Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 167 - Deal

"I can always find out." Si Ning said without a second thought as he narrowed his eyes, taking Xiu Junjie along was suicide so he was going to refuse him at all cost even though the boy was giving him a puppy look which made Si Ning frown because it doesn't suit the boy at all but somehow Xiu Junjie seemed desperate to him.

"No, you can't because a gag order was placed on it and whosoever talks about it will die in the worst method possible for not obeying the rule and the people present will also suffer the same fate" Xiu Junjie explained.

"...." Si Ning was shocked, he turned to Xiao Pei who was sitting on the branch and Xiao Pei nodded to show that Xiu Junjie didn't lie. Si Ning didn't know that there might have been some reason Xiu Junjie refused to talk about it when he asked during their stroll in the palace yet he kept asking over and over again. He doesn't think it was something so serious that a gag order had to be enforced and this made him more curious.

"As the Crown Prince I doubt I will suffer like that and you are Imperial father's fake wife so you are also an exception." Xiu Junjie added.

"Young Master." Ah Dai stepped closer. "His Highness has never stepped out of the palace once and Ah Dai thinks it will be a massive crime if Young Master takes his Imperial Highness along." He added, his eyes full of worry.

This was surprising, Si Ning could see that Xiu Junjie that had never seen more than the palace walls was the reason he was desperate and he doesn't even hide it. To take the boy out was something simple as long as no one found out but Si Ning doubts no one was going to check up on Xiu Junjie when they were out.

"I didn't make any arrangement to leave the palace but be rest assured because no one comes to my room at night and that's how it has always been since a year ago also no one knows me outside the palace except the court officials so I am safe, it is you that is not so you need like a hat or mask so no one will know that is is you also no one will pay attention to me because no one will think I stepped outside the palace." Xiu Junjie said.

"I bet no one will bother to look at you with your extravagant robes and that shiny Xiu emblem." Si Ning pointed out, he was only concerned about leaving the palace quickly, he didn't even make the necessary precautions to hide his face and the boy pointing it out was like a blow to him so he was trying to get back at him.

"It is a festival, I bet people will dress fancy and if I pull my outer robe like this." Xiu Junjie pulled it until the emblem was covered and he tied his belt firmly. "See no one will know now tell me Si Ning what can I do for you to let me tag along on your journey, I will pretend not to see a thing, hear a thing and you can even leave me out if you have private things to attend to."

"Let see... hmmm Junjie you will do whatever I say when we step out also you will hold to the end of your bargain." Si Ning said. To take Xiu Junjie out of the palace was a very risky move but he was willing to take it.

"Deal, let's hurry before the guards come." Xiu Junjie smiled brightly.

"Let's go." Si Ning announced still surprised that Xiu Junjie could smile like that, it showed that a kid would always be a kid for him to be excited that he was going outside the palace.


"Young Master."

Si Ning heard the shock layered under Ah Dai and Xiao Pei words but talking to Xiu Junjie already wasted a lot of time and he doesn't have any more time to waste. Si Ning could always find somewhere private to ask Xiao Pei about the reason the Queen Dowager hates his family but he doesn't think the boy was just going to watch them leave without creating a ruckus which means many more would soon find out about what they were about to do so. Each time they waste here means Si Nan might have gone to meet whoever she wants to meet and they might even miss her on the road.

Xiao Pei seeing that Si Ning didn't make a move to take back his words, shifted slightly until his back knees were holding firmly on the branch and he was now upside down while he left his hands hanging down.

"Are you that eager for me to die?" Si Ning exaggerated to show he doesn't want to grab Xiao Pei's hands.

"General this is the easiest and fastest way." Xiao Pei replied.

All Si Ning had to do was to grab Xiao Pei's hands, he doesn't even have to jump. He turned to Xiu Junjie wondering how the boy was going to climb up the tree but before he could say a word, Xiu Junjie stepped few feet back and ran, stepping on the tree twice then he jumped sideways and Xiao Pei caught his hands and Si Ning was shocked because it all happened in a second and he expected Xiao Pei to pull Xiu Junjie up only for Xiao Pei to throw him and Xiu Junjie turned in the air once and landed safely on the branch just like they were performing a wonder show.


It was such a beautiful dangerous move Si Ning wondered if he had been thrown into a ninja movie, he wondered where Xiu Junjie learned that and why Xiao Pei and Ah Dai weren't even shocked. He just stood there knowing he couldn't move his body like that only for Xiao Pei to jump down from the tree and swiftly carried Si Ning in bridal style, he jumped, one hand holding Si Ning firmly while the other hand grabbed the branch, then he pulled them up and Si Ning also grabbed a high branch and successful found himself on the branch, his heart thumping fast in his chest.

That was embarrassing.

Si Ning didn't want to even face Xiu Junjie, he doesn't want to see the boy disappointed expression because he was sure Xiu Junjie was making one, he only followed when Xiao Pei started leading and waited till Xiu Junjie caught up and swiftly Xiao Pei jumped over the fence and extended his hands to show he was going to catch Si Ning but Xiu Junjie took the lead, jumping down and Xiao Pei caught him.

Next, it was Si Ning's turn but his heart kept beating faster, he only had to jump and let Xiao Pei catch him but he couldn't help but think of Xiao Pei failing in catching a grown man. Xiao Pei has already shown he was capable and had strong-arm strength when he used one hand to carry him while climbing the tree.

"Young Master hurry, the tree is shaking." Ah Dai called, his voice layered with a hint of worry.

Si Ning wasn't ready for someone to spot the tree that was shaking so he quickly jumped and swiftly landed in Xiao Pei's hands. A fence was now separating him and Ah Dai. He hoped Ah Dai was going to get to the Jasmine palace safely and carry out his duty. He nodded to Xiao Pei and was glad his legs were not shaky when he was placed on the ground. Now the next thing they had to do was to find a hat with a veil or a mask to cover his and Xiu Junjie's face.

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