The third generation sixty-four launched an attack and quickly grabbed Feng Wuxia's shoulders with both hands.

The man seemed to notice something, and his keen intuition told him that the man in front of him was the strongest opponent he had ever met, and he could not relax at all. He took the opportunity to go behind Feng Wuxia and wanted to grab her hands.

However, the third generation sixty-four found that the man in front of him was like a stone statue, standing there motionless.

"What a boring field."

"You too, are so boring."

Feng Wuxia's words completely angered the Third Generation Sixty-Four.

Feng Wuxia looked at the Third Generation Sixty-Four with boredom, not taking him seriously at all.

At this time, the Third Generation Sixty-Four was furious and jumped directly onto Feng Wuxia.

With the advantage of his legs, he locked Feng Wuxia's neck tightly, and then fell back suddenly.

He thought the plan was successful, but Feng Wuxia remained motionless, and the attack just now did not cause any damage.

"I thought you were smarter than the others."

"I didn't expect that he was just a clever fellow."

He grabbed the arm of the Third Generation Sixty-four with one hand and threw him directly from his back.

The Third Generation Sixty-four rolled several times in the air and landed safely after trying hard to control his body.

He felt something was wrong and said secretly:

"Damn, this guy is ridiculously strong."

"He did not use spell power to strengthen himself, just pure physical strength."

But the Third Generation Sixty-four did not lose heart, because only a strong opponent could make him realize his own shortcomings.

"Sumo is the best!"

"I lost the first round, now let’s start the second round!"

"Your strength is far more than this."

"Showing your strength is the greatest respect for me."

Feng Wuxia scratched his ears. This was not the first time he had heard this.

Everyone who said this to him would regret it in the end.

But the Third Generation Sixty-four was different from the others. Feng Wuxia could sense that he had no ill intentions and just wanted to have a hearty sumo match.

"OK, I promise you"

"I can cry in the corner later."

Seeing Feng Wuxia finally start to look at me, I couldn't help but get nervous.

The Third Generation Sixty-four was still the same, rushing forward and trying to disrupt Feng Wuxia's thoughts.

At the moment when he was about to touch Feng Wuxia, Feng Wuxia slightly turned his body and avoided the attack of the Third Generation Sixty-four.

"Slow, too slow."

"You have too many shortcomings to count."

Feng Wuxia observed the actions of the Third Generation Sixty-four and gave the most pertinent evaluation.

The Third Generation Sixty-four was not weak, on the contrary, he was extremely fast and his physical strength was also very high.

Unfortunately, Feng Wuxia was too strong, and his body had been strengthened tenfold.

Perhaps the original Third Generation Sixty-four could shake Feng Wuxia, but now it seemed that he couldn't even make Feng Wuxia retreat a step.

"Of course I know"

"It is precisely because of my many shortcomings that I have to constantly challenge the strong and constantly correct my own shortcomings."

The third generation sixty-four has a novel way of thinking. He does not plan to find a master. He wants to discover the problem through fighting and solve the original root cause.

"This is a really novel idea. I agree with you on this point."

"However, it is impossible to solve one's own shortcomings by simply challenging the strong."

"What you need is a person who can turn you on, a guide who can direct your future direction."

It can be seen that the field of the three generations of sixty-four is not weak, on the contrary, it is a very strong field.

It belongs to a semi-open field.

"Listen, I'm only saying this once."

"How much you can understand is up to you."

"Correspondingly, you have to transfer all your points to me."

The Third Generation Sixty-four fell into deep thought. If Feng Wuxia could really help him improve, why would it hurt to give away all his points?

"No problem."

Feng Wuxia found a place to sit down casually. It should be said that this kid's domain is quite large.

Just now, Feng Wuxia suddenly remembered what Dongtang said.

He could feel that the three generations of sixty-four lacked this kind of thing.

It was the best strategy to avoid fighting and allow the three generations of sixty-four to transfer points.

"Let me ask you a question, does the power of curse come from negative emotions?"

The third generation sixty-four was a little confused, it seems that this has nothing to do with teaching.

"You just need to answer yes or no"

"The power of the curse comes from negative emotions and radiates from the abdomen to all parts of the body.

Although the third generation sixty-four was very confused, he still did as Feng Wuxia said.


"When you attacked just now, did you allocate most of your magic power to your lower body?"


That's where the problem lies. The three generations of Sixty-four are simply too naive. Sumo needs a stable lower body, but it cannot give up the stability of the upper body.

"You disperse most of your magic power to your lower body, which means you don't have enough strength in your upper body to knock down your opponent."

"Mantra power emanates from the abdomen. Do we only think with our abdomen?"

"We exist in this world with our whole body and soul, and every part of our body is an indispensable part."

The third generation sixty-four was speechless for a moment, Feng Wuxia had said it all.

"Your biggest problem is that your spell power is unevenly distributed."

"Solve this problem, and you will be able to join the ranks of top-level sorcerers."

The third generation sixty-four sat on the ground. Even if Feng Wuxia pointed out his shortcomings, it would be difficult for him to change his habits over the years.

"This is easy. You just need to not use the spell power."

"Experience the most original sumo and the most exciting duel"

"After all this, you will come back to thank me"

"Gambling dog, come in here!"

"All his points belong to you."

The person outside the realm responded, crossing the realm and grabbing the arm of Cheng Jinci.

Cheng Jinci was stunned. How can you do this?

"I promise you this time, only this time!"

"All the points belong to me, so you are not allowed to cheat."

Feng Wuxia nodded. He always kept his word.

After all, this was originally the battle for Hyokinji, but he just had nothing to do and intervened.

Naoya was already dead, so the rest of the unimportant matters could be left to Hyokinji.

"Xiao Jin, check the three generations of sixty-four points!"

【Ding, checking points】

【Three generations of sixty-four: 10 points】

"Do you think of me as a tool?"

Cheng Jinci realized that the three generations of sixty-four didn't have many points at all, and Chunchun was just a slave.

"Don't say it so harshly."

"Doesn't this require your help?"

"I was afraid that I might use too much force and accidentally crush him to death."

Kyojinji had the word"speechless" written all over his face. He had also seen how he killed Naoya in one second. Feng Wuxia could indeed crush the three generations of sixty-four in one go.

"I'll help you one last time, don't try to order me around next time."

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