Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 88 Give You A Chance

In the command center of the Great Hall on the first floor of the formation signal tower, more than 500 cultivators are busy at work.

Pan Shou recorded the cultivator's fall information as usual, and it has been more than a month since the endless forest trial started.

During this period, more than half of the 2.1 million people have fallen, showing the danger of the endless forest.

Among the more than two million people, the red dot of No. 9527 information once again attracted Pan Shou's attention.

He found that the red dot of the No. 9527 message had been moving for more than a month, and the trajectory was a straight line from bottom to top, which meant that this cultivator intended to go straight to Convergence period signal range away.

This is quite abnormal. You said that a cultivator during the Foundation Establishment period can’t stay in the own area to find resources. Why do you spend so much energy running so far.

After seeing the red dot of 9527 information disappearing at the boundary of the Foundation Establishment signal area, Pan Shou finally settled his mind.

He believes that this cultivator belongs to the kind of people who do not know the heights of the sky and the earth with a little strength, and think that the deeper they go, the greater the opportunities. This kind of thing happens from time to time, but the result is the same.

So Pan Shou once again added Lu Chen's name to the list of fallen cultivators and directly sealed it.

On the flying boat, Lu Chen Divine Sense was injected into the information jade tablet, which was blank, and the two red dots disappeared as expected, just like the radar could not receive the signal.

Lu Chen knew that he was out of the signal range of the Foundation Establishment period, and it was still too late for him to turn around now, but the temptation of bitter bamboo was too great. After much thought, Lu Chen decided to look for it.

If it really doesn't work, find a way to find a senior in the integration period to borrow the information jade card. I believe that with my current strength, the other party should not refuse.

So Lu Chen drove the flying boat to fly within the signal range of the fusion period. He doesn't care what direction he is now, anyway, he just flies casually. Divine Sense keeps searching the bamboo forest.

The map left by Zixuan's ancestors indicated that the bitter bamboo is in a bamboo forest. As long as you find the bamboo forest, you can find the bitter bamboo. There is no other information.

This made Lu Chen feel that Zixuan's ancestors were a bit deceitful.

In the low sky of the endless forest, countless tree crowns are rapidly moving backwards from the feet. It has been a day, and Lu Chen still has nothing. Lu Chen is not discouraged, he still has some patience after years of practice.

"Stop!" A shout suddenly sounded.

Lu Chen was overjoyed when he heard the sound, and finally met the cultivator. Following the reputation, he saw a middle-aged male cultivator flying towards him with a sword at a high speed, merging the middle stage's Cultivation Base, and he felt even more relieved.

"Senior, help! Junior Lu Chen! Because I was chasing and killing a Demonic Beasts, I accidentally left the signal range of the Foundation Establishment period, lost my way, and turned around for several days but couldn't find the way back.

I just wanted to try my luck by flying deep, to see if I could find a senior in the integration period to follow me, so that I could be taken out after the trial was over.

I am really thankful for letting me meet you, Senior, and I see that Senior is kind-hearted and upright..."

Lu Chen told the general story of the matter with a sad face, but he was thinking in his heart whether he should borrow an information jade token from this senior. Biqu library

"Hehe... that's enough! That's enough! What are you talking about, it's my duty as a cultivator to save people from fire and water, and it's easy to take you out, and I will give you a great opportunity." The middle-aged cultivator smiled and waved his hands Stop Lu Chen from continuing.

Whether it's true or not, no matter what, anyone will always feel so embarrassed when they are praised for a while.

"Oh? That's really a big thank you to the senior. I really admire the senior as a person. My admiration for the senior is like a torrential river, like..." Lu Chen continued to flatter.

"Haha... well, well, you kid is interesting, come with me!" The middle-aged cultivator smiled gratifiedly.

So Lu Chen drove the flying boat and followed the male cultivator, heading for the place of opportunity he mentioned.

After flying for more than an hour, the two landed in a valley with dense forests on both sides.

As soon as the two of them landed in the woods, Lu Chen found that there were already six cultivators waiting here, one of which was a middle stage cultivator, with a face full of flesh, not like a stubble.

The other five are Foundation Establishment stage cultivators, two are Foundation Establishment middle stage, two are Foundation Establishment late stage, and one is Foundation Establishment early stage.

If you add yourself and the middle-aged cultivator, then there are eight people in total. Lu Chen wondered where the five Foundation Establishment period cultivators came from, and secretly became careful.

"Brother Ding! You are here. I think the number of people is almost the same. Let's start." Another cultivator who integrated the middle stage in the team asked in Lu Chen's direction.

"Hehe... Brother Wu, why are you in such a hurry, I'm not late to find another cultivator for the Foundation Establishment period." Brother Ding is the middle-aged cultivator that Lu Chen first met, and he calls himself Ding Buhui.

Next, Ding Buhui introduced Lu Chen to everyone, and everyone exchanged pleasantries to get a preliminary understanding.

The cultivator who integrated the middle stage is called Wu Song, Ding Buhui's friend, and the other five Foundation Establishment period cultivators were all rescued from the edge of the Foundation Establishment period signal area. The situation is similar to that of Lu Chen, and they also promised to take them out. , and share a great opportunity with everyone.

During the period, Ding Buhui said that they found a comprehension Immortal Cave in the endless forest, which was suspected to be a comprehension Immortal Cave in ancient times.

One of the formation channels said that the Foundation Establishment period could be entered, so they searched around for the Foundation Establishment period cultivator, and promised that they would give 20% of the resources in it and distribute it to everyone.

After hearing this, Lu Chen was somewhat disapproving, but seeing the eager expressions of the five Foundation Establishment period cultivators, he knew that they should have talked about it long ago.

After hearing the secret, Lu Chen had no choice but to pretend to be excited, otherwise he might have to face the attack of two cultivators fused with the middle stage. Lu Chen planned to adapt to the situation, and if he couldn't, he would find a chance to escape by himself, or hide in the world of golden beads , what can they do to me?

Next, Ding Buhui led the crowd to the center of the valley. He took out five flags and threw them towards the mountain wall. The flags spun around in the air, emitting a faint golden light, and shot into the mountain.

A light curtain flashed across the originally ordinary mountain wall, and the light curtain opened immediately, revealing a hole, which was just enough for a person to pass through.

"Formation teacher?" Lu Chen was surprised in his heart. It was the first time he saw someone who understood formation. Although he had heard of it before, he had no chance to understand it, and he had never seen someone arrange formation. He had only heard of it. Learning pill refining is easy.

"This is an ordinary phantom array I set up to prevent others from discovering this Immortal Cave. Okay! Come along with me! Brother Wu and I will rescue everyone in time if there is any danger." Ding Buhui smiled After speaking, he walked into the cave first.

The other five Foundation Establishment stage cultivators followed closely behind. Lu Chen hesitated a bit, but Wu Song kept urging him to also walk into the cave.

Wu Song smiled mysteriously, and disappeared in front of the cave in a flash.

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