Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 165 - In The Shadows

Si Ning stood beside the fence, his hands on the smooth surface, analyzing it. It was great that his thinking was still sharper than ever and the long sleep he had really helped in rejuvenating him so he felt so better and was itching to leave the palace to find his sister and the only thing that was stopping him was the wall he was currently analyzing which leads to the city.

From what Si Ning detected after doing a quick survey the moment he left his room through the window, sending Ah Dai to bring Xiao Pei over was that the Jasmine palace was closer to the fence leading outside. Si Ning was lucky that no guards were stationed at the Jasmine palace gate so he was able to leave with Xiao Pei and Ah Dai following closely without anyone seeing them. It was such a risky move not to tell Yang Sheng but Si Ning was sure Yang Sheng wasn't going to alert his servants and guards that he was missing and as long as Xiao Pei and Ah Dai also weren't in the Jasmine palace so Yang Sheng would think he might have gone out with Ah Dai and Xiao Pei to escort him.

Non of the most important residence in the palace was closer to the fence leading outside the palace but the Jasmine palace being closer means if there was an attack launch on the palace then the Jasmine palace wouldn't be safe but Si Ning didn't feel bad about this discovery because the Jasmine palace was posh and he felt lucky for this discovery because it was easier to reach the fence without being spotted even though the Jasmine palace was at least two hundred and fifty meters to the fence and there were five large stores between the fence and the Jasmine Palace. The fence was the fastest way to leave the palace by finding a way to jump over.

The fence wasn't that high but it would be a pain to climb, using a rope to scale through the fence was a bad idea to Si Ning and he was also not interested in stepping over Xiao Pei's shoulder to jump over the fence so they had to duck to avoid the guards patrolling till they reached a tall tree next to the fence, all they had to do was to climb the tree to the branch that was closer to the fence and with that, they could jump over the fence. If people were not that scared then Si Ning would have expected people to be entering the palace illegally, he hoped there wasn't any hidden guard watching them and preparing to shoot if they do anything suspicious but Xiao Pei not mentioning a thing about it means there wasn't.

"Young Master." Ah Dai called urgently.

"Give me your gloves." Si Ning told him, if he was going to climb a tree then he couldn't risk getting blisters when he had attained and maintained his smooth soft hands.

Ah Dai quickly removed his gloves and with shaky hands, he handed it over to Si Ning. "Master." He called after watching Si Ning put the gloves on.

"What are you still doing here, don't you know that his Majesty may come tonight?" Si Ning raised his brow as he tilted his head with a raised eyebrow.

Si Ning didn't ask or get any permission to leave the palace because he doubts that Xiu Zhicheng was going to permit him since the Imperial Doctor would have made his report and Si Ning could bet he told Xiu Zhicheng he needed a lot of rest. Even if he was granted permission then he might end up leaving the palace with dozens of guards or servants which was going to draw attention and no doubt he wasn't going to find out what Si Nan was up to.

To avoid Xiu Zhicheng finding out and guards being sent out to look for him. Si Ning made Ah Dai wore his sleeping robe and Ah Dai was going to sleep on his bed and pretend like him to not arouse suspicion.

"Young Master you know that this won't work, his Majesty will sniff me out immediately, Ah Dai might not live to see another day and if that happens then Ah Dai won't be able to see and serve Young Master ever again." Ah Dai explained, his eyes beseeching. "..and also there is the problem with my arm." He reminded Si Ning as he placed his good hand on his prosthetic.

Si Ning sighed. "All you have to do is to stay under the blanket, roll yourself up, and if his Majesty comes you must stay like that." He nodded just to show he just said the most reasonable simple solution to avoid getting caught.

Si Ning had seen a lot of situations like

that which the solution he just told Ah Dai was the best solution that always works in some historical movies he had seen and as long as they rolled themself in a blanket and if the person that wanted to check them comes then they were going to hold the blanket tightly to prevent the person from checking their face and with that, they were going to fool them. The person they were covering for would also be safe.

Ah Dai wore a panic look as he started to bite the corner of his lips looking nervous. "Ehn..."

"I have seen it work so it will, you just have to hide under the blanket, hide your face and you can even reveal just your hair or your forehead." Si Ning reassured him.

"Young Master's hair is different from Ah Dai, Young Master's hair is luscious and soft and Young Master's forehead is different too because Young Master's forehead is the finest smoothest forehead I ever applied powder to." Ah Dai pointed out.

It wasn't time for Si Ning to smile because of some compliments but he smiled anyway. He would have left a task like that to Jiang Ye if he was around and he couldn't leave it for Yang Sheng who was older, nor Xiao Pei because he needed his guard to protect him outside the palace. Si Ning hadn't spend enough time with the rest of his Servants so he doesn't know any of them who was bold enough to pretend like him just to fool Xiu Zhicheng Incase he comes to check him.

"Ah Dai just don't die, Xiao Pei let's go." Si Ning said because he had no time to waste. He was sure if Ah Dai was found out then the most extreme punishment for him was to be thrown into prison and when he comes back he was going to find a way to get Ah Dai out. "I hate to put you in that position but it is my only choice."

Ah Dai's face brightened up to see he was the only one Si Ning could rely on to pull it up. "Yes, Young Master I will follow your order." He saluted.

"Xiao Pei let's go." Si Ning said, the last time he climbed a tree was when he was still a child so he wasn't so sure now that was why he had to let Xiao Pei climb it first and help him up after he was stable on a branch.

Xiao Pei moved closer to Si Ning. "General we are not alone." He whispered.

A cold sweat broke from Si Ning's forehead as his eyes darts around to see if it was a palace guard on patrol because being spotted by them means his plan would fail immediately. After looking around all he detected someone hiding in the shadows but the height was also not quite right, he would have dismissed it as his imagination if it wasn't Xiao Pei that alerted him.

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