Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 94 - Glance And Talk



"....." Si Ning leaned forward as a means to show he was waiting for Qiu Bai to start the discussion because he was tired of them acting polite and glancing at each other without saying a word.

When Si Ning entered the room in which he met Qiu Bai the last time he came to the XiXi tavern, he first sighted Qiu Bai sitting at the table by himself while different kinds of dishes were laid before him on the table and he was just eating slowly by himself. Si Ning was a little surprised because he had expected the situation to be like his last visit to the brothel where Qiu Bai was drinking with a lot of beauties.

Qiu Bai's eyes widen when he saw Si Ning dressed in women's clothing that it took a while for him to recognize him and that was after Si Ning moved closer and sat across him.

There was only an incense stick at the corner of the room but the room felt pleasant and cozy, different from the smell of the incense stick the last time. When Si Ning got closer he noticed that even though Qiu Bai was acting as he used to yet there was a gloomy air surrounding him and dark circles under his eyes even though it wasn't noticeable yet Si Ning could see it because he had been unknowingly studying the man across him since he had to think before talking, watching his actions so as not to offend the dangerous man by picking out his words and due to this he was able to pick that Qiu Bai seemed troubled.

Si Ning tried to keep his composure while wearing a look that cross-dressing wasn't a big deal and it was normal the way he dressed so he doesn't need to explain himself to Qiu Bai, all he had to do was to wait for Qiu Bai to start talking because after exchanging greetings, Si Ning doesn't think it was right or needed for him to be the first to start their conversation when it was Qiu Bai that wanted them to meet.

The problem that was making Si Ning feel a bit uncomfortable was Qiu Bai that kept glancing at him while he took a sip of his drink, watching him like he was watching his prey but Si Ning sat appropriately, he might be dressed like a woman doesn't mean he was a woman that had to be wary of Qiu Bai who he had to meet at the brothel and as a General, he shouldn't be afraid so Si Ning tilted his chin up to show that he was comfortable as he placed a hand on the table trying to maintain a posture that would relieve the strain on his neck.

"Are you that scared of the Emperor of Xiu that you had to dress like this General Si Ning?" Qiu Bai used his chopstick to pick a fish and placed it in the empty plate he sets in front of Si Ning.

"I do not see anything wrong with my attire." Si Ning would rather die than admit he was afraid of Xiu Zhicheng finding out his movement.

Boldly coming without a disguise was suicide which was just like using his hands to spoil his plan that had been going smoothly so Si Ning wasn't going to let Qiu Bai know of his fears because it was none of Qiu Bai's business.

Qiu Bai smirked. "General Si Ning and you know a part of who I am yet you dress so tempting." He raised his cup to his lips and flicked his tongue slowly at the tip in a seductive way while he slowly narrowed his eyes while watching Si Ning.

Are you trying to act seductively?

Si Ning almost rolled his eyes instead he looked straight into Qiu Bai's eyes. "Do Prince Qiu Bai perhaps have a fetish for a man dressed in women's clothing?" He would rather they go straight to the point so he could leave. He doesn't think he would be able to relax until he gets home, get rid of the attire, and lie on his bed after knowing that he wasn't found out.

"Who knows." Qiu Bai said as he proceeds to place more fish on Si Ning's plate then poured him a cup of alcohol.

To not seem rude and be suspicious of Qiu Bai made Si Ning pick up the chopsticks next to his plate to pick a fish and took a bite, normally he would be wary of Qiu Bai that kept looking at him like he was using his eyes to undress him but since Qiu Bai was also eating the same fish so he doesn't think of it being poisoned.

"Thank you, Prince Qiu Bai, the fish tastes wonderful." Si Ning said sincerely, he never expected the fish to be delicious.

Si Ning wanted nothing than to call Ah Dai in so he could taste the fish and make the type for him next time and due to this thought made him turned in the direction of the door then regretfully looked away because it would seem rude for him to call Ah Dai in to taste the food, Qiu Bai could also mistakenly read the situation as Si Ning calling his servant to taste if the food was safe which was something Si Ning would like to avoid.

"Have your drink." Qiu Bai gestured to the cup of alcohol he poured for Si Ning.

Si Ning reached for the cup but withdrew his hand. "I am cutting back on alcohol." He lied, he would rather drink alcohol in the safety of his room or with TianZhao or even Shao Lang because he was told it was Shao Lang that took him home after he got drunk at Song Feng's wedding and drinking with Qiu Bai was a line he doesn't want to cross because he might pass out or misbehave in front of him and that would automatically ruin the image of a strong General Qiu Bai sees him as.

Qiu Bai took the alcohol he poured for Si Ning and drank it all at once then he placed a small teacup in front of him and poured him a cup of tea. "Tea then." He said placing the kettle down.

Si Ning frowned wondering if Qiu Bai drank the alcohol to show him that it wasn't poisoned and that made Si Ning a bit embarrassed because Qiu Bai might have thought he refused the alcohol because he doesn't want to be poisoned. So this time Si Ning couldn't refuse the tea so he carried his cup to take a sip.

"Congratulations because I never thought the Emperor of Xiu would consider making you the Empress." Qiu Bai told him as he picked a slice of meat from a bowl and placed it in front of Si Ning before picking a slice of meat to put on his plate.

Si Ning smiled. "I told you, my word is absolute." He couldn't help but brag a bit as he raised a brow because he doesn't understand why Qiu Bai was picking out food for him.

Qiu Bai chuckled. "Was it worth sacrificing half of your army?"

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