Gojo Satoru turned over, apparently still asleep.

""The sun is shining on your butt, Satoru!"

Xia Yujie tried to push Gojo Satoru, but Gojo Satoru lay on the grass and scratched his butt.

He ignored Xia Yujie, which made Xia Yujie unhappy.

After finally coming back to life, Gojo Satoru ignored him. Xia Yujie was in a low mood at this time.

"Do you want me to wake him up for you?" Feng Wuxia controlled the Hell Road and said to Xia Youjie

"No need to bother you, let Wu sleep for a while, maybe he is really tired."

Gojo Wu inside the prison gate has always maintained the limitless state, the flow rate inside and outside is different, no one knows how long Gojo Wu has opened the limitless state.

Xiayou Jie found a place to sit down casually, he really hasn't accompanied Gojo Wu for a long time

"Okay, after we finish reminiscing, remember to come find me at Tokyo's First Barrier"

"The headquarters of the high school is in the center of the barrier. I have Jigokudo patrolling nearby. If you have any questions, just call Jigokudo directly.

Feng Wuxia did not bother the two of them and flew towards Yuji Itadori and the angel.

He left Yutaka and Gojo Satoru in the deserted small forest.

"To be honest, I guessed it a long time ago"

"But I never thought about it. When Feng Wuxia asked me what would happen if I saw my best friend again, I had a vague guess in my heart."

Gojo Satoru sat up. He was just pretending to sleep.

The moment Xia Yujie walked out, Gojo Satoru sensed it.

He didn't seem too surprised, but was very calm.

"I thought you would be surprised. You really have changed a lot during my absence."

"It feels like I've died once before."

Xia Yujie said as he sat next to Gojo Satoru

"Yeah, it's like dying once.……"

"Who knows?"

Leaning lazily, enjoying this hard-earned leisure time, Xia Youjie cooperated in silence.

The relationship between the two was beyond words. Even if they met again after separation, their relationship would not fade.

The dim sunlight shone on his face, as if he had returned to the carefree days of high school.

"Jie, when you come back this time, don't leave"

"The top brass has been killed by Feng Wuxia. From now on, the leaders of the magic world are the senior specialists. No one can restrain us."

Xia Youjie showed a long-lost smile and found a comfortable position to lie next to Gojo Satoru.

"Okay, I won't leave."

"By the way, is the Tokyo barrier really okay?"

"Most of them are children. I am worried about letting them fight in the barrier."

Gojo Satoru had already thought of a way to deal with it. Nozomi used Geto's body to obtain 10 million cursed spirits.

This is very simple. Geto only needs to give orders to all cursed spirits to stop attacking non-magicians and magicians, and the current problem will be solved.

"Jie, you order all the cursed spirits not to attack non-magicians and magicians."

"In this way, the safety of ordinary people is solved."

"As for the Tokyo barrier, we will set off tomorrow morning."

There is no need to consider the time issue. His six eyes have become more powerful, and it only takes less than ten minutes to fly to the Tokyo barrier. It only takes a few hours to cross the entire Sakura Country.

"All up to you"

"Satoru, Christmas is coming soon"

"This time, I don't want to miss it again."

Gojo Satoru said with a smile:"No one will miss it this time, let's spend Christmas at the high school."

The two of them bumped fists at the same time. The thing that Gojo Satoru regretted most was that he killed his best friend and didn't let Geto Xiayou spend Christmas.


In Tokyo Barrier, Nanami and Kugisaki Nobara were dealing with cursed spirits.

Suddenly, they found that the cursed spirits that were escaping just now all stopped in an instant.

They stood there with dull eyes, as if they had lost their souls, in unison.

"Mr. Nanami, this……"

Nanami pushed her glasses, the situation in front of her was really confusing

"I'm not too sure either"

"But the behavior of the cursed spirit is too abnormal. Let's observe it first."

"After confirming that there is no danger, continue the action."

We have found quite a few ordinary people. According to the hint from the Dark Crow, there are still quite a few ordinary people stranded in the second barrier.

The first barrier is almost complete, and the two are going to head to the second barrier in Tokyo.

"I am your senior, let me give you a hand"

"Gather all ordinary people in the gymnasium hall."

Kayou Jie issued an order to tens of thousands of cursed spirits. It would be too troublesome to find them one by one. It would be much faster to use the cursed spirit manipulation technique.

Nanami and Nobara discovered this anomaly when they just entered the second barrier of Tokyo.

All the cursed spirits ran in one direction in an orderly manner, like robots receiving orders.

"Why does it feel a bit weird and scary?"

"Is this still a cursed spirit?"

The scene before her stunned Nobara Kugisaki, and even Nanami Kento beside her could not figure out what was going on.

"Just move forward, and ignore them for now as long as they don't attack us."

"Our goal is always to find ordinary people first."

After confirming the direction, they no longer paid attention to the strange curse spirits. Each team had their own tasks.

"Senior Maki, there's something going on down there." Otsutsukota pulled Zenin Maki over.

Just now, Otsutsukota had discovered that almost all the cursed spirits in Tokyo's second barrier were moving towards the gymnasium.

And most of the cursed spirits were carrying the bodies of ordinary people who were unconscious.

"The cursed spirit is saving people, is this fake?"

Zenin Maki rubbed her eyes hard, and then opened them wide again to make sure if this was true.

"Senior Maki, let's go in first and see what the situation is before making a decision." Zenin

Maki nodded. Most of the cursed spirits are only at level 2. Otsutsukoshi Yuta can kill a large number of them with one strike. There is no need to worry about the strength of the cursed spirits.


"Let's go in together."

Kugisaki Nobara spotted Otsutsukota and Zenin Maki on the rooftop, and shouted and waved at them.

"Oh, it's Kugisaki and Nanami-san"

"Maki-senpai, let's go in together. There's someone here to take care of us."

"Mr. Nanami is really reliable, a very mature and manly senior."

Otsutsukotsu Yuta pulled Zenin Maki off the rooftop, and the four of them gathered at the entrance of the gymnasium. Nanami Kento took the lead and stood in the first position to slowly open the gymnasium door.

"I'm sure you can see that, even though I don't really believe it, this is the fact."

"The cursed spirit is saving people……"

Nanami Kento fell silent. He had been a sorcerer for more than ten years, but this was the first time he had seen such a scene.

"Is it the spell of spirit manipulation?"

"It looks quite similar to me, and it seems that only this technique can explain it."Otsutsukota said, and Zenin Maki's junior got goosebumps.

That day, Zenin Maki remembered the fear of being dominated by Geto Suguru.

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