Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 188 - When We Met

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"I knew you were a boy but you have this girly face and you were the most beautiful person I have ever seen but do you know what drew me to you?"

"...." The Sudden question made Si Ning bite his bottom lip softly, he doesn't want to say Xiu Zhicheng was drawn to me because of his beauty because that was what Xiu Zhicheng said so he shook his head without thinking if it was appropriate to reply by the gesture.

"What drew me to you most was that you didn't see me or try to get closer to me even after your father told you to be good to me." Xiu Zhicheng continued. "After some time of getting you to see me as a friend, I treated you like my brother but after some years I discovered I don't want you to see me as a brother anymore, I wanted the whole of you and all of you, I wanted you to be mine then do you remember when I confessed to you." Xiu Zhicheng paused even though it wasn't a question.

"..." Si Ning nodded even though he had no idea what Xiu Zhicheng was talking about.

"I was so nervous and I didn't expect you to accept me but you did yet I couldn't stop thinking that you were with me because you couldn't refuse me, I was so insecure about us because you never initiated being intimate with me and when I became the Emperor of Xiu and my mother told me to have an heir and I did, you still forgave me but because of political reasons and me being unable to stand firm I hurt you when I married Chunhua and you left me." Xiu Zhicheng poured another cup of wine and drown it, his eyes holding sorrow showing how hurt he was as he was reminiscing those times. 

Si Ning doesn't know if Xiu Zhicheng was talking because he was drunk but he doesn't care because hearing the rich voice drifting to him was making his body hot all over, his face red and he was having a hard time controlling his sexual urge.

"During those times I felt like I was in the dark, all the colours in my life faded and what did I do? I married Princess Mingxia too because of political reasons and because I needed comfort which doesn't exist in both my wives but that hollow in my heart didn't fade and deep inside I know you are the one that can only fill it, just by seeing you hurt so much it affected me so badly it was like you are the air that I breathe so I was determined to make you mine by all means because Si Ning I can never live without you." Xiu Zhicheng said.

"....." Si Ning swallowed a lump on his throat because just by looking at Xiu Zhicheng, all that Xiu Zhicheng was saying was his confirmation that he had feelings for him he could feel the emotion radiated from him and he knew right there that Xiu Zhicheng was in love with him but what all Xiu Zhicheng said like he was asking for forgiveness, forgiveness for marrying three wives and forgiveness for trying to make Si Ning his.

The confession was unexpected that left Si Ning speechless yet he had the urge to say something, at least confirm some things. 

"Does this mean you don't love your wives?" Si Ning blurted out, yes! he had slept with different people without loving them before he met Liu Ting and when he met Liu Ting, falling in love with her made it difficult for him to even think about sleeping with somebody else so Xiu Zhicheng loves him yet he slept with his wives was a bit confusing to him. He had seen people like that having wives yet confessing to him which placed him in a situation of doubting if they ever loved their wives but Xiu Zhicheng just told him he loves him and he doesn't want to think about Xiu Zhicheng sleeping with his wives while being in love with him.

Xiu Zhicheng gestured for Si Ning to come closer. "Sit next to me." He said, his eyes regarding Si Ning gently.

Si Ning stood up, his heart beating fast he could almost hear it, he sat down leaving some spaces between them. "Ehp... " He yelped when Xiu Zhicheng drew him closer till they were sitting side by side, their body touching making Si Ning's temperature suddenly rise. 

"Si Ning you should know by now that I love you so much whenever I am with my wives, I had to be drunk to an extent and I imagined me holding you while I do them from behind because it's the only way I could get it up, it was cruel of me to do so but after I had Yuan I kept to myself and I didn't even consummate my third marriage and my third wife understood me." Xiu Zhicheng said as he kissed the crown of Si Ning's head making Si Ning completely rest on him.

Si Ning wasn't able to say a word, he had heard many people out trying to convince him to be with them, telling him they love him yet he disregarded their confession yet with Xiu Zhicheng, he felt like he was trapped in a bottle with their feelings mixing to the extent that it was so exciting yet so painful like the bottle needed a bit of air for the feelings to escape and reduce that Si Ning was aware that the man he laid his head on while his heart kept accelerating is someone he loves that it scared him because he doesn't think he had ever loved someone romantically like that not even Liu Ting.

"No matter what Si Ning, I want you to trust me and stay by my side but just for tonight I want you to be honest with me." Xiu Zhicheng placed a kiss on Si Ning's neck and proceed to lick it. "Do you feel the same? "

It was hard for Si Ning to talk because his neck was on fire, the mild sandalwood scent protectively surrounding him, all the hair on his body standing just by feeling Xiu Zhicheng's breath on his neck and feeling the body next to him was making a current run through his body.

Si Ning quickly nodded once. "Yes, Your Majesty." He replied sincerely, he doesn't know about the past but right now he wanted the Emperor and what he was feeling was more than lust.

"Thank you." Xiu Zhicheng whispered it was almost faint.

Si Ning was surprised to feel what seemed like a teardrop on his neck that he almost jolted up yet his eyes became misty he had to blink back his tears, he folded his hands now feeling awkward, Xiu Zhicheng placed his hand on his face and lightly turn it so they were now looking at each other deeply and Si Ning could see that his eyes were clear, no sign of tears which means he must have imagined it, his gaze lowered to Xiu Zhicheng's lips and he found himself leaning forward only for the Emperor to meet his lips halfway and just by the touch of their lips, sparks started flying everywhere as Xiu Zhicheng deepen the kiss. 

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