"New humans?"

"It's a good idea, but it's a pity that you can't realize it."

Feng Wuxia's clone leaned lazily on the chair, and looked at Lu Suo with a teasing look.

Although it was only a moment, Lu Suo still caught it.

Lu Suo noticed Feng Wuxia's expression, as if he had completely grasped the situation.

"It doesn't matter, as long as Tianyuan is still here, my plan has not failed."

"It's almost time, the movie is over."

The illusion was lifted and the three of them returned to the Lingxing Palace.

"Piercing Blood!"

Zhang Xiang did not give the noose any chance to react, and in just a moment he released a spell to attack the noose.

When the piercing blood was a few centimeters away from the head, the noose suddenly bent down and avoided Zhang Xiang's attack.

He rubbed out a special-grade curse spirit with his right hand and released it towards Zhang Xiang's position.

The piercing blood did not hit the noose, and Zhang Xiang continued to control the blood on the ground, controlling the piercing blood to sweep across the area where the noose was.

The smoke around blocked Feng Wuxia and Zhang Xiang's sight.

"Ahem, look at the good things you have done."

"By the way, there is an enemy behind you."

The special-grade curse spirit that Nose just released suddenly appeared behind Zhang Xiang.

The special-grade curse spirit already has the ability to think, and it noticed that Zhang Xiang's curse power was weak, so it attacked Zhang Xiang first.

At the same time, Nose in front appeared unscathed, holding the brick that Zhang Xiang had just cracked.

A huge stone with curse power was thrown over, and Feng Wuxia grabbed the stone with one hand and easily blocked it.

"Oh, what a monster."

"It hasn't been long since we last met."

"Your strength has at least increased several times."

Luosuo was very surprised. The last time he saw Feng Wuxia was just a few weeks ago.

In his opinion, it was impossible to improve strength so quickly. Unless he regained his strength, the speed would be so fast.

"Just think of it as you praising me"

"As a gift, I will give you this blow back!"

He moved instantly and punched the belly of the nosuo, and immediately a lot of blood spit out of the nosuo's mouth.

This is just the nosuo's container, he can't feel the pain, but he can feel the condition of his body clearly.

"How many times has it increased? You underestimate me too much"

"This makes me very unhappy!"

"And your special-grade curse spirit is really weak."

Feng Wuxia's seemingly careless slap was impossible to block in the eyes of Lu Suo and Zhang Xiang.


The special-grade curse spirit's head flew off with a slap. The curse spirit that Lu Suo had just summoned was killed in less than 30 seconds.

Seeing that Feng Wuxia's strength was too strong, it was obviously an unwise choice to confront him head-on.

Instead, they switched their target to Zhang Xiang.

"If I can't beat you, can I still beat Zhang Xiang?"

The rope gathered a group of curse power, and hundreds of curse spirits appeared in the Yingxing Palace.

All the curse spirits received the order and quickly ran to the position of Zhang Xiang.



A drop of blood was shot onto the head of the cursed spirit, followed by a huge explosion.

The chain reaction caused by the explosion killed all the cursed spirits.

However, this was exactly what Nosuo set up, as the explosion range was too large.

Zhang Xiang raised his hands to block his sight and head, and Nosuo found a perfect opportunity for a sneak attack. Nosuo took a long step and rushed towards Zhang Xiang quickly, but suddenly stopped halfway through the run.

"No way, is this true?"

"What the hell is this?"

The clones that Feng Wuxia had reserved in advance arrived, and a total of four clones were guarding various locations in the Lingxing Palace.

The appearance of the rope allowed the four clones to quickly gather together.

"It's just a backup plan left by the main body, is it necessary to be so exaggerated?"

羂索 began to have a headache, if he had known earlier, he would not have come to the Lingxing Palace

"God knows you would keep so many clones"

"If I had known this in advance, I would not have come to this godforsaken place."I could n't even defeat one of the clones, let alone four of them.

Feng Wuxia still had some use for the Noose, so he had no plans to kill it for the time being.

"Where is the prison gate hidden?"

"I'll give you a chance to live. If you move without my consent, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Luosuo knew how ruthless the man in front of him was, but telling him the location of the prison gate would mean that all the previous work was in vain.

While he was still thinking about how to deceive Feng Wuxia, Feng Wuxia didn't want to wait any longer.

He held Luosuo's head, and at this moment Luosuo was still thinking about how to resist.

"This guy seems to have surpassed Sukuna.

"If you move, you will die!"

With their eyes fixed on each other, Feng Wuxia entered the inner world of Lu Suo and used the magic to find out the location of the prison gate.

Feng Wuxia pushed open the light door in front of him, and it seemed that the inner world of Lu Suo was inside. What came into view was the scene of a thousand years ago, and the memories that kept flashing in Lu Suo's mind.

However, these were not what he wanted. He came directly to another light door. Except for the location of the prison gate, he didn't want to know anything else.

"It turns out to be here……"

"I guess Fushiguro Hui and the main body will arrive soon, so let's make some preparations in advance."

After learning the location of the prison gate, Feng Wuxia planned to end the illusion and walk out of the light gate.

However, a hidden light gate attracted Feng Wuxia's attention. There were many chains wrapped around the light gate, and it was shaking constantly.

"Strange, what is this place?"

The strange light gate aroused Feng Wuxia's curiosity. Anyway, there were three clones watching the noose, so it would be okay to go in and take a look. There were more than a dozen locks locking the light gate. Feng Wuxia didn't hesitate at all and crushed the locks directly.

Pushing open the light gate, he saw all of Xia Youjie's memories.

"Impossible, why is Geto Suguru's memory preserved intact?"

"Could it be, could it be!"

Feng Wuxia had a bold guess, that is, Xia Youjie's soul has not dissipated.

If this is true, as long as Feng Wuxia takes out the brain, Xia Youjie can be resurrected.

The premise is that Feng Wuxia's guess is correct.

"Haha, things are starting to get interesting."

"I was planning to let you go, but now it seems you can't leave, Nosuo!"

He closed the light door and lifted the illusion.

Nosuo quickly woke up. He had no memory of the past period of time, which was exactly what he was afraid of.

"what did you do to me?"

"Curse Spirit Manipulation Technique!"

Just as he was about to release the technique, his clone grabbed the noose at a different position and randomly picked up a piece of cloth to plug the noose's mouth.

"Well done, let me do the rest."

Feng Wuxia's real body brought Fushiguro Megumi to the high school's Xingxing Palace. Zhang Xiang was watching the whole thing, and when he saw that Yuji Itadori was not with Fushiguro Megumi, he walked over to ask:

"How about Itadori? Is he okay?"

Megumi Fushiguro said,"Itadori is fine. Our three teams have their own tasks."

Feng Wuxia ignored them. He had seen the intelligence from his clone just now.

"Fushiguro, you stay here first. I'll go get the prison gate."

""Zhang Xiang, call Jiujiu Yuki over, and everyone gather together to form the Death and Reincarnation Barrier."

After saying that, he instantly flew to the sea in his memory.

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