"You two can fight slowly, Da Daogang, you come with me."

Feng Wuxia didn't want to waste too much time here, he still had a mission to complete.

""You bastard, don't even think about ordering me around."

Da Daogang stood there, very reluctant after hearing Feng Wuxia's words.

Then he thought that maybe he didn't offer the corresponding conditions. There were many weapons of the Chanyuan family in his system warehouse.

"I know what you want"

"Come, pick whatever you want."

Rows of weapons appeared in front of Da Daogang out of thin air, and Da Daogang's eyes lit up immediately.

He could tell at a glance that the big knife in the middle was not simple, and suddenly picked up the big knife.

After looking at it carefully, he couldn't help but exclaimed:"Good knife, it's a good knife"

"It's just that the previous user was not very good. I can feel the weak curse power from this sword."

"Maybe it's a remnant of the previous owner."

After the selection was completed, Daido Tsuna finally agreed to go with Feng Wuxia.

Feng Wuxia's plan was very simple, he needed to solve the big problem of Mokoro in advance.

As long as Fushiguro Megumi chanted and pulled himself into the ceremony, he could help Fushiguro Megumi subdue Mokoro.

And he could also earn points for free.

As for the usefulness of Daido Tsuna, Fushiguro Megumi might not be able to block even one move of Mokoro.

Mokoro has a strong ability to adapt, and he can't spare the time to protect Fushiguro Megumi.

The powerful Daido Tsuna became the first choice. Otsutsukoshi Yuta and others were looking for angels, and the high school had no extra manpower.

At the edge of Sakurajima's barrier, Fushiguro Megumi and Itadori Yuji were far apart, which was what Feng Wuxia had planned beforehand.


"There is not even any information. How can we find angels in such a large barrier?"

Fushiguro Megumi complained as he stood there. He had searched for nearly two hours in the Sakurajima barrier but did not see a single person.

"As expected, the weaker swimmers died in the initial Tokyo barrier."

"Swimmers who can enter the Sendai barrier and the Sakurajima barrier are all masters."

Bored, he found a place to sit down. The angel concealed his name, which made it impossible to get information from Xiao Jin.

This became the most difficult point. He could not get the other party's location or basic information.

Searching aimlessly was like looking for a needle in a haystack. It was almost impossible to find it.

"I don't know what happened to Tiger Stick."

"That idiot is probably sleeping somewhere."

Fushiguro Megumi guessed that Yuji Itadori would do such a stupid thing.

"Don't worry about Yuji for now, I have something important to talk to you about."

Feng Wuxia's voice came from behind. She had already marked Fushiguro Megumi, so it would only take a few minutes to find him.

"Please go there in person."

"But I still don't understand, shouldn't our primary goal be to find angels?"

Fushiguro Hui was confused and asked this question

"Don't worry about it. Just do as I say and the angel will come to you."

"Compared to you finding him, it seems easier for him to find you."

The last time Fushiguro Megumi summoned Moxu Luo, Feng Wuxia sensed a very strange breath appearing in the distance.

Perhaps the angel felt Fushiguro Megumi's breath, so he followed the source of power to find it.

Moxu Luo didn't even last five minutes under Feng Wuxia's hands. The breath disappeared and the angel had to give up looking for Fushiguro Megumi.


"Moxu Luo has become stronger. Since Moxu Luo was defeated by you, I have vaguely felt some subtle changes in my body."

"It is adapting all the time, and it is already strong enough to adapt to the technique without showing up."

Feng Wuxia waved her hand to indicate that it was okay. This time, Mo Xu Luo had to face Feng Wuxia who had been strengthened ten times.

I guarantee that he would beat Mo Xu Luo to his knees and call him daddy.

"Just release Moxu Luo, and leave the rest to me."

"Dao Gang, once you enter the ritual of Moxu Luo, you will launch an indiscriminate attack"

"Your mission is to protect Fushiguro Megumi, and don't let him get blown away by the aftermath."

Daido Tsuna stroked his white beard and held Fushiguro Megumi with a solemn promise.

"Just put your heart at ease, and leave the hedgehog head to me."

Fushiguro Megumi was immediately unhappy when he heard this. If this old man can't speak, then don't talk.

He deliberately left it to be called a hedgehog head by Daido Tsuna.

"Listen to you"

""Burube Yura Yura Hachigaku"

As Fushiguro Megumi chanted the spell, the whole street was wrapped in the ritual of summoning Mokorara.

Not only Feng Wuxia, but even Fushiguro Megumi found that this time was different from the past.

First of all, the scope of the ritual was doubled, and secondly, Mokorara was not locked indiscriminately this time. Mokorara seemed to have a purpose. Although Mokorara was a shikigami, he had memories.

By distinguishing the magic power, he could directly sense that Fushiguro Megumi was the weakest of the three.

Mokorara did not dare to continue fighting Feng Wuxia, so he had to prioritize the weak Fushiguro Megumi.

Daido Tsuna and Mokorara met each other's eyes, quickly took out the big knife, and tightly protected Fushiguro Megumi behind him

"Hey, this monster looks very strong."

"I can't see it, but I can feel the pressure."

The pressure was on Da Dao Gang. Fushiguro Hui didn't understand why Feng Wuxia didn't take action.

This was because Feng Wuxia had to wait for Mo Xu Luo's aura to be completely released so that the angel could find Fushiguro Hui in the shortest time possible.

"Senior, Moxu Luo is on your left!"

"Got it."

Raising his broadsword to block Moxu Luo's blade, Da Dao Gang knelt on one knee, obviously unable to stop Moxu Luo's attack.

"Still waiting?"

"If I wait any longer, I will die."

Da Dao Gang's face was grim, but he was still holding on tightly with both hands, not daring to slack off for fear that Mo Xu Luo would chop him to death with a knife.

"This distance is almost..."

"Lai Qihua is a person with poor sense of direction, but the angel can't be the same."

The angel's aura appeared again and entered the nearby barrier.

Feng Wuxia didn't have to worry about the angel anymore. She stretched her body, twisted her shoulders, and twisted her hips.

"Damn it, I can't hold it anymore, stop twisting your butt there."

Da Daogang wanted to kill someone. If he knew things would turn out like this, he would never go with Feng Wuxia no matter how many good swords he had.

"Stop yelling, let me deal with Moxu Luo"

"You take Fushiguro Megumi and leave. Remember not to leave the ritual range, otherwise the summoning ritual will fail."He gave Da Dao Gang a few precautions, and then took Fushiguro Megumi to hide in a hidden corner.

The two of them watched Feng Wuxia and Mo Xu Luo face to face.

"What, you don’t dare to do it?"

"I didn't expect that the Demonic God-Slayer Xu Luo from the Other World was such a coward."

It seemed that Demonic God-Slayer Xu Luo understood what Feng Wuxia said, and the Demonic Blade slashed at Feng Wuxia.

Feng Wuxia yawned, and caught the Demonic Blade with two fingers.

"You've become even more trashy than last time!"

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