Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 205 - Home

What an Actor!

Si Ning could see himself getting an Oscar for his performance, just with a flick of a finger he had solved the Shi siblings' situation, he wanted to laugh out loud, he felt he deserved to be praised for the way he handled the situation and Xiao Pei made it better by commanding the riders to move as soon as Si Ning entered the carriage leaving Sun Li who managed to run out in time to see them leave.

"General, is it to the palace?" Xiao Pei asked.

Si Ning subconsciously wanted to open the window so he could reply to him but it seemed the window was stuck or Xiao Pei had done something to it and it was then he remembered it was for the best for the window to stay shut. "Home." He replied.

It had been long since Si Ning sat, thinking of the last time he spoke to his mother in the same room, he missed her and seeing this opportunity as his means to see her, he couldn't miss it, he was also looking forward to seeing Si Nan too, he wasn't ready for Si Nan to hold him down with gossip but he doesn't mind because he would even like to eat her famous cooking.

Just thinking about the Si residence reminded Si Ning it wasn't his permanent home anymore and Xiao Pei might be leading him straight to the palace. 

When Si Ning was about to call Xiao Pei, the carriage stopped and Xiao Pei opened the door. Si Ning sighed in relief when he looked outside to see the Si residence, he couldn't be more glad of the capable guard by his side.

"Xiao Pei, how did you know the home I was talking about is the Si residence?" Si Ning asked as he stepped out of the carriage, feeling fresh air hit his face, he took a deep breath in and out.

"General will likely say palace if General wants us to go to the palace." Xiao Pei replied. 

Si Ning smiled, his gaze forward, he was a bit surprised that there was no guard at the gate which was odd so he quickly head towards the gate to see what the problem was and the moment he stepped past the gate, all the guards and servants of the Si household were arranging themselves in perfect rows and columns, Wei was among them, hushing them to straighten up quick and it was a perfect row and column the moment Si Ning took another step, Wei at the front with Jiang Ye. 

"Welcome Your Majesty....!!!" They all chorused loudly as they kowtowed uniformly like they had rehearsed several times.

Si Ning doesn't even want to know why Wei was there but as Jiang Ye's friend and a member of his army then he should see it as normal.

Ge Mengshu also appeared at a corner with Si Nan, she walked so fast like she couldn't delay the important person that stopped by. Yanyu and Yalin were walking behind them with a guard who always followed Ge Mengshu. Si Ning was smiling brightly, happy to see his family again until his mother did the unthinkable thing when they got closer by proceeding with Si Nan to kowtow. Si Ning's smile faded instantly as he also quickly bent automatically, falling to his knees in front of Ge Mengshu but this only made all the guards and servants bend more like they were about to enter the ground. Xiao Pei instantly fell on his knees like he was shocked by electricity.

"Mother, you don't have to do this." Si Ning complained.

"Greetings to Your Majesty." Ge Mengshu said.

"Greetings to Your Majesty." Si Nan said.

This leaves Si Ning no choice but to also bend to kowtow but Xiao Pei stopped him, one hand was spread sideward to block Si Ning from leaning in as he proceed to make sure his head was lower than Si Ning, Ge Mengshu's eyes almost bulge out of her sockets when she saw that Si Ning wanted to bow to her so she was about to say something but Xiao Pei beat her to it.

"Forgive me General but the Empress of our Nation, the right side of his Majesty may never kneel before no man except his Majesty himself, the son of heaven." Xiao Pei explained quickly to prevent Si Ning from flicking his hand away.

"Your Majesty please stand up to your golden feet, let his Majesty's Mother who is honored to pay her respects to Your Majesty pay her respect duly." Ge Mengshu said.

With one touch Xiao Pei lowered his hand. "Please Mother stand up with me." Si Ning extended his hands but Ge Mengshu refused to take it, leaving him no choice but to stand up before his mother followed suit.

"Come, it's a bit chilly outside." Ge Mengshu said leading Si Ning to the dining. 

The moment they entered Si Ning was about to complain because giving the title 'Empress' doesn't mean his mother had to kneel to him but seeing the delicacy on the table made him swallow up his complaint but then Ge Mengshu walked up to the table, she took the testing plate and a silver spoon.

"Mother you didn't inform me you will start treating me differently because of a title." Si Ning voiced his complaint as he watched his mother personally testing the dishes on the table.

"Little Ning, marrying the Emperor means you, me, and Si Nan is now among the Imperial family but you are now in a delicate position." Ge Mengshu said as she continued to test the dishes.

Delicate position?

Si Ning felt bitter, his tongue growing numb, he had no idea what his mother was talking about. "I don't want you to treat me differently." He voiced his opinion.

"We can never treat you differently I just have to pay my respect as it should be and also personally

taste these dishes because there is nothing as being too careful." Ge Mengshu said. "You will always be my son little Ning and one I am very proud of." She dropped the spoon as she completed her testing.

"So Elder brother is still Elder brother?" Si Nan asked eagerly.

"Yes, Si Nan." Si Ning said but almost regretted it when Si Nan yelped and jumped at him, her legs wrapping around him as she laughed joyfully.

"I missed Elder brother." 

"I miss you too my baby sister." Si Ning said, taking two steps back to steady himself, holding Si Nan as he laughed happily that at least one of his family is still treating him the same but turning to his mother to see how she smiled without cautioning Si Nan, he knew at that moment his mother was the mother he knew, the greeting was just a formality they had to do and tasting the dishes was okay because the Empress going home and getting food poison or something which might turn into a delicate situation that even a powerful family like them won't be able to contain.

That afternoon they talked, laughed, ate till evening, even Si Nan sang a song Si Ning had never heard and he was about to give them a taste of the modern pop music when he remembered he promised Xiu Zhicheng to only sing and dance for him so he ended up not singing instead he enjoyed the moment of being with his family yet he couldn't help but wanting Xiu Zhicheng too be there because he was also a part of their family now but as the situation was it would probably be awkward if Xiu Zhicheng was there and soon Ge Mengshu excused herself to see to a trade coming to Xiu while Nie Qingyang came to call Si Nan for their embroidery lesson.

After saying bye to Si Nan and promising he would come home sometimes Si Ning found his way to his room. His room was left as he remembered, not a thing out of place, it was just neat to show it was being cleaned regularly.

"General we should leave soon, his Majesty didn't know that General as left the palace so General must return to the palace before nightfall, it is almost dusk and General have to make a plan for the Shi siblings." Xiao Pei informed Si Ning.

"Oh yes." Si Ning flipped shut the book he was glancing through. "I forgot to tell mother about them because they will stay here." He had no intention of taking them to the palace. "Tell Jiang Ye to make arrangements for them and watch the boy carefully also Xiao Pei go to the Sun house and bring them here." He said as he removed the command plate he fixed to his sash which was covered by his cloth and gave it to Xiao Pei.

Xiao Pei bowed, his eyes on the Empress command plate. "Yes General." He left the room at once.

Si Ning was flipping through a history book when the door opened slowly after a while that Xiao Pei left. "Did you forget something?" He asked but then it was strange because Xiao Pei had never turned back once to ask him a question or come back for something so he turned as a sharp sweet scent of perfume drifted to him.

"I am here to please Master." Yanlin was adorned in a gown that fell to the floor to reveal the underneath see-through mesh she wore.

Oh Not again.

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