Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 95 Alien Lightning Element

Especially the soul-eating banner in Senior Brother Zhou's hand, under the infusion of Spirit Power, flashed a coquettish red light, and a thick bloody smell permeated, which was very strange.

Seeing this, Gu Feng was very anxious, but still bit the bullet and prepared to fight. At this time, Zhong Tao reached out to stop Gu Feng's movement and gave him a look that I came to.

Seeing Zhong Tao's serious expression, he took out a large number of talismans and chanted incantations, and the talismans suddenly became brilliant, turning into several lights and shadows and rushing towards the three of them.

"Back first, then attack!" The short cultivator yelled when he saw this. He had suffered from Zhong Tao Fulu before, and reminded the two to back away, and he also dodged to avoid his sharp edge.

"Puff..." There was a fart-like sound on the spot, and a thick puff of smoke spread out with a strange smell.

Shu Dao Fu Lu is not like before, it's wind again! Ice! Lightning! ...

The tall and short cultivator and Senior Brother Zhou look at me and I look at you, but they don't seem to know what talisman is.

The three of them sniffed the strange smell in the air at the same time, their faces turned black like the bottom of a pot, and their stomachs turned upside down, because the smell was so stinky.

"They ran away! Chase them quickly!" The tall cultivator was the first to discover the traces of Zhong Tao and Gu Feng's escape.

"Damn Fatty! Chase me!" The short cultivator turned pale, and then they cast Movement Technique and chased after Zhong Tao and Gu Feng.

"Fatty! Don't you have no attack symbols?" Gu Feng asked while running. When the two killed the second-level Demonic Beasts, he watched Zhong Tao use up all the attack symbols. .

"Haha... What I threw was the stinky fart talisman. It stinks so badly, it stinks to death." Zhong Tao laughed.

"Stop! Don't run!" The short cultivator and the others were not slow, and quickly closed the distance.

"What should we do? We will be caught up sooner or later." Gu Feng said anxiously.

"It's okay! I have a solution," Zhong Tao said, and took out four magic talismans, handed two to Gu Feng, and they each stuck the magic talismans on Own's thighs.

Then Zhong Tao quickly formed a seal in his hand, and the golden talisman flashed, and the two of them rushed out with a "swoosh!" as if they had installed a booster, and disappeared in a flash.

"Damn it!" The short cultivator stopped, his fists were clenched tightly, and no one could be seen

No matter how much they chased, they had no choice but to give up.

"Fatty! Your magic talisman is really good. Get me dozens more later. They don't seem to be chasing you. How can we stop?" Gu Feng said while running with a phantom behind him.

"Uh... this is my latest enhanced version of the God Walking Talisman. When the Spirit Power in it is exhausted, it will automatically stop. Let's run for a while, and it will be exercise." Zhong Tao smiled awkwardly road.

"What? You dead Fatty, I knew you were unreliable." Gu Feng was startled when he heard this.

The two had no choice but to continue walking, but they didn't know that they had already run out of the signal coverage of the Qi refining period.

"Crack..." A black lightning arc as thick as an arm hit Lu Chen directly, and Lu Chen exited the purple bamboo forest again.

In order to get the bitter bamboo, Lu Chen also worked hard. Relying on his physique of body training and spiritual realm, Lu Chen mustered up the courage to rush into the purple bamboo forest.

However, when Lu Chen just stepped into the purple bamboo forest, the black lightning arc seemed to have a tracker, and directly hit Lu Chen. The speed was so fast that there was no chance to hide in the golden bead world.

Lu Chen screamed, and immediately passed out. He fell backwards and lay on the edge of the bamboo forest with his feet in the air.

The black lightning arc seems to only attack those who invaded the purple bamboo forest. It can be judged from the fact that Lu Chen fell by the bamboo forest and was not attacked again.

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Chen woke up leisurely.

After waking up, Lu Chen hurriedly checked his own condition, except for the burnt skin on his arm, there were no other injuries.

But if there was a mirror, Lu Chen would probably be furious. At this moment, he is as dark as a sweet potato that has just been dug out of a fire pit.

Next, Lu Chen took out the Spirit Stones and used the Dao Sheng Jue of Chaos to restore his true energy. At this time, he noticed that there were many black elements in his body, and these black elements were wandering in the veins like fireflies.

"Could it be? The elemental ions of the black lightning arc?" The more Lu Chen looked at it, the more it looked like it.

Having had the experience of absorbing sky fire, Lu Chen made a bold guess.

Can I also absorb these thunder elements into my body like absorbing sky fire, and then store them in Dantian, if successful, I will have another powerful attack skill.

The more he thinks about it, the more excited Lu Chen is, imagining a thought to summon a black lightning strike

To the enemy, the other party will be very surprised and surprised.

"Haha..." Lu Chen laughed excitedly.

Next, Lu Chen suppressed his excitement, and used the Dao Sheng Jue of Chaos to guide the thunder element ions in the veins into Dantian, and the thunder Spiritual Roots in Dantian also seemed to feel it, flashing a light blue halo.

As if finding an organization, the Lei element ions quickly rushed to the Lei Spiritual Roots, and then entered Dantian through the Spiritual Roots, converging into a needle-sized black bead, side by side with the Skyfire, and slowly revolving around the Golden Bead World.

Spiritual Roots are special tendons that grow with Dantian. This kind of tendons can extract the elements of the eight attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and ice contained in Spiritual Qi, and convert them into Spirit Power Store it in Dantian, and then practice and advance step by step.

And the black lightning arc is a different kind of thunder element, similar to sky fire, so it condenses a bead independently.

Ordinary cultivator Spiritual Roots have a single attribute, the more pure the elements in Spiritual Qi can be absorbed, but Lu Chen's Dantian Spiritual Roots has the same number, but it has eight attributes, which can be described as complex.

If it wasn't for the world of golden beads and the Taoist Art of Chaos, Lu Chen would only be able to be a minion to everyone in his life.

Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and with a thought, he stepped into the purple bamboo forest again.

"Crack..." A black arc of lightning struck Lu Chen, this time Lu Chen didn't dodge, and the Chaos Dao Shengjue worked to the extreme, directly leading the black arc of lightning into Dantian.

The thunder beads in Dantian kept absorbing the thunder elements in the arc of lightning to strengthen themselves like a greedy snake, but Lu Chen was unscathed.

"Haha... bitter bamboo, here I come!" Lu Chen laughed triumphantly, and ran towards the top of the mountain.

The closer to the top of the mountain, the denser the lightning arcs become, from the thickness of the arms at the beginning to the thickness of the thighs.

But Lu Chen was not afraid, and let the black lightning arc strike his body, accepting the baptism of thunder and lightning like the god of thunder was born.

Lu Chen obviously felt that his own body had been sublimated again. Although he hadn't broken through the body-refining spiritual realm yet, it was far stronger than the previous spiritual realm.

After passing the densest area of ​​lightning arcs, Lu Chen came to the top of the mountain. No one expected that the bottom of the mountain was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, but the top of the mountain was clear and peaceful, like a pure land on earth.

At this time, Lu Chen's eyes were fixed...

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