Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 156 - To The Courtroom

Si Ning opened his drawer, he saw the two letters he received from home, A letter from Si Nan asking about his life in the palace and a letter from Ge Mengshu which his mother explained receiving a letter from Ah Dai where Ah Dai explained that he had not been eaten well, Si Ning didn't have the energy to be angry at Ah Dai for going behind his back to report to his mother and to not make her worry he shared the meal with the rest of his Commanders making sure they ate large portion, he had to go through the list, Si Ning couldn't afford to waste time and he was so weak so he allowed Ah Dai to feed him the meal while he worked even though he had no appetite and the meal oddly tasted bland. He was also focused on the task he ignored Ji Ran that kept glancing at him while Ah Dai feeds him.

Si Ning took an empty box in the drawer and placed the two letters in it, he closed the drawer and raised his hand to pick up a hair clip in the jewelry box Ah Dai placed on the table, his movement extremely slow that he was aware of it. It was his third day that he had to work overnight only to sleep a little but it was finally over. He was able to compile the list and made a new document which he had signed over a quarter of his army and all he needed was to take it over to the court and have Xiu Zhicheng stamp it then he was done. He only picked the hair clip just to confirm that he was indeed slow and he couldn't help it, his body wasn't corporating and no matter how he tried to make his movement faster it didn't work.

He watched as how Ah Dai applied powder on his face, layer by layer to cover the dark circles under his eyes, the makeup was able to cover it yet his eyes were dull that Si Ning was too tired to try to look cheerful. He could see Ah Dai's worried expression as he applied rouge on his lips while his mouth opens like he wanted to say something only to close it as he focused on applying the rouge evenly on his Master's lips.

Si Ning stood up slowly, his eyes heavy, his thinking a bit dull and he raised his hands slowly allowing Ah Dai to adjust his robes and tie his sash tightly. He was a bit dizzy and would love nothing more than to lie in his bed and close his itching eyes then sleep for a day, he wasn't feeling so good and it was like he took a powerful drug that dull his senses.

When Ah Dai was done after brushing off the invisible dust on Si Ning's official robes. Si Ning started to head out of the room, his movement slow.

"Where.... is... the... palanquin?" Si Ning asked when he stepped outside the gate to see his guards and servants waiting, he was aware that he was talking extremely slow but he couldn't be bothered by that. He had to at least make it till the end of the court meeting before he finally shut down and sleep.

"General here it is." Xiao Pei gestured to the flashy palanquin just by the side of the fence.

Si Ning frowned. "Not... that... one... give... me... a... less flashy... one." He said after a while of thinking over and over what Xiao Pei said, it was weird he didn't notice the palanquin which was standing out. He might be tired but he still had his sense of reseasoning, it wasn't time yet for him to ride the flashy palanquin in the palace.

Yang Sheng nodded to some Servants who hurried away and came back with a small palanquin painted brown. It was just perfect and Si Ning didn't complain and only entered it and soon he felt himself being lifted. He opened the documents he was holding to go through it again feeling suffocated in the palanquin but he was able to scan through it till they reached the courtroom.

When Si Ning dropped at the bottom of the stairs, he felt as if the stairs were connected to the sky and he suddenly felt defeated, he started to climb the stairs, he would have loved to climb at his normal pace yet he was too slow that he had to pause after taking a step knowing the way he was walking, a pregnant woman carrying a twin couldn't walk that slow. He almost missed a step only for Ah Dai and Xiao Pei to quickly hold his hands, his senses were dull but he was aware he was being followed but he didn't turn to check who and when he turned to see Ah Dai's worried expression made him to quickly glance around hoping no one was watching him and the person he laid his eyes on was Shao Lang on top of the stairs.

"Young Master are you alright?" Ah Dai asked almost on the verge of tears as he took his Master's hand and started to rub it gently.

"You... and... Pei... don't... fol..low me." Si Ning said weakly, he doesn't want any concern from them which might attract some attention but he was grateful that he was saved from missing a step and falling.

"Yes General." Xiao Pei replied and released his hand.

"Young Master, it is my fault, Ah Dai knows Young Master has not been eating or sleeping well yet Ah Dai didn't stay with you when Young Master is working all night even though I know his Majesty will have Ah Dai's head if anything happens to my Young Master." Ah Dai said as he blinks back tears, his hold firm on Si Ning to show that he was reluctant to let go. "When Young Master comes back, I will have prepared a soothing tea to calm your nerves, I will also prepare the bath and if Young Master wants it I will help you with the bath and also call the Imperial Doctor too then I will stay with Young Master till you fall asleep and I will rub your feet." He listed out the things he planned for his Master.

Si Ning slowly placed a hand on Ah Dai's head and patted him on the head. "Do not.. call... the... Doctor... I will... take... tea... and... sleep.. when I am... back.. so do not... worry and when... I get back... I don't want... to... hear a word... from... anyone... because I need to... rest." It was better to say it earlier so that Ah Dai would know that when he gets back he doesn't want any disturb.

"Yes, Young Master." Ah Dai finally released him only to support Si Ning when he swayed but when Si Ning nodded, he stepped back and bowed.

Si Ning took a deep breath as he started to slowly make his way up the stairs.

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