Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 158 - What Is Chaos

Long Qi frowned as he turned to the Minister of Rite next to him while the whole court waited for his reply but the Minister of Rite suddenly stepped forward only to step back.

Ling Qi frowned when he saw that the Minister of Rite wasn't going to say anything. "Minister of Works, why don't you allow General Si Ning to reply, we all want to hear." He said, his voice so loud.

Most Ministers nodded in agreement while others started murmuring and Si Ning had no choice but to step out. He wasn't going to hide behind Xiu TianZhao and look guilty, he quickly put his dream of sleeping in a cell just to rest aside and decided to concentrate on giving Ling Qi a reply.

"I Si Ning... love my... army and I don't think... for some foolish... ambition I will... close... my eyes and blindly look... as I... lost.. half... of.. my army." Si Ning said. "My men... that lost... their... lives.. they... were... my... men... my men and some had families... and... those... who don't have see... the rest... of my army as their family... and only a foolish man will say... a... General... might... look away while his army is being... slaughtered to protect... to protect.. their... homes."

Some of the Ministers gasps but Si Ning could see Ling Qi question as nothing but a pain for him to answer, if he was on his right senses and wasn't feeling so weak then he would have loved to defend himself to the extent that Ling Qi would be a laughing stock at the end of the day but all he wants now was the discussion to end.

"But I have heard stories of some people blinded by greed." Ling Qi said.

"Are... you... a... General?" Si Ning asked. "Have... you... ever... been a General?" He was angry yet it didn't show nor did he have the energy to try to look angry because not only did Ling Qi implied he was working with Qiu Bai, he even called him greedy indirectly which was an insult to him.

"No." Ling Qi answered.

"Then... you... have... no idea the pain... of a General... that watch... as... his... army are being... cut down... after all... a General is human... and humans have... emotions." Si Ning shot him a dirty look. If Ling Qi was going to come at him then he was going to do the same.

"A greedy person won't feel pain." Ling Qi said.

"Are... you... perhaps... talking about yourself." Si Ning stated, it was a question, he didn't miss how Ling Qi turned red in anger.

"General Si Ning!" Ling Qi said between gritted teeth. "General Si Ning..."

"If... you... keep calling me... I am... afraid the rest... of the Ministers might think.... you are... holding some sort... of deep secret feelings for me." Si Ning heard Xiu TianZhao chuckled. "....that... is why you.... are desperately trying... to bring me... to... the.. spotlight... so... they... will... know how great I am." He added.

This time around it wasn't only Xiu TianZhao that was trying to muffle his laugh, most of the Ministers were and Shao Lang beside him even snickered. Si Ning only wore a serious expression because he wanted the talk to be over because it was stressful talking loudly. He wondered why Xiu Zhicheng didn't say a word so he turned to see that Xiu Zhicheng seemed to be enjoying the show because the throne might be far from them but Si Ning could see a corner of his lips raised in a smile.

Ling Qi stepped forward, his eyes blazing red. "Then General Si Ning should have received the document about giving half of the Si army to join the Imperial Family, I believe the court should know the reason why there is no news about it."

Si Ning noticed the rest of the Ministers looking away and it seemed he had provoked Ling Qi for him to bring it up when he wasn't supposed to. "I have... prepared the necessary... documents... for that." He handed the documents to Song Ouyang who came forward when he saw his stretched hand holding the document.

Song Ouyang read through it. "According to this General Si Ning, this is not half of your army, why is it not half?"

It was nothing but annoying that Song Ouyang had to check instead of passing it over to Xiu Zhicheng but seeing that the Emperor didn't say a word means it was allowed so Si Ning couldn't complain but only stepped forward.

"Who... is... a General?" Si Ning asked, his gaze directed at Song Ouyang. If Song Ouyang was going to question him then he should be prepared for answering his questions too.

"A General is a knowledgeable person in arts of war and army, a General commands an army, keep them in check and care for them while looking for ways to utilize his army to keep their Nation safe." Song Ouyang said. "Is my explanation fair enough?" He asked.

Si Ning nodded as he processed what Song Ouyang said. "What is... chaos?" All he needed was to pass his message across no matter how he phrased his statement. His head was getting hot he felt like steam was even coming out because he was thinking of how to explain yet he wasn't able to come up with something, he would have loved to close his eyes to think but he can't in the court where all eyes were on him and they might think he was buying time to come up with a lie.

The Ministers started murmuring while looking at one another, Song Ouyang looked confused while some of the Minister looked interested in where the questions were going. Xiu Zhicheng only watched what was unfolding before him, his gaze on Si Ning.

"Chaos is a complete disorder or confusion." Song Ouyang replied.

"What is... more dangerous...than an... internal... strive between... the soldiers? when this case occur.... if... we... don't prevent it then the... other Nations... that had... set their... eyes on Xiu didn't need to move at all...., all they had to do... was to sit back and watch... the outcome... before they pick... their swords... to pick up the pieces." Si Ning paused trying to think if he had been making sense or not. "They will... Fight! for... the pieces... and ridicule Xiu just... because of just one mistake..., one tiny mistake... can turn... over countries, burn Nations... and make... the people... suffer and why are we Ministers here? is it not to... make the people's lives better? and to make... sure to... make the right decisions... at all time, I am... General Si Ning in charge of my army and I will not allow.... my army to throw the Nation... I was born... and live... my whole life, the Nation, I love apart." He declared.

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