Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 95 - Propose

How does he know?

Si Ning had nobody to reply to the question he just asked in his head. According to Xiu Zhicheng, it was the Queen Dowager that suggested half of the Si family army joining the Xiu army and there had never been a discussion like that in the court which means someone closer to Xiu Zhicheng or someone closer to the Queen Dowager gave the information to Qiu Bai.

Qiu Bai telling him about it means he was confident that Si Ning would be joining Xilie or Si Ning would never tell a soul because they were meeting in secret or it was Qiu Bai means of letting him know someone was working for him close to the Emperor, Queen Dowager of a member of the Imperial family because he considered Si Ning not to be a threat.

Si Ning had already known someone was working close to Qiu Bai but he didn't try to find out the person because he never considered them to be deep in the inner court or someone who might be closer to Xiu Zhicheng or the Queen Dowager.

According to how the situation seems, Si Ning could guess the person working for Qiu Bai wouldn't be someone closer to Xiu Zhicheng because he doesn't think Xiu Zhicheng told anyone about the request of half of the Si family army joining the Imperial army which only leaves out the people closest to the Queen Dowager for Si Ning to suspect but looking at it front another angle, he couldn't help but think it might be someone that advised the Queen Dowager about it and that person could be the one closer to Qiu Bai or the person might be in contact with Qiu Bai's informant.

Si Ning was annoyed that Qiu Bai had given him something to think about that he had to bite his tongue slowly to avoid lashing out or asking how Qiu Bai knows because he knew Qiu Bai would never give him a straight reply which means it was nothing but a waste of time if he decided to ask.

Si Ning couldn't come up with a reply to Qiu Bai's question because he also doesn't know if he should agree to Xiu Zhicheng terms or not.

Thinking about it suddenly made him dizzy that he quickly took another sip of his tea to clear his head then he felt his body starting to get hot but he could only ignore it because it was just his imagination.

"If you lose half of your army then what will you be called General Si Ning or what nickname do you think the members of the court will give you?" Qiu Bai asked refilling Si Ning's cup.

"A wise man." Si Ning replied. He knew giving up half of his army wasn't being wise, it was almost like he was a pawn to the Imperial family and he wouldn't blame the Officials if they see him as one if he complies with Xiu Zhicheng's request yet he doesn't want to agree or see himself as a pawn because he only belongs to himself and his family.

The members of the court giving him a nickname made him wondered if he hadn't been given one already and as long as they didn't call him the nickname to his face then he doesn't need to worry about it.

Qiu Bai smirked. "Or perhaps a man who chose love over reason." He said in a hard tune as he suddenly concentrated on Si Ning like he was studying him ignoring that he heard Si Ning's reply.

"I do not think so." Si Ning replied sharply and almost glared at Qiu Bai only for him to quickly wore an impassive look. He knew what he felt for Xiu Zhicheng wasn't love, it was just infatuation and him wanting to sleep with Xiu Zicheng only for his pleasure but he wasn't about to tell Qiu Bai that.

Si Ning noticed his reply doesn't seem to please the man across him because looking at Qiu Bai and seeing how his eyes had turned red and how he seemed to have lost a screw on his head because there was a bright evil smile plastered on his face caused a warning sign to start ringing in Si Ning's head and that was when it reminded him that the man sitting before him was a dangerous man and would not be please with his halfhearted answer but Si Ning doesn't belong to him and he wasn't from Xilie which means he had no obligation to give Qiu Bai a reply or side with him. He was also a hotshot in Xiu which means Qiu Bai was on his turf and he had absolutely nothing to fear about him.

Qiu Bai was dangerous but Si Ning doesn't fear him, he was only threading carefully before he couldn't conclude what he wanted but still, he certainly knew he doesn't want war or ride to war anytime soon because if he does ride to war, there was no guarantee he would come back alive but he had already been dead once and he doesn't want to die again not in the life that for once he seemed to be in control of things and everything was going smoothly for him, the most important point was that he was rich and extremely important to his nation.

"Tell me, General Si Ning, if you lose half of your army then what is my purpose of wanting you to side with me." Qiu Bai pointed out as the smile faded Like it was never there.

Si Ning doesn't know how to reply and he was about to think only to realize he was unable to and was starting to feel hot. "I never said I will hand over half of my army to the Imperial army." He replied the first statement he could think of as he took a sip of his tea, drinking the tea as a means to get rid of the hotness that was building up because it doesn't seem to be his imagination.

"It is just a little time before you accept this proposal so instead of accepting why don't you come with me because I am leaving Xiu tomorrow." Qiu Bai told him.

Si Ning's eyes widen. "Why should I do that?" He asked almost like a whispered as he felt his head weigh a ton and his vision getting dim.

He had been searching for the real reason for their meeting and Qiu Bai's last statement already pointed out to it but him bringing up his proposal was so confusing that Si Ning couldn't resist raising a questioning brow as he waited for an explanation.

"If you come with me, you will have your army, the Ge family army and then we will wage war on Xiu and at the end, you will have more than what you wish for, you will have freedom, have riches and even have Xiu if you stay by my side as my wife." Qiu Bai stated as the corner of his lips rose into a small smile as he stared across him the man that had his cheeks tinted in a rosy color and was giving off an extreme sex appeal.

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