Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 96 Seeing The Bitter Bamboo

The entire top of the mountain is about the size of a football field, and all you can see are black rocks, except for a rock protruding from the middle that resembles the tip of a pyramid, which is about the size of a grave mound.

A bamboo grows on the top of the rock, about two meters high, the whole body is like emerald, exuding a faint halo, standing quietly on the rock, giving people a holy and peaceful atmosphere.

The stem of the bamboo is emerald green, rich and steady in color, delicate and flawless in texture.

Bamboo leaves are sunny green, slightly transparent to translucent, bright emerald, crystal clear, just like the new leaves of poplar in early spring.

"Wahhaha... Bitter Bamboo!" Lu Chen exclaimed in surprise, walking three steps at a time, and came to the side of the Bitter Bamboo, but he didn't dare to touch it with his hands, for fear of disturbing this sacred thing.

However, when Lu Chen approached the bitter bamboo, the original excitement disappeared instantly, and the whole body and mind seemed to be purified, calm and peaceful, and the Cultivation Base seemed to faintly show signs of breakthrough.

" really is a good treasure. It is exactly as described in the records. It has the effect of purifying the six roots and washing the soul." Lu Chen murmured with a smile.

The six roots refer to: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.

The later the cultivator cultivates, the harder it is to breakthrough Realm. A large part of the reason is that people have too many distracting thoughts and the six impure minds are impure.

But if the six sense organs are impure and the mind is not pure, how can we achieve a transparent mind?

If the mind is not clear, it is impossible to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth,

If you can't understand the laws of heaven and earth, you can't breakthrough to the highest Realm.

If you can't breakthrough to the highest Realm, how can you talk about ascending to immortality?

But life has been ups and downs, how can it not stick to the body.

So this role of bitter bamboo is very important, and this is just one of them.

Bitter bamboo can also be used for refining tools, pill refining, talisman making, etc., but how could Lu Chen be willing to do it? Didn’t the whole bitter bamboo only have one hundred and eight bamboo leaves?

It is no exaggeration to say that if this small piece of bitter bamboo leaf appeared in Beichen Continent, there would be an uproar in the entire Beichen Continent, and there would be countless deaths and injuries, and blood would flow like a river.

"Haha... time is running out, let's move the bitter bamboo to the Jinzhu world first," Lu Chen regained his focus and took out the Magical Item long sword, preparing to transplant the bitter bamboo and stones into the Jinzhu world.

Lu Chen poured his true essence into the Magical Item long sword, and carefully stabbed it from top to bottom towards the rock where the bitter bamboo grew.

Biqu library

It is expected to cut a cube stone with a square of two meters, which should be enough.

"Ding..." The Magical Item long sword snapped in the middle with a crisp sound.

"Hehe... This rock is quite hard, as expected of the place where bitter bamboo grows." Lu Chen smiled.

Lu Chen took out the Mother-Child Chiba blade, poured Spirit Power into it again, the green light suddenly became brighter, and he stabbed at the position just now.

"Squeak..." Magic Treasures made a piercing friction sound against the stone.

Lu Chen frowned, he finally realized something was wrong, with Lu Chen's current strength plus the Magic Treasures Mother-Child Chiba blade, breaking stones and splitting gold is a piece of cake.

However, the black rock didn't even have a single scratch, which shows how hard the rock is.

At first, Lu Chen thought it was because the area he had chosen was too large and the surrounding rocks were relatively hard, so Lu Chen tried to narrow the area, but until the distance to the bitter bamboo was less than ten centimeters, the bitter bamboo would be destroyed if he went any further.

Lu Chen finally confirmed one thing, that is, bitter bamboo grows on an indestructible rock.

Lu Chen tried a few more directions and still the same, which pissed him off.

At this time, he found a palm-sized jade tablet next to him. Because of his own position, the jade tablet was just blocked by a rock.

Lu Chen habitually injects Divine Sense into the jade tablet, which reads:

"Bitter bamboo is a property of my Zi family. If the descendants of the Zi family hadn't dared to steal it, my Zi family would have hunted and killed you for generations to come, and I would pay it to Zi Wuyuan."

"This jade tablet should have been left by Zixuan's ancestors. I think his Cultivation Base in the Expanding Aperture period failed to take away the bitter bamboo, so what should I do, hey..." Lu Chen sighed after reading the message. Biqu library

Helplessly, he glanced at the bitter bamboo exuding a faint halo, and Lu Chen had mixed feelings in his heart. Do he really want to chop it off and take it away?

If this is the case, it is estimated that the bitter bamboo that has lost its life is not of much use, it can only be used as a material or burned as firewood.

For a moment, Lu Chen felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, and lay on his back under the bitter bamboo, staring at the bright green bamboo leaves in a daze.

"Hehe... Do you want to try blood recognition?" Lu Chen murmured to himself, but as soon as this thought arose, even Lu Chen wanted to laugh, because he had a bloody relationship with him.

Endless Forest Foundation Establishment phase cultivator signal coverage, Zhong Tao and Gu Feng are finally on the move

The symbol stopped after the Spirit Power was exhausted.

"Haha...Look! I'm not wrong! Didn't it stop?" Zhong Tao smiled triumphantly.

"Huh! You have the nerve to say, do you know how much extra distance we have traveled? Your talisman-making technology is really unreliable." Gu Fengqi said without a word.

"What can I do, and no one taught me, and the talisman making Jade Slip in the Sect Cultivation Technique Palace is a remnant. I can refine the second-level talisman record, all by myself constantly exploring and experimenting. It's amazing, okay?" Zhong Tao retorted with pride.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you." Gu Feng took out the information jade card to check, seeing where they are now, Gu Feng's face suddenly became serious.

"Hey! Gu Feng, you can't be so angry!" Zhong Tao said disapprovingly.

"It's over now! Tong Wei! I can't come back!" Gu Feng looked frustrated with tears in his eyes, and looked distraught.

"Hey! What's the matter?" Zhong Tao seemed to realize that Gu Feng's expression was wrong, and asked in confusion.

"Information...the information jade tablet has no signal, and we have run out of the signal coverage of the cultivator during the Qi refining period." Gu Feng said in a daze.

"What?" Zhong Tao exclaimed, and quickly snatched Gu Feng's information jade token. After checking it, he was a little disbelieving, and took out the own information jade token to check again. As a result, he was finally convinced that what Gu Feng said was true.

Without information jade cards, it is like being in the vast ocean without radar. How can they go back.

And now that they are in the cultivator signal coverage area of ​​the Foundation Establishment period, the strength of Demonic Beasts is comparable to that of the Foundation Establishment period, how could the two of them be able to deal with it.

"Gufeng! I'm sorry!" Zhong Tao rarely apologized sincerely, his face full of self-blame.

"" Gu Feng just wanted to scold Zhong Tao a few words to relieve his anger, but when he got to his mouth, he pointed at Zhong Tao's back with a frightened expression.

Zhong Tao followed Gu Feng's fingers and looked back. This look almost scared him to death.

I saw a giant dark red spider staring at them not far away. Its claws were as thick as telephone poles, and its eight big feet were at least seven or eight meters wide and five or six meters high.

Even though it is a spider, it has a human-like face, and its eyes are glowing green, which is very strange.

"Oh my god!" Zhong Tao yelled, dodging behind Gu Feng.

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