Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 157 - Subtle Hate

Si Ning noticed Shao Lang kept glancing at him but Si Ning didn't turn nor try to make small talk or even say his greetings out of politeness, he knew Shao Lang wasn't going to talk to him since he completely ignored Shao Lang when he was trying to talk to him in the previous court assembly so it won't be odd if Shao Lang thought he was going to be ignored again.

"Xiao NingZi." Xiu TianZhao said when he rushed in to stand next to Si Ning and an announcement of the Emperor arriving was made which saved Si Ning from replying to his greeting.

The hairpin felt like a ton when Si Ning bent along with the rest of the Ministers, he was getting dizzy but endured till he raised his head when Xiu Zhicheng took his seat, he used all his willpower to stand firm while he folded his hands. The meeting started and Si Ning used all his willpower to listen and pay attention. It was so hard that he was only able to pick up some things and had a hard time trying to make sense of it while losing his concentration on trying to pick up the rest but he was glad that Xiu Zhicheng's mood was better and there was no tension in the air.

"Xiao Ning?"

Si Ning turned when he heard Xiu TianZhao whispered, he noticed he was looking at him with a worried expression and Si Ning knew it seemed his makeup couldn't cover how tired he was and Xiu TianZhao who was closer to him had to notice but to Si Ning, it seemed Xiu TianZhao was sparking and at the same time looking a bit tired yet had a refreshing look. Si Ning nodded just to indicate he was fine because it would be odd if they kept staring at each other when they were supposed to concentrate on the meeting, Xiu TianZhao also nodded then they both turned to pay attention to the meeting.

Song Ouyang took one of the rolled-up messages from the tray, loosen the band then unrolled it. He scanned through it then rolled it up and held it up. "This is the message from Xilie, Prince Qiu Bai has been crowned the Emperor of Xilie and he sent a message that he would like to dissolve the alliance between Xiu and Xilie." He said aloud.

Si Ning's eyes widened, his eyes itching he was afraid to rub it to avoid irritating it as the Ministers in the court started murmuring, he brought out a handkerchief and dab at his eyes trying to make sense of what Song Ouyang said. He had been expecting something like that and he was sure he wasn't the only one expecting it. Qiu Bai came to Xiu for a reason which was to obtain him and he had no intention of keeping an alliance with Xiu.

"The Emperor of Xilie stated that some of the goods that are transported to Xilie, after checking most of the goods had some shortages and the reason he gave for him to not dissolve the alliance is the effective departure of General Si Ning as an envoy to Xilie with a hundred bag of salt." Song Ouyang said then directed his gaze at Si Ning.

Si Ning knew the statement was directed at him because the court was silent and almost half of the Minister was staring at him yet he had to quickly process what Song Ouyang said and was so shocked after that he narrowed his eyes, he didn't expect this turn of event. If he goes to Xilie there was no assurance he would come back safely to Xiu because Qiu Bai might detain him and going as an envoy was his perfect plan and if Si Ning doesn't go then the alliance would dissolve and Xilie would finally have a reason to attack. The two options were no good because Si Ning would love nothing more than never to meet Qiu Bai again, if he steps in Xilie he might end up siding with Xilie at the end against his will, he could bet on it that his life might be threatened and Si Ning would gladly join Xilie if his life would ever be at stake, it wasn't ready to die for Xiu nor does he possess the heart of a General but for once his life wasn't going astray and things were going smoothly even though there were few setbacks but he doesn't want to die and end everything.

"Is this perhaps General Si Ning's plan because my subordinates were able to discover that you and the Emperor of Xilie met in private in your home when he came to Xiu for the alliance." The Minister of Foreign affairs Ling Qi said aloud, his gaze on Si Ning.

Si Ning frowned trying to make sense of what the man with the straight odd mustache said. "What... are you... trying to say?" He asked calmly in order not to waste time because he wasn't able to make sense of what Ling Qi said even though he was speaking the general language yet Si Ning felt Ling Qi just spoke another language entirely.

It was Si Ning's imagination but he had no time to quickly process what Ling Qi said but when he finally understood he frowned because he had no strength to be angry. He was going to be the Empress and he won't allow anyone to defame him, not now not ever.

"What I am trying to say is if perhaps you are working with Xilie to betray Xiu." Ling Qi said. "If not then share what you discussed with the court General Si Ning." He said aloud, his gaze on Si Ning more like a glare.

It wasn't surprising to Si Ning that someone knows of Qiu Bai visit to his home, he had been expecting a situation arising where it was mentioned but since all these days that no situation arises of Qiu Bai visit then Si Ning thought the matter was buried and Ling Qi arising the matter should at least be a shock to Si Ning but at the moment he had no strength to be shocked, amazed, his expression was just dull and he made no effort to fix it but he was glad his thinking and understanding was now better the problem was how to talk faster.

Si Ning should reply yet he was trying to think of where he heard the name Ling when it occurred to him the man with the straight mustache accusing him was Xiu Zhicheng's first Concubine father. No wonder he could feel the subtle hate radiating from him, becoming the Empress almost means that he robs his daughter's position.

Si Ning had no idea what to reply to Ling Qi, he might have thought of a plan after Qiu Bai's visit but right now his head was blank, he doesn't want to stress himself to even think because he was already tired and if Xiu Zhicheng ordered for him to be locked up if he wasn't able to come up with a reply then Si Ning would gladly welcome it as long as he would be able to sleep peacefully in the cell.

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