Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 206 - Seduction Again?

Si Ning instantly snapped his head back not wanting to stare at a naked person who wasn't his husband, he sighed. He closed the history book he was glancing through and replaced it on the shelf after placing it at the back of his mind to make inquiries if he was now included as not only as the General but as the Empress of Xiu. He sighed again feeling the energy in his body drained, he had enough things on his plate, and trying to reason with Yanlin wasn't part of them so for the first time he was unmotivated to get rid of her yet he knew he had to, the last thing he wanted was rumour about him flying around, a rumour that might give the Queen Dowager a reason to shame him.

"Young Master..." Yanlin called in a tiny seductive voice as she moved closer slowly, making sure she took small steps as she swings her hips not hesitating to get closer because Si Ning didn't stop her and she saw it as a go-ahead sign.

"Yanlin are you stupid or..." Si Ning paused thinking of what to add. "...just stupid?" He raised a fine forefinger to stop her from coming closer but with the corner of his eyes, he could see that she disregarded his order by moving closer. 

"I know Master is his Majesty's man but I Yanlin tried to grow up fast just to please Young Master, I tried so hard for Young Master to notice me and I tried so hard to give up after Young Master rejected me but what I feel for Young Master didn't go away but kept building up that Yanlin couldn't stop thinking about Young Master every day, even if it is just once I want Young Master to touch me and if it will lead to my death I accept," Yanlin said moving closer till she was a few feet away from Si Ning. "I can even carry Young Master's child in secret." She whispered.

"Child?" It wasn't the first time they had gone through the discussion but wanting to die was new to Si Ning, he was almost getting used to people in the era taking death lightly. "Who put you up for this?" On her last seduction attempt, he didn't think much of that statement but now it seemed suspicious which means there must be a setup somewhere so he quickly put on his defense coat waiting for an explanation, this time he had to uncover the enemies which might be close to him lurking in the dark.

"I swear to heaven and earth." Yanlin raised three-finger. "This is only Yanlin's doing, Yanlin is not greedy and doesn't want anything than Young Master sharing a little affection for me."

Si Ning had never thought of bringing a child into the world, he knew what he was signing up for when he married Xiu Zhicheng, he had no intention of having his own children. "I will like you to leave Yanlin and pretend this discussion never happened because I am not capable of giving you what you want." He said his fingers tracing the pile of books on the shelf as he immediately brushed over the thought of someone evil sending Yanlin to him. "In life, you don't always get what you want, all you have to do is to appreciate what you have." He added in a low voice, he wasn't uncomfortable that a naked girl was close to him but he had to get rid of her.

"Please look at me Young Master.., I have developed in the places you will like over the past... few months.., my body is now so.... soft" Yanlin begged, now at the verge of tears as she jumped closing the distance and hugged Si Ning from behind, making sure her breasts were pressed hard against his back.

"Move Yanlin." Si Ning said in an extremely dangerous low voice, he stood still as he felt a vein almost pop from his head because just another pair of eyes seeing them would become a dangerous situation so now he was angry.

Yanlin shook at Si Ning's warning so she fell on her knees hugging his knees. "It is either Master touch me or I drink this poison." She added after a while when Si Ning refused to look at her.

Si Ning shook her off, taking a few steps out of her hold, he turned his head back to see the bottle she held up, it was a dark bottle so he had no idea what might be in the bottle. His heart had been already set on Xiu Zhicheng like a Leach, seeing Yanlin doesn't even arouse any desire within him, he was a man who was only attracted to his husband and he wasn't going to cheat on him also he would like to end it clearly that Yanlin would never be someone he would be attracted to. He was also sure that Yanlin was bluffing so he was going to cut off her bluff. "Drink." He said without thinking returning to check the books on the shelf. 

"I tried so hard to be who Young Master will want one day to warm the bed, I tried to grow up so fast but still Young Master didn't look at me and if Young Master will never look my way even if it is just a little then Yanlin had no more reason to live." Yanlin burst into tears, her eyes turning red instantly as she cried, her hands shaking as she stood up slowly. "Please..."

Si Ning turned in time to see Yanlin open the bottle cap and drank the content at once, he paused finally taking a good look at Yanlin and he was a bit scared to see that her eyes staring clearly at him seemed lifeless like she had lost something very important to her, something she was incomplete without, something that she would prefer being six feet under than carrying on living. Si Ning was just there hoping it wasn't poison like she claimed so they just ended up staring at each other like they were looking into each other soul. She looked quite pitiful to Si Ning but he knew deep down it was better this way, he was never going to accept her feelings and he tried ways to not hurt her deeply but it seemed it was unavoidable. After a while, Si Ning was about to smirk to confirm that he was right that it wasn't poison when Yanlin fell to the floor the bottle rolled off her hand.

Oh No!

"Yanlin." Si Ning's eyes widened and he jumped to her side. "Hey hey hey." He said calmly feeling the warm body. "look at me." He begged silently as he gathered and held the body in his arms, one hand to her face to wipe the tears.

Just then Yanlin opened her tears-stained eyes, gazing at Si Ning who quickly pull off his outer coat to cover her up while making sure he didn't drop her to the floor. Just by seeing her face going pale, her lips turning purple, he knew he underestimated the sick love Yanlin had for him.

"Mas...ter... Is finally... looking... a..t me.." Yanlin said as she coughed out blood.

Oh no no no!

Silly girl, you're wrong...

"Hey keep talking Yanlin, it will be okay." Si Ning reassured her. "Jiang Ye!!!" He could feel his throat vibrate, his mouth went dry as he tried to push out the thought of Yanlin dying in his arms "Jiang Ye!" He called again desperately.

Where the fuck is he!

Si Ning doesn't swear yet different kinds of swearing words kept floating to him when he knew Jiang Ye probably wasn't near to hear him.

"Mas..." Blood trailed out of Yanlin's lip


Si Ning used his sleeve to wipe it from staining her mouth. "Stop talking, why will you do this Yanlin, no man is worth dying for and I refuse to let you die!" He declared and he was surprised that he wasn't panicking. "Jiang..."

"General, Jiang Ye...." Wei rushed in paused as he saw Si Ning on his knees, he quickly fell on his knees confused by the scenario in front of him.

"Run Wei to Song Feng, bring him over here this instant! Immediately! Run! Run!!!" Si Ning ordered.

Wei without wasting time ran out on a spree while Si Ning hoped he had taken Ah Dai along, he would have known what to do even Xiao Pei that might know what to do wasn't around too.

"Yanlin keep looking at me, I command you not to sleep!" Si Ning ordered when Yanlin was closing her eyes.

"Young... Mas...ter... will"

"The world is a beautiful place Yanlin, I belong to another which means there is someone out there for you too, doing the most for the useless me doesn't worth your time nor your life." Si Ning kept on blabbing. "Is this how you plan to leave my precious Si Nan?"

"I...want to.... keep.... Young Miss."

"Good, then you have to live for her and live for me to see the great man you will end up with.." Si Ning said as he stared at her purple lips which were now turning blue, he had no idea how to get rid of the poison so the least he could do was to hope that Song Feng gets there fast.

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