The Prison Gate Border was slowly placed on the ground, and a lot of protective measures were taken nearby.

Yuji and Angel put on their helmets and hid behind obstacles.

Feng Wuxia placed the Prison Gate Border on an open space a few meters away to ensure that the aftermath of the unsealing would not harm Yuji and Angel.

Judging from the expression on Yuji Yuji's face, he was very nervous and a little excited.

The most nervous were Angel and Kurusu Hua, after all, she was the one who needed to release the ritual to lift the seal of the Prison Gate Border.

Following Feng Wuxia's instructions, Kurusu Hua began to release the ritual. Although she was panicked, she had come this far and there was no possibility of retreating.

"I hope Gojo-sensei doesn't go crazy."

"If he really goes crazy, the entire Tokyo barrier won't be enough for him to cause trouble."

Yujin Itadori thought to himself.

The flow rate inside and outside the prison gate is different, and no one can know how long Gojo Satoru has been inside.

It could be a few days, or even more than ten years.

""Evil goes to insult the ladder to heaven!"

In an instant, a dazzling light emanated, until it completely enveloped the prison gate.

The sky-high light rushed straight into the sky. Several people were now in a very remote place, and no one noticed this strange phenomenon.

The surging energy covered the entire area, and the aftermath of the central explosion blew away the previously prepared defense measures.

Yuji Itadori faced the strong wind, but fortunately the cover on his side was still there.

After the angel's ritual ended, Yuji Itadori couldn't wait to check it immediately.

It has been nineteen days since Gojo Satoru was sealed.

"How about it, teacher, can I come over?"

""Can Gojo-sensei hear you?"

Yuji Itadori shouted as he ran, as if he was afraid that Gojo Satoru couldn't hear him.

The smoke hadn't completely dissipated yet, and the ground began to shake violently.

The area where Feng Wuxia was located was shaking like a rock.

The angel flying in the sky couldn't feel anything, and Yuji Itadori could no longer stand.

"Stand firm, it is Gojo who has realized it"

"It seems that the eye patch he was given has changed him a lot, and the memory of understanding life and death has made him even stronger."

Feng Wuxia stood behind Yuji Itadori and reached out to steady Yuji Itadori's shaky body.

"Is this really Gojo-sensei?"Yuji Itadori couldn't believe it. Only nineteen days had passed, and Gojo Satoru looked completely different.

Yuji Itadori felt very strange about the current Gojo Satoru, and even began to doubt whether he had recognized the wrong person.

"There is no doubt that he is Gojo Satoru, but he has changed a little."

Feng Wuxia began to explain to Tiger Stick.

On the sea surface, Gojo Satoru was suspended on the sea surface, and thousands of layers of waves were stirred up around him, but none of them could touch Gojo Satoru.

There was nothing surprising about this. The real difference was that the next moment, all the sea water around Gojo Satoru parted.

A smooth underwater passage appeared in front of the three people.

"It is true, this is the ultimate secret of no limit"

"Totally invulnerable!"

【Ding, Gojo Satoru has undergone a qualitative change.】

【Original strength: about 19 fingers】

【Reality Power: 21 fingers, plus complete invulnerability】

【Totally invulnerable: Nothing can touch Gojo Satoru, no matter whether it is a domain or a space slash, nothing can touch Gojo Satoru】

【Completed the mission of taking back the prison gate】

【Completed the mission of unlocking Gojo Satoru】

【Host's current points: 1300】

"System, redeem unlimited copy!"

A cake similar to a dessert appeared in Feng Wuxia's hand.

"The taste is good, it is the style I like"

【Congratulations to the host for using the unlimited copy voucher】

"Copy the five realizations of the infinite space and the inviolability"

【Ding, copying in progress, please wait……】

【The copy was successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the infinite void and total invulnerability.

Now Feng Wuxia is directly invincible, immortal and indestructible, with infinite spell power and the ability to copy spells at will.

"System, is there any way to crack it and make it completely invulnerable?"

【Ding, querying the host】

【Found a way to crack it, please check it out】

【The mall is fully open and opening】

【Targets have been automatically matched to host requirements】

【Ignore Defense Ticket: After taking it, you will permanently ignore any defense.】

【Since the host has completed two tasks in a row, only 500 points are needed to purchase it.

Forget it. Feng Wuxia has no points left now. Just take a look.

Gojo Satoru breathed in the fresh air. He had no sense of time and no feeling in the prison gate. He didn't know how many days had passed.

But Gojo Satoru has been practicing all the time, without a single moment of rest.

The best way to improve your strength is to practice continuously, practice and practice again.

"Gojo teacher, here!"

"We are here!"

Yuji Itadori jumped up from the beach and shouted to Gojo Satoru on the sea.

After digesting everything, Gojo Satoru turned around and saw Yuji Itadori next to Feng Wuxia shouting excitedly like an idiot.

Gojo Satoru quickly flew to the beach, but Yuji Itadori was in a dilemma.

""Teacher, your technique is so troublesome. It seems to be stronger than before."

Hearing this, Gojo Satoru untied the technique, and Yuji Itadori was finally able to get close to Gojo Satori.

Yuji Itadori rushed up and patted Gojo Satori on the back.

Gojo Satori smiled and said to Yuji Itadori,"Yuji, you have become a lot stronger during this period of time."

Yuji Itadori responded with a smile,"Teacher, you are not bad either. You are much stronger than the last time we met."

The two of them began to chat with each other.

"Let's not talk about this for now. You should stay away for a while."

"I have something to say to Gojo-sensei."

The angel flew over and took Yuji away, and only started chatting with Gojo Satoru after Yuji completely disappeared from sight.

"How was it, was it a good experience?"

The experience mentioned by Feng Wuxia refers to the feeling of being sealed and the fusion of memories.

Gojo Satoru clenched his fists. He felt that he had endless strength in his body, and all his techniques were greatly improved.

"Overall, it's not bad. Thanks to the memory before death, I have a deeper understanding of the limitless."

Sukuna does have a strong ability to comprehend, but this does not mean that Gojo Satoru's ability to comprehend is not strong.

"I guess Sukuna can't beat you now."

"Just being completely invulnerable is enough to make Sukuna drink a pot"

"But don't worry, Sukuna won't have the Makuro now, Fushiguro Megumi has already subdued the Makuro."

Gojo Satoru looked at Feng Wuxia with some meaning.

He found that Feng Wuxia also had the breath of the Ten Shadows in her body.

"You have changed a lot, too. I didn't expect that you would help me so much. I don't know how to thank you."

Gojo Satoru and Feng Wuxia were arm in arm, and Feng Wuxia almost forgot that there was something she hadn't explained.

"I have something for you to decide, we can talk about the past later."

Gojo Satoru became interested when he heard it,"What could make you look like this? I'm really looking forward to it."

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