"I understand the truth"

"But my opponent is you. It's impossible for me to last even a second under your hands."

Fushiguro Megumi was in high spirits. He knew that if he wanted to unleash his potential, he had to push himself.

"It seems that you still don't understand what risking your life means."

"He has top talent, but he is always willing to be a support."

"I saw it when you fought the Claw Man. You didn't use your full strength, which led to the Claw Man faking his death and deceiving you."

"Including when Gao Yu came to help you later, you seemed much more relaxed, which means you didn't risk your life to fight."

What is a sorcerer? A sorcerer is an extremely secretive profession. The Sorcery College claims to be a private Buddhist institution.

Each mission of a sorcerer is different, and they often encounter missions that are far beyond their abilities.

And every mission is accompanied by risks, the death of companions and themselves.

Therefore, sorcerers have developed a unique skill, which is: risking their lives.

Feng Wuxia didn't see it from Fushiguro Megumi, and didn't understand why Fushiguro Megumi was unwilling to fight.

"Is it because of your sister?"

"I'm afraid that if you die, no one will take care of your sister."

Feng Wuxia could only think of this, and she really couldn't think of any other possibilities.

"Roughly the same"

"It's not all because of this."

Fushiguro Hui's words seemed to have a hidden meaning, but Feng Wuxia didn't care about that. You have entered the different space, and I can't let you out before you succeed.

"I don't care, Moxu Luo is your biggest trump card"

"The funny thing is that you can't beat Moxu Luo"

"I don't force you to surpass Moxu Luo, but at least you should be able to summon Moxu Luo directly when you are controlled."

"By the way, I hate sticking to conventions. Gestures and chanting are not very useful."

Feng Wuxia grabbed Fushiguro Megumi's clothes and tie and threw them into a forest.

Without the help of the shikigami, Fushiguro Megumi is just an ordinary first-level sorcerer, and it is estimated that he cannot beat Yuji Itadori.

"Totally underestimated.……"

"Can't I use the domain?"

Fushiguro Megumi asked back.

"Of course, provided you can maintain the domain"

"I'm afraid that I will break your domain in one go, and it will be difficult to deal with you if you faint."

Feng Wuxia was right. Only when Fushiguro Megumi completes the set goal can he leave this hellhole.

Just because you can't use shikigami doesn't mean Fushiguro Megumi can't use weapons.

He took out Youyun and got ready to attack Feng Wuxia.

Seeing that Fushiguro Megumi had a weapon in his hand, he directly took out the Uchiha fan from the system space.

"Don't die!" He instantly moved in front of Fushiguro Megumi. When their eyes met, a trace of obvious panic flashed in Fushiguro Megumi's eyes.

"With a"bang",

Fushiguro Megumi flew out of the forest and broke several trees.

"It's no use, don't try to confront me head on"

"Summoning Moxu Luo without chanting is your only way to break the situation, don't think of any crooked ideas."

Fushiguro Megumi felt a pain in his brain, wiped the blood from his mouth with his hand, and staggered to his feet.

Just now, at least two of his ribs were broken, and his left hand was dislocated.

Before he could stabilize his body, Feng Wuxia rushed directly to Fushiguro Megumi's face.

He punched the place where the ribs were broken just now, causing Fushiguro Megumi secondary damage.

This time, Fushiguro Megumi spit out a lot of blood from his mouth, covered the position of his ribs, and curled up on the ground and trembled.

"Is that all you can do?"

"I even doubt whether it is the right choice to let you participate in the death return tour"

"If I had known this, I would have had my clone stop you outside."

The weak swimmers in the Death Return Swim have almost all died, and the remaining ones are at least first-level sorcerers.

There are still many sorcerers of the same level as Nanami, and Fushiguro Megumi, who does not have the magic hollow, is considered a relatively weak first-level sorcerer.

"You don't have the total amount of cursed power of Yuta Otsutsuki, nor the strength of Gojo Satoru."

"So your shikigami is not that strong."

Fushiguro Megumi actually has many shortcomings. What Feng Wuxia needs to do is to slowly correct them and guide Fushiguro Megumi to the ranks of the strong.

Feng Wuxia restrained 90% of his strength, but Fushiguro Megumi still couldn't block a punch.

"Insufficient combat experience and insufficient physical strength"

"It's hard to imagine what a miserable situation you would be in if you met a special-level opponent without Makoro."

Megumi Fushiguro doesn't have the physical strength of Yuji Itadori, nor does he have the determination of Yuji Itadori.

But Megumi Fushiguro's talent is no worse than Yuji Itadori. With ten kinds of shadow magic, he is definitely the top talent in the Zenin family, and can even summon the strongest shikigami Makoro.

All signs indicate that Megumi Fushiguro is a genius in the world of sorcery, and he is a rare genius like Yuji Itadori.

"do not talk……"

"I really can't do it."

Feng Wuxia picked up Fuhei Hui and looked at him seriously and said:

"Do you know who was the first person to contract a shikigami?"

Fushiguro Megumi shook his head. How could he know about this? If he really wanted to tell the story, it would have to be traced back to a thousand years ago.

"Well, let me ask you"

"How do you make sure that the first person to summon a shikigami must use the gesture?"

"In other words, just because you don't know it doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

"You and Moxu Luo have always been connected, it depends on whether you can understand this truth."

Throwing Fushiguro Megumi out, Fushiguro Megumi lying on the grass had a bruised face and suffered a lot of injuries all over his body.

Feng Wuxia caught Fushiguro Megumi's mind and said teasingly:

"If I had known earlier, I would have trained Tiger Stick. Maybe he would be better than you."

"After all, he is the only one who can suppress Sukuna, so it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a peerless genius."

"Maybe it would be better to use this opportunity on Yuhito."

"If it were him, he would fight me to the death."

Fushiguro Megumi, lying on the grass, was silent. All the words were in his heart.

The real strong people have been wandering between life and death, and finally realized that no matter who they are, they have to go through the destruction of reality.

"Don't lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, show your strength."

Fushiguro Megumi didn't pretend to be dead, he just lay on the grass and thought, why did he become a sorcerer?

To protect his sister? To repay Gojo Satoru's kindness? Or to maintain the normal operation of this society.

No matter which point, Fushiguro Megumi thought it was what he should do.

"You can't become a strong person this way."

"The most important thing for a strong man is to eliminate distractions."

Without a woman in mind, the sword is naturally divine. Fushiguro Megumi has always had Fushiguro Miki in his heart. He is afraid that no one will take care of his sister after his death, so he will not fight with his life.

"Yuta Otsutsukotsu returned to the special class three months after losing Rika. No one can restrain him."

"Gojo Satoru lost his best friend, and he became the strongest sorcerer"

"Everything is due to the fact that you are bound by something."

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