Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 133 - All About That Day

"Oh, that." Xiu TianZhao poured the liquor into two cups and gave a gentle push to one to indicate it was for Si Ning. "I told brother you lost a bet to me and had to dress in female clothing while accompanying me to the XiXi tavern and the aphrodisiac was a result of a mistake of a serving girl and then you left only to get attacked by some unknown men which was ruled out to be some of General Shen Yu's men who were lurking in the dark." He explained.

Si Ning couldn't believe that the explanation was so simple and even something he could cook up but he couldn't because he would have cooked up a more believing story. "How come Jiang Ye wasn't punished for fighting Lin Fan and how did you even come there?" He was now confused when he thought how Jiang Ye fought with Lin Fan when he would have known he was fighting with the Emperor's personal guard. It might be dark but even him that was dizzy could still recognize Lin Fan.

Xiu TianZhao took a swing of his drink and sigh in contentment. "It was dark so Jiang Ye was confused and wanted to protect you from brother finding out you were dressed in female robes." He paused. "That is the explanation I suggested to brother and I being in the tavern was because I do go to the tavern to deal with stress and that is common knowledge." He said like it was the most simple explanation.

"How did Second Prince Qiu Bai escape?" Si Ning asked, he wasn't able to ask Xiao Pei for a detailed explanation so he had to direct the question to Xiu TianZhao.

Si Ning noticed Xiu TianZhao seemed to be in deep thought because he was frowning, his gaze directed to his cup and Si Ning was about to repeat his question to gain his attention when Xiu TianZhao raised his head as he waved his hand in front of his face like he was trying to get rid of his thoughts.

Xiu TianZhao shook his head. "He was quite skilled in martial arts just as expected and escaped through the window, I and Xiao Pei followed but after searching it was just like puff he vanished into thin air." He demonstrated with his hands.

Si Ning nodded in understanding, glad that Xiu TianZhao listened to his question. "Hope his Majesty didn't know that Second Prince Qiu Bai was at the tavern that day?" He asked carefully as his heartbeat started to accelerate because he was dreading Xiu TianZhao's reply and even regretted asking the question.

Xiu TianZhao took a sip of his drink. "Those that knew you went there are all dead except Madam XiXi also brother didn't pursue it so Madam XiXi didn't mention Prince Qiu Bai, I was quite surprised about how laid back brother was it was just like." He paused as he raised his head and taps his chin trying to find a suitable word to describe the moment. "It was like he wanted everything to be cleared and close the case may be to avoid the governmental officials finding out or..." He sighed as he looks straight at Si Ning. "I don't even know." He admitted after some time as he filled up his cup and raised his brows, stretching his hand to tap on Si Ning's cup just as a reminder that he hadn't touched his cup.

"And his Majesty believed you?" Si Ning asked even though it was unnecessary because from Xiu TianZhao's explanation he could only deduce two things which first was Xiu Zhicheng might not totally believe Xiu TianZhao and second he doesn't care and doesn't want to investigate the matter since it would probably cause some problem in the court which might be what he wanted to avoid and for this Si Ning had to give Xiu Zhicheng some silent gratitude as he reminded himself never to bring up any discussion relating to that day in front of Xiu Zhicheng.

Xiu TianZhao was silent for a long time as he clicked Si Ning's cup absentmindedly. "Yes why won't he, I am his trustworthy brother which brings me to be more concerned about you, why did you go and see Second Prince Qiu Bai?" He asked as he clicked Si Ning's cup.

"I apologize, I have things to do that is why I can't drink tonight." Si Ning was trying to change their dissuasion and he knew it didn't work when Xiu TianZhao didn't reply. "Second Prince Qiu Bai wants me to join Xilie." He said finally as he felt like a burden just got lifted off his chest.

It was probably foolish for Si Ning to share a private discussion like that with Xiu TianZhao but the Minister of Works had already shown his trustworthiness and he even helped him in times of crisis which prevented Ah Dai or his guards from losing their life and for that Si Ning was very grateful so he didn't mind sharing a bit since Xiu TianZhao might have already guessed the reason he had to dress in female clothing as a disguise to see Qiu Bai.

"And you choose Xiu because of brother." Xiu TianZhao started grinning, satisfied with his statement.

Si Ning still wasn't sure why he decided to choose Xiu instead of Xilie but he was sure he doesn't want to go down in history as a shameless person who sided with the enemy because of money and power. "Hmm." He decided to just agree and go with the flow. He raised his head to see Xiu TianZhao watching him and Si Ning looked away trying to avoid him being open and being read like a book because the Minister of Works had been drinking but still looked sharper than ever.

"In female clothing?" Xiu TianZhao winked.

"What?" Si Ning's eyes widen when he finally understood what he meant and he could see the mischievous glint in Xiu TianZhao's eyes. "That was the only way to disguise I could think of to sneak out and avoid his Majesty finding out." He replied even though he knows Xiu TianZhao was just teasing him.

For some reason, Si Ning doesn't know why Xiu TianZhao started to laugh and it might be because he was now drunk but Si Ning also joined when he recalled he and Jiang Ye terrible acting on their way to XiXi tavern. It was really hard to dress in female attire. Si Ning would have love sometimes to just wear some pants, a shirt with some outer shirt and a thin belt like Ah Dai instead of his luxurious robes that were always sweeping the floor yet Si Ning didn't hate it nor did he hate this world because it gave him Ah Dai and a best friend called Xiu TianZhao.

Just thinking about how his life was now better made Si Ning pick up his drink thinking that a sip wouldn't do a thing only for Xiu TianZhao to click his tongue and collected it, he drank it all then he poured the rest of the liquor in the cup which didn't even fill a quarter of the cup and pushed the cup gently to Si Ning.

"Thank you for everything." Si Ning said seeing how considerate Xiu TianZhao was that he even drank his liquor and gave him the last small quantity. He wasn't even concerned that Xiu TianZhao just handed over the cup he just used to have his drink.

"You can always depend on your big brother." Xiu TianZhao beat his chest and laughed.

"Sure." Si Ning also joined as they started laughing without a care in the world.

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