Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 4 - Conclusion

What is this look? Why are they facing me?

"General!" Chen An called out seeing that Si Ning was staring at them dumbfounded.

"I can't see any cameras, are we resuming? Where are the makeup crew?" Si Ning raised his brows. "Is this practice for which scene?" It was confusing and the terms Chen An was using were confusing him too.

"General I mean Xilie troops are coming." Chen An frowned. "We have to end this war at once. Since we have crippled most of their forces and General Shen Yu seems to bear a grudge against you for cutting down his son."

"Force? Cutting?" Si Ning raised a brow.

"It is a good opportunity to get back at you General, you know how hot-headed General Shen Yu is." Chen An took a deep breath. "We need a plan to end it all at once and go back to our Nation victorious." He explained.

"Nation? Are you okay Chen An?" Si Ning had to ask. Chen An was behaving crazy and he looked so serious it was starting to creep him out. "As you can see I am fine, you can go back to President Liu." He had to send this unreasonable Chen An away.

"President Liu?" Chen An pulled up a scowl as the foot soldier who reported saluted them before leaving when Chen An nodded to him. "General get a grip, the army is coming. What do we do? Should we further retreat?"

Finally, Si Ning had heard enough of Chen An. If Chen An would not find him the Director, he would find him himself and demand the details of the show.

With this thought, Si Ning proceed to walk around the camp but all he sees were men running around, they stopped and saluted him before going on their way. He proceeded to the second tent in the camp which was far from his tent, it was only two tents on set. It looked big and Si Ning figured it would contain the filming instruments and perhaps the main lead Shao Lang would be there along with the Director and the filming crew. He hates Shao Lang with his lousy fake smile and act that wins most Directors hearts.

He heard some growling and some shouting till he reached the tent, parting the mesh to almost faint when the strong stench of blood assaulted his nose and saw people lying wounded on the floor. Some even had their arms gone and the man growling arm was cut off while a woman dressed in bloody robes was bandaging it up.

This wasn't a 3D effect, it looked so real that Si Ning froze in his step and the wounded man bit his lips hard and even tried to sit up to salute him the moment he saw but Si Ning but Si Ning bolted and ran to his tent.

"General." Chen An called out.

"That is not 3D, right? That... his hand.. no arm.. legs oh...." Si Ning raised his hands to see his callused hands.

What was happening? Long hair, War...?

"3D? What is 3D General?" Chen An asked looking curious. "Oh you saw Ah Dai, he apologized for not being helpful but General he was able to hold up so the medics can treat our men first."

It couldn't be. Si Ning had seen netizens talking about reincarnation and rebirth novels. He knew about it since Si Nan loved reading those sorts of books but this doesn't make sense.

"I am a General of which state?" Si Ning asked bitterly as he parted the mesh of his tent, slightly afraid to step in.

Si Ning's eyes darted around. A hard bed, a table, a chair, a series of spears, a sword in its sheath, shiny silver and blue armor on the chair. Things he had missed when he woke up since he didn't inspect his surroundings, he was more concerned about his hands and feet.

"You are General Si Ning of Great Xiu Nation...." Chen An paused. "General is your memory damaged?" He proceeded cautiously.

"Xiu Nation!" Si Ning yelled. "Like Xiu country or state?"

"Xiu country, we have many states under us." Chen An replied calmly.

"This cannot be happening! I refuse to believe it! Where is Song Feng!!!....." Si Ning yelled till the back of his throat vibrated.

Chen An had collaborated with the rest to pull a prank on him and he would find the hidden cameras for this prank show and if it was Song Feng, He would not hesitate to beat him up, scriptwriter or not.

Maybe Elite Entertainment would cancel his contract but he could always go and attach himself to Qiu Bai laps and then rise again. Never to gamble, fight and to live an honest life, become famous, and become the number one most sort after man in the country.

"Song Feng!!!" He yelled as he walked around the camp. The soldiers saluted him but he ignored them checking some armors on the ground. The quality was quite good and heavy. This shouldn't be discarded on the floor. It cost a fortune to rent them.

"General, Song Feng is the Prime Minister's son, why are you looking for him?" Chen An asked hot on Si Ning's heels as he collected the armor from him.

"Where is he?" Si Ning stated inspecting Chen An armor for any hidden cameras.

"He is near Bao, Scholar Song Feng is a scholar and studying the act of traditional medicine." Chen An explained. "He is not stationed at this camp but part of General Shao Lang's army since he would be attending to the wounded."

"Shao Lang, the main lead." Si Ning knew he was on his own and he would do his best to find out his situation of this prank reality show.

After acting like a mad man all over the camp checking the nearby trees for the cameras, the filming crew and seeing there were no hidden cameras and the foot soldiers were all lined up waiting for his command which means the cameras were well hidden and he would not lose to Shao Lang.

What sort of tragedy is this.

Si Ning knew how to dance, sing and act but why would he go to war. This was all a dream and him pinching himself doesn't seem to wake him up which means he would have to play along for now at least for him to look cool on the show, the way he had been acting wasn't good for his image.

"Chen An to the tent." Si Ning commanded walking towards the tent he had used one heavy sword to vandalized yelling for the hidden camera not even caring to play along.

Chen An spread the map on the table and two other Commanders joined them. They wore silver armor and helmets.

"General." They both saluted Si Ning.

"This is Han pass and the enemy is moving from this point and here....." Chen An pointed at the map. "But General are you alright?"

This was the time for Si Ning to apply his BattleXmode experience as he nodded listening attentively to Chen An, staring at the map with intense concentration.

Maybe this was Liu Zhicheng helping him in this reality show and maybe he would win a lot of money after winning or a grand prize. Since Shao Lang was at another camp. A male lead would also be stationed at his camp and since the focus was on him. It means he was the male lead.

After his conclusion, Si Ning wanted to laugh out loud like a mad man but he had to follow the invisible script to win this outrageous competition.

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