Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 187 - Soothing

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The meal Si Ning ate was so delicious that he found it hard to control himself and not wolf everything down, the taste of the meal was something fit for an Emperor that he felt so satisfied having the meal but had to be careful to avoid another stomach upset but what Si Ning didn't realize was that having the meal with just Xiu Zhicheng was the reason the meal was so delicious because he was happy that finally Xiu Zhicheng asked to see him and they finally saw. 

"Si Ning remember you will become mine tomorrow and I will become yours." Xiu Zhicheng said as he placed down his spoon like he was trying to remind Si Ning.

With the way Xiu Zhicheng sounded Si Ning wondered if Xiu Zhicheng was trying to remind him not to run from the wedding because the announcement of their wedding just happened in a blink of an eye without any ring to mark a wedding proposal. If it was the modern-day world, no modern-day person would agree to a marriage without a ring and for them being two men then there should at least be a couples ring just to show and mark their upcoming union.

Si Ning lowered his head to stare at his ring finger as he imagined wearing an imperial jade ring on it. He liked the idea of a ring, now that he was getting married he would like to have a ring but Xiu Zhicheng having three wives means he wouldn't have a ring and Si Ning would be the only one with the ring and that made a ring to seem like he was the property of Xiu Zhicheng which Si Ning doesn't want that so he quickly shook the thought he labeled as ridiculous off. 

"Yes, Your Majesty." Si Ning replied because no one getting married was going to forget their wedding day.

"Why don't you take your wine." Xiu Zhicheng suddenly suggested.

Si Ning doesn't know what he might do if he ends up taking wine so he had been avoiding it and taking water instead. "I do not want to get drunk and forget about the important aspect of today." He lied because if he gets drunk he was going to misbehave and worst he would end up remembering it.

The part of being drunk with the ancient strong alcohol was that Si Ning might end up jumping at the delicious man before him and make the desert for the night. 

"It is a medicinal alcohol but you can drink this." Xiu Zhicheng took the alcohol pot and placed it next to his unfinished plate of meal and replaced it with another pot, he even proceed to pour for Si Ning. "This one had just a little alcohol that it's barely there. I will take care of you and also remind you tomorrow if you end up forgetting." He told Si Ning as he handed the cup to him. 

Si Ning accepted it and drank slowly, he found himself unable to detach his mouth from the cup till he drank it all but to his surprise all he tasted was a fruity taste with a little bit of alcohol that was able to register as the aftertaste lingering on his tongue. The drink was a slightly addictive taste to make Si Ning drank the drink at once but that thought was gone because he suddenly had the urge to ask why Xiu Zhicheng didn't come to the jasmine palace the day of the lantern festival when he sneaked out, he had already considered it as a good thing yet he was disturbed by it.

Si Ning also planned to show his gratitude when Xiu Zhicheng took care of him but because of his stomachache, he was unable to visit Xiu Zhicheng, and this time he doesn't know how to bring it up yet he racked his brain thinking of the perfect approach and way.

"Si Ning.. Si Ning, you have been making different faces, is something on your mind?" Xiu Zhicheng asked after he finally gained Si Ning's attention.

Si Ning shook his head then paused thinking 'perfect'. "This General wants to extend his gratitude to his Majesty for taking care of me throughout the night when I fell ill." He finally said because he doesn't want it to eat him away. He didn't show his gratitude because Xiu Zhicheng was the Emperor, rather he showed it because it was the normal thing to do.

"I am well aware of how you looked exhausted that day at the morning assembly, it pained me to see you struggle so much for our Nation, and as my beloved Consort I couldn't bear to leave you alone." Xiu Zhicheng explained. "I am the one grateful to you for the army you tender for the Imperial army but after our marriage, the Imperial army will be your army too, you may not be able to command them but as long as I am here the Imperial army is yours too." He added. 

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Si Ning said as he smiled a little, glad they were having a proper conversation without being awkward. 

Si Ning wanted to ask if Shao Lang was on his journey to Xilie but asking means he wasn't current in the Nation's affairs and Si Ning doesn't want Xiu Zhichneg to see him as being incompetent because he plans to show all his best side to his husband to be. 

"Shao Lang embarked on the journey to Xilie the next day you were rejuvenating." Xiu Zhicheng said as he drank his wine.

"Oh." Si Ning's eyes widened because it was like Xiu Zhicheng read his mind, he hoped Shao Lang's journey to Xilie would be fruitful even if it was just for a short while because he was well aware that the war Qiu Bai want was inevitable.

"The Imperial Doctor said you had a stomach upset and he told me you are better now, that is why this dinner consists of only light and soft meal, do you like it?" Xiu Zhicheng asked, his eyes gentle showing his concern for Si Ning's wellbeing.

"I like it very much." Si Ning smiled as he admitted, it was hard for him to control his facial expression because he found himself smiling from time to time due to Xiu Zhicheng's gentle soothing voice. 

"Si Ning, do you remember the first time you followed late General Yunsheng to the palace?" Xiu Zhicheng suddenly asked as he poured another cup of the fruity taste wine for Si Ning.


Si Ning had no idea of what Xiu Zhicheng was talking about so he doesn't know how he should reply, whether he should act like he remembered or just admit he had no idea. "Hmm." It sounded neither like an affirmation or a question nor deny.. Now he was curious about how they met and he was eager to know with how Xiu Zhicheng eyes crinkle and his lips slightly raised into a small smile to show he was thinking about a happy memory and if Si Ning wasn't looking carefully he would have missed the slight face expression changes.

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