Moxu Luo swung his arm and chopped directly at Feng Wuxia's head.

Feng Wuxia was not afraid at all and quickly raised his right hand to block the demon-repelling blade.

"Not bad, it is much better than last time."

"But if it is only this level, it is not worthy of my attention."

The force of this blow was so strong that the ground around the two of them was dented. Feng Wuxia said calmly:

"Just barely enough, at most only twelve to fifteen."

Feng Wuxia roughly estimated Moxu Luo's strength, which was already an overestimation of Moxu Luo's strength.

Moxu Luo still has a lot of room for growth, and so does Fushiguro Megumi. As long as Fushiguro Megumi uses it well, he can definitely compete with the special-grade sorcerer.

A familiar force is invading Feng Wuxia's body, which is the ability of the Demon-Exorcising Blade.

Feng Wuxia did not dodge, but raised his left hand and slammed Moxu Luo.

Since he will continue to adapt, use fists to completely defeat him.

Moxu Luo is not the previous Moxu Luo, and Feng Wuxia is not the previous Feng Wuxia.

"I have Maki-senpai's weapon, you can use it for now."

The weapon given by Fushiguro Megumi is just suitable for Feng Wuxia, the special grade curse tool Youyun, the stronger the user, the stronger the weapon

"To be honest, I don't know how to use nunchakus." Feng Wuxia connected the three-level sticks together and turned them into a long iron stick.

"This will be much more convenient."

He swung the long stick in his hand wantonly and hit Moxu Luo's shoulder with all his strength.

Unable to bear the huge pressure, Moxu Luo's whole body was shaking.

Feng Wuxia suddenly increased his strength, and finally Moxu Luo could not bear the force and knelt on his knees.

He continued to pursue the victory, grabbed the horn on Moxu Luo's head with his left hand, and pulled it off from Moxu Luo's head.

"Keep resisting."

"Your limit is far beyond this."

The chandelier above Moxu Luo's head rotated, and the wounds on his body were constantly repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

While repairing the wounds, Moxu Luo was also adapting to Feng Wuxia's attacks.

As long as there is enough time, Moxu Luo can evolve to predict Feng Wuxia's attack trajectory and thus avoid the attack.

He continued to hit Moxu Luo, but this attack was blocked by Moxu Luo.

Feng Wuxia was very surprised. It was not that Moxu Luo blocked the attack, but that Moxu Luo predicted the attack in advance and was able to block it.

"Great potential"

"But I've had enough, the farce ends here."

No longer holding back, the endless power of the spell wrapped around his body, Feng Wuxia's momentum gradually increased.

After releasing the power, his speed was so fast that Moxu Luo couldn't catch it.

Moxu Luo had been adapting to Feng Wuxia's speed. Feng Wuxia swung up Youyun and hit Moxu Luo's abdomen.


"Oops, I think I went too far."

Realizing that the power was too great, Feng Wuxia quickly restrained himself.

The buildings behind him were all reduced to ruins by this blow.

A large gash appeared in Moxu Luo's abdomen. The wound was so large that it would take some time to repair.

"Abnormal, there is actually someone who can be this strong."

Dadao Gang was trying to stabilize his body. The aftermath of the previous attack almost made him lose his balance. Fushiguro Megumi behind him grabbed Dadao Gang when he flew out, so he was able to escape.

Moxu Luo, who withstood the attack, became stronger after repairing his wounds.

"I won't give you a second chance."

"That's it, Moxu Luo!"

He rushed forward, grabbed Moxu Luo's head, and smashed it into a building not far away.

Feng Wuxia moved quickly to catch up, and the man and the shikigami fought in mid-air.

Moxu Luo, who couldn't fly, suffered a lot. Punch after punch, Moxu Luo's body was covered with scars.

Even so, Moxu Luo was still in the process of adapting. His strength lies here.

"Megumi Fushiguro cannot leave the ritual area"

"If I could leave, I could kill Moxu Luo in a few seconds."

Most of the ninjutsu in my hand are large-scale, and it is impossible to be distracted during the battle.

It would be bad if I accidentally hurt friendly forces.

Throw Moxu Luo to the top floor of the building, step on Moxu Luo's back with both feet, and press him directly from the top floor to the bottom floor.

Moxu Luo is already injured. If the ritual has not disappeared, it means that Moxu Luo is still alive.

"It's almost time to end"

"Your adaptability cannot keep up with my strength, so it is useless to give you more time."

He pulled off Mokoruo's arms effortlessly. Now Mokoruo has lost the most basic ability to move.

He signaled Daodao Gang to bring Fushiguro Megumi over. Without any hesitation, Daodao Gang pulled Fushiguro Megumi to appear beside Mokoruo.

"Fushiguro Megumi, go kill it."

"Only if you kill Mokorora can you be considered to have successfully subdued him."

Fushiguro Megumi was speechless. He might not even be able to defeat a real person. It would be extremely difficult for him to kill Mokorora.

"You are not kidding"

"Even if I release all my shikigami, I can't kill Mokhuluo."

This is indeed the case. Mokhuluo's strength is there.

"Come closer, I have a solution."

"Look into my eyes and don't move……"

Feng Wuxia opened his eyes wide, and Fushiguro Megumi fell into the illusion created by Feng Wuxia.

He mixed a little of his own power into Fushiguro Megumi's body through the illusion, which would be beneficial for subsequent actions.

He controlled Fushiguro Megumi to get close to Mokorara who was lying on the ground, and the power that had just been infused was now effective.

Feng Wuxia handed Fushiguro Megumi Youyun and smashed it down one after another.

The chandelier above his head had no time to adapt, and the previous wound had not healed yet, and now it came again.

After five minutes, Mokorara was completely turned into a pool of meat paste, and the ceremony was over, which meant that Fushiguro Megumi had successfully subdued Mokorara.

After the illusion was lifted, Fushiguro Megumi came to his senses and found that he had solved Mokorara with his own hands.

"Okay, from now on Moxu Luo is yours."

"Calculating the time, that person should be here soon."

That person?" Fushiguro Megumi was very confused, but she and Feng Wuxia waited quietly at the same place.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes...

Feng Wuxia's face turned black. After all this time, the angel was also a directionally challenged person?

"You can put a god"

"Otherwise, those two people with poor directions won't be able to find us."

Fushiguro Megumi did as he was told and released the jade dog. Sure enough, not long after, the angel appeared right above the two of them.

"I feel dizzy, I need to sleep for a while..."

Fushiguro Megumi was halfway through his words when he fell asleep on the ground.

Summoning Makuro took too much of his energy, so it was normal that he couldn't hold on.

"I finally found you, my destined one!"


When she woke up again, Fushiguro Megumi looked around in confusion. This layout was obviously in a hotel.

Yuji Itadori was wearing a bathrobe and holding a glass of juice.

Feng Wuxia was leaning on the sofa watching a movie, and his left hand was still grabbing popcorn to eat.

Looking at Yuji's appearance, Fushiguro Megumi was dumbfounded, but she still asked tentatively:

"How long have I slept?"

Yuji Itadori was not really sure, so he could only say vaguely:

"Probably, two days....Bar?"

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