Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 90 Stop Pretending, It's A Showdown

"You! It's your turn! Hurry up, or daddy will kill you." Ding Buhui yelled at another cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage, holding a cupola.

The cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage smiled wryly upon hearing the words, glanced at the white jade pontoon bridge, and then at Wu Song who had returned to the starting point. Take courage to come to the bridge.

"Hurry up! Don't dawdle!" Ding Buhui urged.

The cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage had just stepped on the first piece of white jade with one foot, but suddenly turned around and jumped up, holding the cupola in Wu Song's hand with his right hand and raising it upwards.

The left hand desperately pulled Wu Song's belt, and dragged it towards the cliff, wanting to die with him.

The sudden change frightened Wu Song to the point of tearing his liver and gallbladder, and he also resisted desperately.

"Boom!" Wu Song pulled the trigger in a panic, and the cupola shone brightly, but hit the sky because of the obstruction of the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage.

Both of them were unable to use their true energy, and at this moment the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage exploded with astonishing power. Seeing that he was about to be dragged to the edge of a cliff by the opponent, Wu Song resisted desperately.

"Boom!" There was another loud noise, and Ding Buhui, who had reacted, ran over and slapped the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage.

In consideration of accidentally injuring Wu Song, Ding Buhui hit the cultivator's leg after Foundation Establishment, but this was enough to help Wu Song.

Seeing that the Foundation Establishment late stage cultivator softened, Wu Song kicked him to the ground.

"Boom...boom..." Wu Song yelled, with a ferocious expression on his face. In order to vent the anger in his heart, he sprayed randomly on the Foundation Establishment late stage cultivator's head and body.

The Foundation Establishment late stage cultivator's head and body exploded in an instant, and pieces of flesh flew all over the place, which was too horrible to look at.

"Ouch..." Among the few remaining people, the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment early stage vomited instantly.

Lu Chen and the others felt a pang of soreness in their stomachs.

"Enough! What the hell are you crazy about!" Ding Buhui scolded, killing people without nodding their heads. Even he couldn't bear to see such a bloody method.

"Did you see? You bastards, if you dare to play tricks, this will be your end." Wu Song roared madly at Lu Chen and the others.

Now there are still Lu Chen and two other Foundation Establishment middle stages and one Foundation Establishment early stage.

Just when Lu Chen thought it would be his turn next, after all they

At the beginning, he used the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage, but Ding Buhui pointed at a slightly fatter Foundation Establishment middle stage cultivator.

"You! Come out!" Ding Buhui said.

"Please! I don't want to die, and I don't need any resources anymore. I beg the senior to let me out." The Foundation Establishment middle stage cultivator immediately knelt down to Ding Buhui and cried.

"Bastard! Either you die now, or walk across this pontoon bridge, everyone is fine." Wu Song roared, obviously because of what happened just now that made him impatient.

"Wuwu... Wu senior! Please let me go! Or let them go first." The Foundation Establishment middle stage cultivator cried, kowtowing to Wu Song, and then pointed at Lu Chen. people.

Hearing this, Lu Chen and the others frightenedly avoided the place he was pointing at, this kid is not authentic! Lu Chen thought to himself.

"Don't dare to talk nonsense again, daddy will kill you now, go away!" Wu Song cursed again, threatening his head with the cupola.

The cultivator of the Foundation Establishment middle stage had no choice but to wipe away his tears and bite the bullet, walking towards the white jade pontoon bridge.

The first few blocks said that the world is boundless, and the ever-changing white jade is safe, and the Foundation Establishment middle stage cultivator will soon come to the eighth white jade.

The position of the ninth piece of white jade was hollowed out. Before that, the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage crushed the eleventh piece of white jade, so when he directly stepped on the tenth piece of white jade, he stood firmly.

Maybe it was because of good luck, this kid stepped on seven or eight pieces of white jade one after another without any problems, Wu Song who followed behind secretly wrote down,

Because there is a gap in the middle, and the white jade that was passed before, now the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment middle stage has arrived, one-third of the entire white jade bridge.

Lu Chen and others also came to the bridge to record which white jades could be stepped on and which ones could not.

When the Foundation Establishment cultivator landed steadily on the fifty-second piece of white jade, I thought it was all right, but when I was about to jump to the next piece of white jade, a sudden change occurred.

I saw a brilliance suddenly flashed on the two-meter-square white jade block, and a ball of flame gushed out from the white jade, instantly covering the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment middle stage and turning it into a burning man. Biqu library

"Ah..." In a panic, the Foundation Establishment middle stage cultivator stepped on the ground and fell to the bottom of the cliff with a miserable cry.

This scene made everyone's faces change color. They all thought that the white jade block would only shatter, but they didn't expect that formation could breathe fire.

then next

What other changes will happen in the future? The unknown is always frightening, the dark cliff bottom, the fire-breathing white jade, the whole white jade bridge seems calm but makes people feel chills in the back.

Lu Chen sneered in his heart, the owner of this Immortal Cave is really good at playing, the whole Immortal Cave is first forbidden spirit formation, then spotlight formation, and fire-breathing formation, I really don't know what weird things will happen next.

"Boy! It's you! Come out!" Wu Song pointed at Lu Chen and shouted.

"Oh? Senior! Are you calling me?" Lu Chen smiled calmly, without any look of fear.

"Yes! It's you, hurry up and walk over to me." Wu Song ordered in a calm voice, probably because Lu Chen's attitude was better, so he didn't lose his temper.

"Hehe...then what if I don't?" Lu Chen continued to smile, maybe he could only run away from the two cultivators fused with the middle stage outside, but now everyone can't use the true energy, Lu Chen is afraid that he will throw a ball .

"Are you fucking crazy? You can still laugh?" Wu Song said angrily when he heard the words, and pointed his cupola at Lu Chen with a vicious posture.

The remaining two Foundation Establishment period cultivators looked at Lu Chen like monsters, and quickly kept their distance from him.

"Hehe... I'm not crazy, I just don't want to continue pretending, I'm showing my cards!" Lu Chen smiled and said something inexplicable, and walked towards Wu Song step by step, without any fear of the guy in his hand.

"You... what are you doing? Don't move, if you move again, daddy will kill you." Seeing Lu Chen's calm and calm look, Wu Song felt a little uneasy.

"Hehe... Come here! Let me see the power of this cupola!" Lu Chen walked towards Wu Song slowly, his footsteps sounded loudly, every step seemed to be on his heart, bringing him great oppression sense.

Wu Song swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his hands trembled a little, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he retreated a few steps unconsciously, and seemed to have no courage to pull the trigger.

"Boy! Are you looking for death? Don't move!" At this time Ding Buhui also ran over, holding a cupola and facing Lu Chen together with Wu Song.

"Hehe..." Lu Chen glanced at the dark cupola before continuing to walk towards the two of them.

"Boom...boom...boom, boom, boom..." The sky tube's mysterious light vibrated, and several bursts of energy burst out, attacking Lu Chen with a destructive momentum.

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