Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 132 - Eat

Xiao Pei poured tea into two small cups placing it in front of Si Ning and Xiu TianZhoa. Their table had already been filled with different dishes by servants but there were no spicy hot soup nor buns and dumplings on the table, the dishes all looked quite delicious but Si Ning was more interested in eating dumplings his mother prepared but he couldn't ask Ah Dai to bring it out because of his mother's warning, she didn't mention not sharing food with Xiu TianZhao but the Minister of Works was also part of the Imperial family and seeing that Ah Dai didn't mention it must mean he couldn't bring it out to eat because as a man of an easy-going character, Xiu TianZhao would definitely want to eat.

And about Xiu TianZhao who seemed calm and somehow bored yet Si Ning had the feeling that there was some glint in his eyes like he was delighted to see the series of food but Si Ning could have imagined it so he turned to see Ah Dai only watching as they placed the dishes on the table then he and Yang Sheng turned to glance at each other after the servants left, with a meaningful look Ah Dai stepped forward and came closer and took the testing dish with a silver spoon.

Si Ning felt a bit uncomfortable because he was already used to Ah Dai and he doesn't want him to be the one to taste for poison but then he decided to look at the brighter side because Ah Dai testing the dishes means he would only be eating just a small part to taste if the dishes were edible but before Ah Dai could take part of any of the dishes Xiao Pei came over and without any notice, he naturally swiftly collected the testing dish and spoon from Ah Dai and he was already tasting the dishes. Si Ning could see Ah Dai was annoyed even though it was unnoticeable as he wore a worried look but couldn't say a word and Si Ning also looked away because it was better and reassuring for Xiao Pei to do the tasting since he was a skilled guard and a skilled cook.

"You can now enjoy your food." Xiao Pei said when he was done tasting all the dishes.

They didn't have to tell Si Ning to know that Xiao Pei was avoiding calling any of them by their title since he might call Xiu TianZhao Master which Si Ning had frowned upon.

"Let's eat to our fill." Xiu TianZhao said when Yang Sheng, Ah Dai, and Xiao Pei left. He took the chopsticks, his eyes shimmering like an excited child then picked part of the grilled fish and ate it, his eyes widen as he started eating at a fast pace, using his chopsticks to pick different varieties on the table and shoving it into his mouth.

Si Ning was quite surprised, he didn't expect Xiu TianZhao to start eating like a starving buffalo and when Xiu TianZhao started chewing with his mouth full which reminded Si Ning of a hamster and without warning he started laughing "You should pfff.... slow down." He said as he laughed holding his stomach because it was so funny and uncultured for a Prince to eat like that which seemed to be the reason Xiu TianZhao started eating when they were finally left alone.

"Hm Hmm." Xiu TianZhao shook his head as he swallowed. "Oh no no, I am on a diet prescribed by my brother which the Imperial chef has to follow and I can't eat any of this so this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to eat anything I want!" He declared carrying a bowl of Collocalia bird nest soup, he didn't bother to take a spoon and placed the bowl on his lips, drinking the soup directly from the bowl.

"Pfff.... you.... should slow down." Si Ning laughed till tears started coming out.

"Xiao NingZi!" Xiu TianZhao exclaimed as he placed the half-filled bowl on the table. "I might not be able to visit you often so this is my chance." He quickly picked the meat from the bowl of beef stew and even managed to pick some lettuces and tomatoes and threw them in his mouth, chewing loudly like he was finally able to let go of all his table manners.

"Why are you on a diet?" Si Ning asked when he stopped laughing, curious and wondering if Xiu Zhicheng won't force him too on a diet because the way Xiu TianZhao was eating was just like a person who had been starving for days. He took a napkin to wipe his tears.

"Because I couldn't move my body well, doing training which was the result of me being busy but brother said it is due to my improper eating habit." Xiu TianZhao informed him as he started to shove different varieties into his mouth before dropping his chopstick and picked up his spoon.

Si Ning couldn't agree more because Xiu TianZhao wasn't as busy as he claimed, he was always slacking off. "I see, hope you can now move well during training?" He asked quite curious, picking up a spoon and started to eat the scorched rice soup because seeing Xiu TianZhao eat made him aware that he didn't eat lunch.

"Train no no no no. I am too busy for that." Xiu TianZhao said before pouring himself a cup of liquor ignoring the tea or water on the table.

"It is not night time do you think it is a good idea to drink in the daytime." Si Ning reminded him. Seeing how fast Xiu TianZhao was eating he hoped the Minister of Works won't end up with a stomach upset.

Xiu TianZhao sighed in contentment after gulping his drink. "It's dusk so we can drink all night because it is your welcome party." He said as he poured a cup for Si Ning.

A party with just two people could hardly be called a party but Si Ning nodded quietly enjoying his time yet he didn't dare touch liquor because he needed to be careful as a lousy drunk all he did was to place the cup on the floor so that Xiu TianZhao won't notice. Si Ning wished Shao Lang, Song Feng, and his Commanders were also with them, knowing Shao Lang would probably wear an impassive look but his Commanders would be delighted to join their welcome party while Song Feng won't like to come but Si Ning still wants to consider Song Feng as his friend.

They talked about different things as they eat even though it was forbidden to eat when dining but it was this little time they had to talk so they both didn't mind and Xiu TianZhao only dropped his spoon when he couldn't eat anymore and Si Ning only ate a small portion because he had to avoid overeating to eat the dumplings. The manservants came in and cleared the plates leaving the pot of liquor on the table which Xiu TianZhao poured into two cups.

"Second Prince what did you tell the Emperor about that night he caught me closer to the XiXi tavern and how come he didn't punish Ah Dai?" Si Ning asked the question that had been on his lips when they were eating.

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