World, cultivators use weapons to infuse true energy or Spirit Power into them during the battle, and then use weapons as a medium to condense the Spirit Power or true energy into a substance-like energy to attack.

If there is no weapon as a medium after the true essence or Spirit Power is condensed, it will easily collapse, or the attack effect will not be achieved, at least what Lu Chen has seen so far.

And after Lu Chen reached the body-refining spirit state, he was equivalent to a piece of Magic Treasures, so Lu Chen had a whim to pour the true essence into the palm of his hand. As he guessed, he successfully condensed a huge palm of true essence.

"Ha ha…

...This power should be no worse than Buddha Palm! Lu Chen landed steadily, and looked down at the giant ape Titan who was in the deep pit with less air and more air. He was very satisfied with his original attack skills and looked very proud.

Then Divine Sense covered the body of Titan Great Ape and sent it into the world of Jin Zhu, where Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Jin and Xiao Earth could have a full meal again.

Both Ling Manyu and Mu Kexin stared at Lu Chen dumbfounded. They didn't expect this senior brother to be so powerful, especially the palm technique that fell from the sky in the last move, which was unheard of and unseen.

"Uh... hello senior brother! My name is Ling Manyu, thank you for your rescue. This is my senior sister, Mu Kexin." Ling Manyu was the first to react, and smiled with cupped hands.

The situation was critical just now, and she didn't pay much attention to Lu Chen's appearance. After observing him closely, she always felt that Lu Chen gave her a very familiar feeling, but she couldn't remember it.

"That's right! It's thanks to the senior brother who took the action in time, otherwise I would..." Mu Kexin didn't finish her sentence, but Lu Chen understood what she meant.

"Haha... My name is Lu Chen. It's nothing. I just happened to pass by. If I have nothing else to do, I'll leave first. Let's meet again." Lu Chen smiled awkwardly, and then fled away like flying with his sword leave.

First of all, he really had something to do and couldn't delay for too long. After all, the bitter bamboo hadn't been found yet, and time was limited. He had to rush to the cultivator's signal coverage area during the integration period as soon as possible.

Secondly, he also recognized that Ling Manyu was the beauty he rescued from Hua Guangyuan back then, and the image of him being intimate with her instantly appeared in his mind, remembering that he kissed her when he left,

Lu Chen also felt a little embarrassed to get in close contact again now, but luckily he knew his name.

"Senior Brother Lu Chen is so strange!" Ling Manyu said with some doubts.

In her mind, Lu Chen can be regarded as a hero who saves the beauty, so she needs to exchange some pleasantries, but unexpectedly, Lu Chen left directly.

"Perhaps Senior Brother Lu Chen has something to do. You help me protect the law. I have to heal quickly." Mu Kexin's beautiful eyes flickered, and she closed her eyes to prepare for healing, but involuntarily appeared in her mind, the posture of Lu Chen descending from the sky, in her heart Secretly write down the name Lu Chen.

Next, Ling Manyu took out the Magical Item long sword and looked around vigilantly to protect Mu Kexin.

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