Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 3 - Rebirth

Si Ning closed his eyes letting the darkness eat him away knowing it would all end soon but the refreshing feeling of something great was about to happen to continue to engulf him, knowing it was a foolish dream yet he waited.

And waited.

And waited..

And waited...

Still waiting....

"What the..?" Si Ning flung his eyes open only to see a red tent roof and heard some yelling. He glanced around to see he was in a big tent and the yelling outside the tent was starting to give him a headache.

Was it a dream? Wasn't he just drowning and wasn't he just drunk and now he could say he was clear-headed.

Si Ning frowned and tried to sit up on the hard bed that was like a high platform he was currently lying on only for him to grunt as a sharp pain assaulted his chest. "Ah...." He placed his hand on his chest to see it was heavily bandaged with a cloth.


He must have been saved by someone which means he must have been wounded on his chest which was the reason for the pain in his chest and now that he wasn't dizzy or hungover means he had been sleeping for at least a day or two.

Something was sticking to his back which made Si Ning placed a hand on his head only to pull a mass of dark hair that seemed to be bonded in a loose ponytail and looked like it was attached to his head. For as long as he remembered his hair was always kept short and dyed in different colors since it used to give him a younger appearance and what was this long smooth silky dark hair that seemed to be reaching his waist. 

A wig?

Si Ning pulled back his hand and his eyes widen to saw a calloused hand and he quickly raise his other hand to check.

Calloused hands! 

Was it caused by the sea?

Staring at his hands frightened him so much he had to yell. "What the hell is these callous hands!" His hands couldn't be like that just by falling into the sea or was it caused by the treatment administered to him? What were these calloused hands!

Someone jumped into the room when they heard him and it was no other than Chen An and he was dressed in armor.

"General you are awake." Chen An saluted him and he sounded relieved.

"Oh Chen An, you are here." Si Ning was glad to see a familiar face at least he was now in the company's hand which means he was in good hands.

Si Ning raised his legs slightly to see he was only wearing large dark pants. He didn't think much of it but looking at Chen An... What was up with Chen An's attire and his hair being pulled into a ponytail?

As far as he remembered Chen An wasn't an Actor. He was his friend and the Personal Assistance of Liu Zhicheng also his hair was always trimmed short that Si Ning suspected Chen An might be visiting a hairdresser thrice a week because he loved to keep his hair extremely short.

"Here drink." Chen An helped him to sit up and extended a cup of water to him.

Si Ning narrowed his eyes at the dark cup that looked dirty. He wasn't going to drink that and risk getting diarrhea. "No thank you, where are we?"

"At the emergency camp set after you were hit by an arrow so the Physician could treat you and neutralize the poison but thankfully the arrow only grazed your skin." Chen An explained.

An arrow hit him? It was unbelievable that an arrow hit him. What was this? Ming Dynasty? He didn't know Chen An was great at telling jokes.

"Why are you dressed in armor?" Si Ning had to ask as he kept staring at Chen An from head to toe. He wanted to laugh but he couldn't since the armor suit him giving him a serious look.

"To be prepared in case of an ambush since we have to protect you, General." Chen An replied.

Now Chen An was speaking nonsense and the long hair was getting on Si Ning's nerve as it kept sweeping his back which made him tried to pull the wig off only to feel a sharp pain on his head.

"General, what are you doing?" Chen An quickly asked sounding worried as he bent, moving closer to check what might be wrong with Si Ning's hair.

"Pulling the wig off, how did they glue it so firmly." Si Ning complained as he massaged his scalp to cope with the sharp pain.

"But General that is your hair." Chen An frowned.

"And what is with this general." Si Ning rolled his eyes. "My hair is definitely not long like this." He couldn't help but feel like he was having a ridiculous conversation with Chen An.

"But it is General Si Ning since you were young, you like keeping your hair so long." Chen An told him.

"Just give me a mirror!" Si Ning snapped since he didn't know Chen An had an annoying personality and it was getting on his nerves with the nonsense he kept spouting with a serious expression.

He watched as Chen An exit the tent and he quickly sat up properly looking for slippers only to see dark boots beside the wooden bed he could hardly call a bed.

This will do.

Chen An returned after Si Ning inspected his hard feet and wore the boots knowing he would have to get a manicure and pedicure as soon as possible. Chen An gave him a small mirror that looked old but Si Ning had no energy left to complain.

Si Ning looked into the mirror to see his flawless pretty face and his starry peach blossom eyes looking back at him which was one of the features that made people hooked on him. Liu Ting loved complimenting his eyes.

Si Ning was one of a kind, the one called pretty boy, cute and his beauty could rival most beautiful women with his luminous flawless smooth skin almost like polished translucent jade. He was one person that would steal the spotlight wherever he was which made him land into trouble most times since he would never allow a perverted old man or woman to try to grope him in a club.

Taking a deep breath, he handed the mirror to Chen An, since he didn't die he would try to change and become a star. It shouldn't prove difficult with his looks and since he had already broken it off with Liu Ting. He would restart his life and work on how to be a better Actor.

"Where is the Director?" Si Ning concluded that he must be on set and maybe he lost a few of his memories and he didn't hesitate to wear the robes Chen An gave him.


Was he acting as the Crown Prince now?

This thought made him laugh as Chen An parted the curtain for him. Si Ning stepped outside only to see men dressed in armor here and there and some stopped to salute him.

"Where is Director Mo?" Si Ning asked still smiling not knowing why he was feeling so refreshed, the pain in his chest had also subsided like it was never there.

"I do not understand." Chen An replied.

Si Ning looked around but he couldn't see any familiar faces. "Fine, where is the main lead?" Before Chen An could reply, a man interrupted them and saluted.

"General, Commander Chen. The Xilie army is almost at the Han pass, the scouts just reported." He reported.

"How many?" Chen An asked looking alert.

"Roughly five hundred." He replied. "Approaching fast and maybe here before nightfall."

"General." Chen An turned to him. "What is your command? We have only two hundred men and I don't think our reinforcement will arrive soon."

"What?" Si Ning frowned.

What was this development?

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