"Don't let restraints become your stumbling blocks."

While Fushiguro Megumi was in a daze, Feng Wuxia had already used the Samsara Eye to copy Fushiguro Megumi's abilities.

Later, let Sukuna see how powerful he will be when he summons Shikigami with unlimited cursed power.

Fushiguro Miki is actually gone. From the moment she fell into a coma, she no longer exists in this world.

It is estimated that Wan has woken up at this time, but Fushiguro Megumi has been kept in the dark.

"With your strength, you are not qualified to take back the prison gate."

"You are not qualified to protect your sister."

Feng Wuxia didn't understand. With Fushiguro Megumi's talent, he could definitely break the routine operation of the Zenyuan family technique.

Fushiguro Megumi slowly stood up, and his hands were still subconsciously put together, but then suddenly retracted.

His abdomen was injured and his mouth could hardly make a sound. This was exactly the effect Feng Wuxia wanted.

The moment they looked at each other again, Feng Wuxia saw that Fushiguro Megumi's eyes were completely different.

His eyes were firm. This time, Fushiguro Megumi was not doing it for others, but for himself.

"Are you finally serious?"

"I'll help you."

In order to test Fushiguro Megumi, Feng Wuxia grabbed Fushiguro Megumi's neck and locked Fushiguro Megumi's hands tightly.

The force was so great that Fushiguro Megumi could hardly breathe.

"Cough cough cough……"

Fushiguro Megumi spat out a lot of blood from his mouth. At the same time, Feng Wuxia also noticed the changes around him.

The prototype of the ritual was taking shape. If Feng Wuxia didn't pay attention to the surroundings, it would be difficult to observe.

"Not enough. If it's only this level, it's useless."

"Or do you want Moxu Luo to tear the space to find you?"

Hearing this, Fushiguro Hui increased his efforts, and the scope of the ritual was slowly expanding.

【Ding, new tasks detected】

【Retrieve the prison gate, points +200】

【Unlock Gojo Satoru, points +300】

After completing these two tasks, the points are exactly 1,200, which can be exchanged for unlimited copies.

The task of retrieving the prison gate appears, indicating that the rope is not far from Tianyuan's Xing Palace

"The prison gate is most likely hidden by the noose."

"It doesn't matter, just use illusion to trick him."

At present, Fushiguro Megumi's special training has made great progress, but he has not yet summoned the Demon Hollow.

Feng Wuxia can see that Fushiguro Megumi has already stepped half a foot into the threshold, and the only thing missing is the finishing touch.

"You don't have enough power in your body. It's hard to summon without chanting and hand gestures."

"It seems that the power I left behind worked."

As soon as the words fell, Fushiguro Megumi felt a unique power spreading throughout his body.

Overbearing, manic, he had never felt such a power before.

All the injuries on Fushiguro Megumi's body recovered, and then the ceremony just now expanded directly to a range of more than ten meters.

Moxu Luo appeared behind Fushiguro Megumi silently, and even Feng Wuxia was surprised.

"It turns out that the Makuro summoned by Fushiguro Megumi, who has merged my power, will also be greatly strengthened"

"Interesting, so interesting"

"I really want to see what it's like when Yuji stimulates the power in my body."

Fushiguro Megumi stood there with a puzzled look on his face, as if he was still recalling how he summoned Makuro just now.

"Don't stand there stupidly. I have developed your power in advance."

"We have more important things to accomplish."

Pulling Fushiguro Hui and turning around to leave the alien space, Yuji and others saw Feng Wuxia finally came out and began to discuss the next countermeasures.

"Fushiguro Megumi returns to the high school. My clone can take you out unconditionally."

"Angel and Tiger Stick Come with Me"

"My clone in the technical college sensed the scent of the noose, and it should be heading towards Tianyuan."

"Kinji Hyō, Nobara Kugisaki, Maki Zenin and Nanami, go find the ordinary people who survived in the barrier"

"The clones will send them out together."

"Gao Yu Ni……"

To be honest, Feng Wuxia didn't know how to arrange Gao Yu properly. This kid was very strong, but he didn't know it.

It was a pity. It was because of this that Feng Wuxia couldn't make up her mind and didn't dare to arrange Gao Yu casually.

"You can go to any group you want."

"If it doesn't work, you can go with Fushiguro and the others, so that you can have someone to look after you on the way."

Feng Wuxia was still quite relieved about Fushiguro Megumi now.

After arranging everything, the three teams had their own goals.

The noose was just a trigger, and the prison gate was no longer in the noose's hands.

The prison gate was now 8,000 meters deep under the sea.

Before things were ready, Feng Wuxia did not intend to leave Fushiguro Megumi next to Yuzhang.


Lingxing Palace, November 16.

The rope broke the barrier of Lingxing Palace and said with a fake smile:

"Where is Tianyuan?"

"I have no interest in you, I don't want to fight you."

Zhang Xiang stood opposite the noose. It was his duty to protect Tian Yuan, so he naturally couldn't let the noose go.

"Tianyuan? Are you talking about the old lady who looks like a thumb?"

"She doesn't seem to want to see you."

Noso didn't care, because his goal had been achieved.

According to his plan, the adaptation process of non-magicians in the entire Sakura Country before assimilation had already ended.

This was the purpose of his opening the Death and Annihilation Tour.

As long as he caught Tianyuan, Noso's goal would be achieved.

Noso quickly raised his right hand, and a barrier appeared out of thin air on his right hand.

He planned to show Zhang Xiang a possibility of an end.

The scene changed, and Noso and Zhang Xiang appeared in the cinema, with the words of Jiujiu Yuki playing on the screen.

"Jiujiu Yuki wants to create a world without cursed spirits, which is obviously impossible."

"I am different from her. A world without cursed spirits is too ridiculous."

"Have you ever thought that cursed spirits can evolve? Similar to the nine-phase diagram"

"They will become the new humans of this land!"

As Hoso spoke, his face showed a look of disdain and irritability.

He was very troubled by the failure of the previous experiments.

Shoso was furious and told Hoso with his eyes wide open:"Do you dare to touch my brother?"

Shoso's only relative is Yuji Itadori, and he swore to protect Yuji at all costs.

Hoso sighed, ignored the angry Shoso, sat in front and said to himself:

"You don’t know yet, that after evolution, Tianyuan is not a human being, but a cursed spirit!"

"When he completes the assimilation, Tian Yuan will become a cursed spirit composed of 100 million people."

"After assimilating non-magicians, Tianyuan is the strongest new human that I have been waiting for!

Although Zhang Xiang didn't quite understand, he still felt scared when he heard the total amount of cursed power.

"Haven't you thought about the consequences?"

"After the evolution is complete, can you guarantee that you can control him?"

He was not sure, this was just his guess.

"It's hard to say what control is"

"But I get excited when I think about this!"

Feng Wuxia's clone was sitting in the last row of the cinema, and neither of them noticed

"Hahaha, the strongest new human?"

"I'm excited too!"

Luosuo and Zhangxiang turned around almost at the same time, only to find that Feng Wuxia had appeared behind them.

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