Gojo Satoru showed an incredible expression at this time, and was obviously very interested in what Feng Wuxia said.

Feng Wuxia turned around and said,"Follow me and you will know."

Without saying anything more, he took Gojo Satoru to the depths of the forest.

"You have to give some hints, I really hate guessing riddles."

Feng Wuxia shook his head:"No hurry, you have to keep some suspense, there is not much difference between you knowing it in advance and knowing it later, you have to know it anyway."

It's not that Feng Wuxia didn't want to tell him, but after he saw his best friend's body with his own eyes, the impact would be even greater.

The clones on the other side have begun to prepare. They released the restraints on the noose, and the moment the noose released control, they instinctively wanted to escape. The clones were quick-eyed and quick-handed, predicting the position of the noose in advance, and then locked the noose's limbs, making him unable to move.

"Be content, this body doesn't belong to you."

"The debt you owe must be repaid. You have used Xia Youjie's body for so long, so it's not too much to ask you to pay some rent, right?"

Luosuo didn't understand what Feng Wuxia's clone meant by rent. He felt goose bumps all over his body when he saw it.

Feng Wuxia's smile became more and more creepy. Luosuo felt like he was caught by a devil.

"What are you going to do?"

"What the hell is rent? It was you who didn't destroy the body, so what's wrong with me taking over?"

Perhaps knowing that his end would be miserable, he fought directly.

The next second, a huge fist hit his stomach. The lively and energetic Luosuo just now became like a mute, unable to speak or move.

"Be quiet, my ears are getting calloused from all the noise."

"We have already talked about how to deal with the main body, and the interesting things are still to come!"

"Jigokudo, I leave it to you!"

A half-faced monster appeared behind Jigokudo. Although it was only a clone, it could still order the Six Paths to do things for it. This was the fully upgraded Six Paths Pain, and the design was very user-friendly.

Jigokudo slowly walked into the noose, and without waiting for the noose to react, he directly pulled off the sutures on his head.

In the noose's horrified and panicked eyes, Jigokudo grabbed the noose's body and threw it casually on the ground next to him.

"Very good, the troublesome guy has finally been dealt with."

The head of the 競索 was lying on the grass, and it was obviously not dead yet.

"Naive, you are so naive."

"What if you kill me?"

"Someone will inherit my eternal will!"

Feng Wuxia was so annoyed by what he heard that he stomped on the head of Xiaosuo and said,"You are so annoying, who else has as many last words as you?"

"Go to hell and stay there. You have lived for thousands of years, which is a long life for you."

The evil sorcerer"Noose" who had lived for thousands of years died. From now on, the world of sorcery will undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Let's get started, Jigokudo, ignore us, you just need to complete our orders."Jgokudo received the order and lifted up the body of Xiayou Jie on the ground. The half-faced monster behind him opened his bloody mouth and swallowed Xiayou Jie's body directly.

After chewing continuously, there was no result....

"It hasn’t come out yet, did it fail?"

"This should be possible. After all, Geto Suguru has been dead for quite some time, so it is reasonable for him to fail."

"Share the information with the original body first."

Through the vision sharing of the Samsara Eye, Feng Wuxia successfully saw the progress of the clone.

Feng Wuxia knew that the slow time did not mean that the resurrection failed, it might be that more time was needed to retrieve the soul.

"You guys go back to the Tokyo barrier, Gojo Satoru and I are coming."

The clones quickly dispersed, Feng Wuxia and Gojo Satoru walked on the muddy path, teasing each other.

Time passed quickly, and ten minutes passed before they knew it.

"Can I ask you something?"

Feng Wuxia suddenly stopped and looked at Wujo Wu with a probing look.

"Sure, but is there something important you need to ask me?"

"It's not an important matter, I just want to communicate with you to understand more comprehensively."

"If your best friend came back to life, what would you do?"

These words made Gojo Satoru fall into memory, and the memories of the three years of high school flashed quickly.


"I will probably go on vacation with Jie, eat dessert together, and go to the amusement park together."

Gojo Satoru knew that Geto Xiayou had died a long time ago. He killed his only close friend with his own hands last December.

Geto Xiayou did not celebrate Christmas, nor did he curse Gojo Satoru, and he never even included Gojo Satoru in his plans.

"I didn't expect you to be as innocent as a child."

"I guess Xia Youjie will laugh at you when he sees you like this."

As they got closer and closer to the hell, Feng Wuxia felt that Xia Youjie's aura was slowly taking shape, which meant that the resurrection had not failed and was slowly moving towards success.

The two walked for a long time, and Gojo Satoru was no longer an impatient person. Now he was silent and calm, with no ripples in his mood. The prison gate had changed a lot, including Gojo Satoru's whole person.

"It's just ahead, do you want me to go with you?"

Gojo Satoru sneered,"Is there something scary ahead?"

"You must have brought me here for a reason, but I will walk the rest of the way by myself."

Feng Wuxia said nothing after hearing this, and watched Gojo Satoru leave. The location of the hell is only a dozen steps away from here.

Feng Wuxia leaned against the tree and yawned lazily. He was still looking forward to what expression Gojo Satoru would have when he saw his dead best friend.

"The time is almost up, the resurrection should be successful"

"Lie down for a while and let them reminisce about the past." As

Gojo Satoru walked, he saw a strange man in front of him. But he also found that the strange man had the same eyes as Feng Wuxia, so he felt relieved.

"You are Feng Wuxia's person, what the hell is this monster? It's so ugly!"

"There is not even a hint, how troublesome!"He found a place to sit down casually, and before he knew it, he felt a sense of sinking, as if he was about to fall asleep.

He didn't care about that, he closed his eyes and went to sleep, and the limitless limit remained on.

""Crunch, crunch."

The monster opened its mouth and Xia Youjie walked out slowly. His memories were still there, as were all the memories of the Nose occupying his body.

In other words, everything that had happened during this period flashed through his mind.

"I didn't expect death to feel like this."

Without caring about anything else, the first thing he saw was Gojo Satoru sleeping on a rock.

""Satoru, wake up!"

Gojo Satoru was sleepy and was not surprised by the appearance of Geto Suguru. He didn't know how many times he had dreamed of Geto Suguru.

"Jay, you are here again, it seems I am still in a dream."

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