Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 159 - Hidden Moral

"What are you trying to say, General Si Ning?" Song Ouyang asked after some time, his brows knitted in confusion as he focused his gaze on Si Ning.

Si Ning took a deep breath, it seemed like the discussion won't be ending anytime soon so he braced himself for what he was about to say next. "Have... Prime Minister... heard of... the story of... the... wolf and the owl?" He asked, his expression serious even though he just said nonsense yet he was trying to think of a way to cover what he just said. He had never heard of a story of a wolf and the owl nor does he think a story like that exist which leaves him no choice than to make one up and if questioned he could say he heard the story from his father when he was young and no one would question him because his father was no more in the realms of the living.

Most Ministers shook their heads while murmuring, Song Ouyang took a deep breath and turned to Xiu Zhicheng only to see the Emperor's gaze was on Si Ning which made him turned back to Si Ning after glancing around to see the Minister shaking their heads to show Song Ouyang they had never heard of the story of the wolf and the owl.

"No." Song Ouyang replied.

Si Ning sighed, he badly wanted to close his eyes to concentrate on forming a story because with his eyes open was quite hard. "When a wolf... is born, fed... and live well... among its parent... if the... young wolf... needs his parents... and the parents also... need the young wolf... and the young wolf is happy living... with them... then why... will the wolf... allow a... owl to force... him... to become... a farmer and leave... his home... when he was happy being a... hunter and living with his... wolf family..." He paused and took a step forward to think of the next step. "Then the owl said... to the... young....wolf... 'why don't you leave your home? you... will be a farmer... but... you will have... me as your parent' and after the wolf... thought... about it he... said to the owl, 'I don't...want to leave family and ...if you force... me to do so... then I will have to kill... you!' and what... does this ...story says?" He asked, his thoughts jumbled up as he tried to say something that would let them see his view of point while he wore his confidence serious expression like he just told a rare story with a hidden moral.

It was a pain for Si Ning to be talking for so long because he had been forcing himself to talk faster and he felt he had no energy left because he was now concentrated on maintaining standing without his legs giving way.

The Ministers started murmuring turning to their right then left checking for whom among them was able to understand the short story but they all kept shaking their heads.

"I don't understand General Si Ning and I don't think any of the Ministers do." Xiu TianZhao said after a while when Song Ouyang didn't reply but kept blinking.

Si Ning knew Song Ouyang should feel a bit ashamed by now because he doesn't understand him which might have been the reason he decided not to say a word. After all, the Prime Minister position was meant for someone vast in knowledge yet Si Ning couldn't blame him because he too doesn't even understand himself so he took a deep breath trying to find a way to explain better.

"To avoid chaos, General Si Ning had to only select those that will be loyal to the Imperial Family because if they are forced then there might be disorder in the Imperial army." Shao Lang said firmly. "Because chaos within is the army will be the most deadly weapon which can ruin a Nation." He concluded.

Some of the Ministers nodded, others seemed amazed as they watch Si Ning like he was the most intelligent person in the world while Xiu TianZhao had a small smile plastered on his lips, his shoulder high looking proud of his friend, Song Ouyang nodded. Si Ning sighed relieved that what he had been trying to say Shao Lang said it in the most simplest terms he wasn't able to come up with instead of him being ashamed of his vague description, he stood tall and proud like he just told the most meaningful story.

"Your Majesty." Song Ouyang finally climbed the steps to hand over the document to Xiu Zhicheng.

Si Ning hoped Xiu Zhicheng won't comment on it because if the Emperor says the men were not enough and insisted on half then Si Ning doesn't know what to do because he didn't think that far that if proposal might be rejected.

Xiu Zhicheng checked the document then placed it on the table. "Minister of Foreign Affairs." He called out.

"Yes Your Majesty." Ling Qi stepped forward.

The atmospheric condition of the courtroom changed and Si Ning felt a bit suffocated and he wasn't the only one because it seemed everyone was on their toes and to make it worst Xiu Zhicheng decided to stand and descended the steps to stand few feet from Ling Qi, a bead of sweat started to form on Ling Qi's forehead, his head bowed. Si Ning doesn't understand why Xiu Zhicheng had to come closer because the Emperor being close was making even him nervous.

It was a bit reassuring to Si Ning that the first time Xiu Zhicheng would come down from his throne, he wasn't standing opposite him and this made him feel a bit of relief, Xiu Zhicheng didn't make any comment when he was struggling to make sense of his words and he doesn't think Xiu Zhicheng would say a word now because he wouldn't want to embarrass his Empress to be.

"All the doubts you have of General Si Ning means you are indirectly telling me that I made a wrong choice when I chose him to be my Empress." Xiu Zhicheng narrowed his eyes.

Ling Qi's eyes widen in terror like he was just given a death sentence as he quickly fell on his knees and kowtowed, his head made a loud sound as it connected to the floor. "I dare not your Majesty, this humble Servant dare not question your Majesty..." He cried as he started to shake, his high and mighty appearance immediately reduced to become pitiful. "This Servant dares not...."

"General Si Ning doesn't owe the Imperial Family and giving the Imperial army his men is an act of his kindness and this shows he has the best interest of Xiu at heart by carefully selecting men that will be loyal to the Imperial army yet Ling Qi you dare to say otherwise." Xiu Zhicheng said as he lowered his gaze to look at Ling Qi.

"Forgive me your Majesty, Forgive this humble Servant that only want the best for Xiu!" Ling Qi cried.

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