Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 89 The Scary White Jade Bridge

As soon as Lu Chen entered the cave and didn't take a few steps, he felt a pulling force and pulled himself into the cave. After stabilizing his figure, he turned around and saw a formation light curtain shining brightly.

At this time Wu Song walked in with a proud smile.

"Hey..." A soft sigh came from the five Foundation Establishment stage cultivators.

Lu Chen turned his head and looked at the five people suspiciously. He saw the five Foundation Establishment period cultivators gathered together. They were full of spirit before, but now they were full of anger and their fists were tightly clenched.

"Haha... Hurry up, or I'll send you to death right away." Wu Song smiled, holding a strange cylinder in his hand. The cave was a little dark and the material of the cylinder could not be seen.

Lu Chen frowned slightly when he heard the words, and wanted to use Divine Sense to check the surrounding environment, but Lu Chen was surprised to find that Divine Sense could not be used, and then moved his true energy again, but the result was that the same true element could not be used either.

Now Lu Chen panicked. He guessed that there must be some form here that banned the cultivator's true essence and Divine Sense. If so, he would not be able to communicate with the world of golden beads, and he would lose the key to his life.

"Fuck! I've been fooled." Lu Chen roared inwardly, looking at Ding Buhui with the same expression as those five cultivators. At this time, Ding Buhui was also holding a strange long round tube, a bit like someone's opening. Those kind of fireworks.

"Haha... Get out! Stand with them." Wu Song kicked Lu Chen from behind, causing Lu Chen to stagger towards the five Foundation Establishment stage cultivators.

"As long as you are obedient and obedient, we will still distribute 20% to you when you get the resources in the place, but if you dare to play tricks, don't blame me for being rude." Ding Buhui said loudly.

"Hehe...don't listen to him, everyone. There are formation restrictions here, which seal everyone's true essence, and they also become ordinary people. If the six of us fight with them, we will still have a chance to survive, otherwise everyone will die Among the five, the taller Foundation Establishment late stage cultivator shouted.

The other four Foundation Establishment period cultivators were really moved when they heard the words.

"Boom...boom..." Suddenly a loud noise came from the strange cylinder.

I saw Ding Buhui, holding the long round cylinder and shaking it twice towards the nearby rocks, two brilliance flashed across the mouth of the cylinder, and the rock the size of a millstone turned into crushed stones in an instant.

Lu Chen is heartbroken when he sees this

I was speechless for a while: "Why is this fucking cylinder a bit like a sprayer? Cultivation World still has this thing? Which bastard made it?"

Those five Foundation Establishment period cultivators stopped in their tracks as expected, looking at the long barrel in Ding Buhui's hand in horror.

"Let me tell you! This is the Magic Treasures Cupola, you better be honest, or I will smash your heads." Ding Bugui warned fiercely.

"Ah? Cupola! This is the end! This Magic Treasures is a combination of formation and refining, and each attack is equivalent to a full blow from the cultivators of the Foundation Establishment period." Some of the five Foundation Establishment period cultivators Know this Magic Treasures.

"Then what should we do?" asked one of the five people.

"Shut up and move on quickly." Wu Song scolded.

There was no way, although everyone couldn't use the real yuan, but Wu Song and Ding Buhui had something in their hands, so they had to obey orders and move forward.

Although it was a bit dim, they could still see clearly. In front of the cave was a passage more than two meters wide. Lu Chen and the others walked into the cave.

Ding Buhui and Wu Song followed Lu Chen and the others with cupolas in their hands, urging them to leave quickly from time to time.

"Crack! Crack!" Someone stepped on something, which caused a crackling noise from inside the cave.

Immediately afterwards, several bright lights came from the top of the cave, turning the whole cave into daytime.

The brilliance flickered all around, and the entire cave was enveloped by the formation light curtain. Seeing that there was no other movement, Ding Buhui urged everyone to move forward again.

Lu Chen didn't expect the cave to be so big, it should be caused by the formation of space.

With the bright light, the footsteps of several people also accelerated, and soon they came to the edge of a cliff, and then everyone stopped and looked ahead in shock.

The cliff is so deep that there is no bottom and it is pitch black. Nowadays, no one has a Cultivation Base. If you fall off, you will definitely die.

On the other side of the cliff, there is a huge palace floating in the air, with a magnificent momentum, like a palace in heaven.

If it is really a palace left over from the ancient times, then the things inside are destined to be extraordinary. The distance between the cliff and the palace is about 200 meters.

"Go there!" Wu Song pointed to the left.

It was only then that everyone discovered that there was a pontoon bridge on the right. The pontoon bridge was made of white jade without handrails. Each piece of white jade was two meters square, and it was connected horizontally to the opposite palace.

The crowd came to the pontoon bridge,

But he hesitated, the pontoon bridge had obviously been stepped on, and there were still a few hollows, so the bottom of the cliff could be easily seen.

A few pieces of white jade nearby are engraved with the immensity of heaven and earth, and the ever-changing universe, followed by hollowing out, and because the distance is a bit far away, it is impossible to see what words are engraved.

Everyone is not stupid, everyone guessed that it is possible that the white jade man will fall down as soon as he steps on it, or other things will happen.

The ones surnamed Ding and Wu should have brought people here before, and then returned with hatred, so they tried their best to find them as cannon fodder.

Everyone unconsciously took a few steps towards the retreat, worried that they would be the first to be called out to walk the white jade pontoon bridge.

"Come out! Didn't you want to make trouble just now? You go first." Wu Song pointed the cupola to the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage who took the lead just now.

"You!" The cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage turned pale when he heard the words, but when he wanted to refute, Wu Song held his head with a cupola, and the other four quickly backed away.

"Go quickly! Or you will die immediately!" Wu Song ordered, pulling his arm and dragging him to the pontoon.

The cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage was sweating profusely, his legs trembling uncontrollably, and was kicked by Wu Song onto the first piece of white jade with the word "天" on the pontoon bridge, which was safe.

The cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage saw that the first eight pieces of white jade were intact, but the ninth piece was hollowed out. With a guess in his mind, he bravely walked several steps, and did not stop until the eighth piece.

I saw that he was short of breath, I don't know if it was tired or scared.

Whether it is the tenth or the eleventh, the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage hesitated.

Wu Song followed his footsteps and stood on the eighth block, forcing him to move on.

Looking at the dark cupola, and then at the huge palace opposite, the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage jumped, skipped the tenth block, and landed directly on the eleventh block.

"Crack!" The cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage had just landed on the eleventh block, and before it could stand still, the white jade shattered, and its body and the white jade fragments fell into the bottom of the pitch-black cliff.

"Ah..." The miserable cry came, and then gradually disappeared, and everyone showed terrified expressions. It is frightening to guess, but it is even more creepy to see it with one's own eyes.

Lu Chen looked gravely thinking about his countermeasures, what should he do if he was called up to walk that damned White Jade Bridge.

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