Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 166 - Deal?

The best plan Si Ning could think of was to quickly climb the tree and while climbing if they appear from the shadows then Xiao Pei was going to deal with them but the problem was Si Ning was too scared to go outside the palace alone, only few would know he had left the palace and he had spent the most time in his quarters in the Si residence doing his official works, going to the court meeting and returning home so he could count the times he took a stroll in the capital with his fingers and during those times he always had Jiang Ye or Xiao Pei close by to protect him so going out alone and being recognized was such a risky move, he doesn't even know the capital that well and worst he was sure he would have enemies waiting to strike the moment he let his guard down and if they happened to recognize him and get a hold of him then he might even lose his head because he wasn't even with a sword and as a General, the enemies would send someone skilled or even many armed men to capture him or kill him at the spot.

"Ah Dai delay whoever comes and quick Xiao Pei." Si Ning said, he can't afford to get caught so he and Xiao Pei would quickly jump over the fence leaving Ah Dai to solve any situation he might encounter. Ah Dai used to be his guard and servant so he might have lost an arm but he was still a good fighter so Si Ning was going to leave it up to him to delay them.

Xiao Pei nodded and jumped, grabbing a branch and swiftly swung himself upward, his feet landing on the branch then he hung with his back knees on the branch and let himself swing downward while stretching his hands to gesture for Si Ning to give him his hands so he could pull him up.

Hell no!

Si Ning had no idea how a man hanging upside down was going to pull him up, it seemed impossible and he could bet the moment he grabs Xiao Pei's hands and being pulled up then he was going to fall on his head and die.

"Si Ning what are you doing?" A sharp voice demanded.

Si Ning sighed relieved when he heard the commanding voice full of pride and turned to see Xiu Junjie appeared from the shadows, the moon high in the sky made him see the boy. "Shhhhh what are you doing?" He asked when Xiu Junjie was closer. "Why are you everywhere?" He had to ask because he hadn't seen Xiu Yuan once since he moved to the palace but he couldn't count the times he had seen Xiu Junjie.

If Xiu Junjie needs to get Xiu Zhicheng's attention then he was wrong to stick to him because Si Ning felt he wasn't that important to Xiu Zhicheng even though like once or twice he felt that Xiu Zhicheng was in love with him but feelings do change and the Emperor might just be keeping up with his pretense of being in love with him. Xiu Junjie might have thought it was a good decision to keep coming over to Si Ning maybe Xiu Zhicheng might notice him.

It wasn't surprising to see Xiu Junjie fully dressed in maroon robes decorated with dark embroidery, a golden dragon emblem on the chest, his hair was neatly packed into a ponytail, what seemed like a dagger in its sheath hanging at his waist belt.

Xiu Junjie shrugged as he starting to move over to the company of three. "I came to give you a hundred-year ginseng because as the Crown Prince it is my duty to see that you are well." He pointed out as he removed a golden pouch hanging around his waist to show Si Ning.

"Why are you here when the Jasmine palace is quite far away and why are you even walking alone at night?" Si Ning collected the pouch and handed it to Ah Dai, he couldn't help but to worry about Xiu Junjie with his nonchalant attitude, walking around alone when he wasn't even a teenager yet and if he was thrown in a sack and hauled over from the palace then no one was going to find out.

"I saw you sneaking out and perhaps on your way to the festival even though you have not been feeling well." Xiu Junjie pointed out. "If you don't want me to shout and wake up the whole palace then take me with you." He declared.


Si Ning was just thinking about how Xiu Junjie was disregarding his safety yet the boy just opened his mouth and said the most unreasonable statement. "You know Xiao Pei can always knock you out."

"Then I will tell Imperial father you sneaked out to meet a lover and you know my Imperial father is going to think the worst like maybe you went out to meet a lover." Xiu Junjie said. "Or meet a spy." He added.

Si Ning was flabbergasted. "Stop your way of talking like an old man." He reprimanded. "Also I know you are bluffing, you cant meet his Majesty, or can you." He knew that Xiu Junjie couldn't meet Xiu Zhicheng because asking for an audience with the Emperor at night was absurd and Xiu Junjie was still a boy so he couldn't possibly have a pressing matter to discuss with the Emperor at night moreover Xiu Zhicheng doesn't give attention to his sons.

Xiu Junjie crossed over his hands. "I can tell Imperial grandmother."

"...." Si Ning narrowed his eyes, if Xiu Junjie decides to tell the Queen Dowager then Si Ning was sure she was going to listen to her grandson then she would tell Xiu Zhicheng without blinking then the Emperor was going to come to the Jasmine palace and find out he wasn't there and that situation was a situation Si Ning doesn't even want to consider that it might happen.

"And if you let me follow you I will tell you why Imperial grandmother didn't follow Imperial grandfather to his grave because I can still remember you don't know why." Xiu Junjie smirked as he reminded Si Ning of the first time they played ddak-bam.

Si Ning almost rolled his eyes at the childish deal. "I am not interested in knowing." He could see Xiu Junjie was interested in leaving the palace more than telling on him.

"Okay let me see okay hmm I won't disturb you in the palace and this new dagger Imperial uncle gave me I will give it to you and also you can ask me anything you don't know, as the Crown Prince I will always have your back now and in the future." Xiu Junjie said unsheathing the dagger to show Si Ning, he removed the sheath from it belt, put in the dagger and handed it to Si Ning.

It was such a nice dagger with a red hilt, it seemed expensive with how shiny it was but Si Ning doesn't want to take something from a child when it was something gifted to him. The dagger seemed like a work of art and Si Ning would love to own it but as a General who was swimming in wealth then if he wants one he could easily get the type.

"No." Si Ning said firmly after sheathing the dagger and he extended his hand to show he was giving it back.

Xiu Junjie didn't raise his hand to take his dagger instead he stepped forward wearing a serious expression. "To all that, I will add telling you why Imperial grandmother hates your family so much."


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