The next morning, Gojo Satoru opened his hazy eyes. He hadn't had a good night's sleep for a long time.

He stood up and stretched, and woke up Xia Yujie.

"Jay, it's getting late."

"The matter of death and return has not been resolved yet."

Suguru Jie just woke up. The weather today was particularly cold. He put on a warm coat and prepared to go to the second barrier of Tokyo.

"Let's go, Satoru, the ordinary people's problems have been solved."

Gojo Satoru grabbed Geto Xiayou and flew into the sky, heading to Tokyo's second barrier at the fastest speed.

"Didn't Feng Wuxia say that he was going to the first barrier in Tokyo to find him?" Xia Youjie asked

"He is looking for me. I will send you to the second barrier of Tokyo first. As for Feng Wuxia, I will meet him later."

Feng Wuxia and Gojo Satoru have their own exclusive contact information. As long as they enter the Tokyo barrier, they will be able to find each other's location.

The second barrier of Tokyo

"My guess is correct, it is most likely the curse of spirit manipulation."

"As far as I know, no one in Tokyo Barrier can use the Curse Spirit Manipulation Technique except Noso."

Otsutsukoshi Yuta was a little worried, fearing that this was a trap carefully set by Noso to lure a few people in with ordinary people.

However, the Curse Spirit did not show any other intentions for the time being, which in turn helped them save a lot of trouble.

"Since ordinary people are not in danger for the time being, let's discuss the issue of additional rules first."

"We must create rules that are favorable to the High Commissioner camp as soon as possible, which will be very helpful for our subsequent actions."

Fushiguro Megumi said as he pushed open the door, and Zhang Xiang leaned half of his body out from behind him, and Angel followed Fushiguro Megumi.

Itadori Yuji is now with Feng Wuxia, and Angel turned to look for Fushiguro Megumi on the way back.

"Ah Hui said it well."

Zenin Maki agreed with Fushiguro Megumi's opinion, and Fushiguro Megumi led a few people into the hotel next door.

Gojuan and Panda had already entered the hotel, and Fushiguro Megumi had made arrangements in advance.

Sitting together, Nanami Kento first put forward his opinion:"Our goal is very simple, which is to end the death and return journey."

"The previous points transfer, entry and exit of the barrier, and the interconnection between the first and second barriers have all been completed."

"The most important thing is how to end the game, which requires us to add new rules"

"But this is the most difficult part, we are in conflict with the general rules."

Zenin Maki didn't remember the general rules very well, so she called out Xiao Jin and looked them up.

Article 7 of the general rules: Game managers must agree to the addition of rules, unless the new rules seriously affect the long-term operation of the game.

Yuta Otsutsukota wanted to give it a try, and said to Xiao Jin:"Xiao Jin, add a rule that allows swimmers to leave the barrier."

Sure enough, the next moment Xiao Jin directly opened his mouth to reject Yuta Otsutsukota's new rules.

Since the swimmer leaving the barrier will paralyze the entire game, Maki thought of an alternative way.

"What if we let an outside magician come in and replace us?"


Zenin Maki is overwhelmed, but Fushiguro Megumi discovered an extremely important hidden spot

"Xiao Jin, I added a new rule based on the one-for-one exchange with 200 points"

"New swimmers can replace old swimmers, and old swimmers need to get 100 points to leave the enchantment"

【Ding, established]

This rule itself does not violate the general rules, that is, a swimmer needs to have 100 points before someone from outside can replace him.

This is the best way so far.

The others found that the additional new rules were difficult to implement, but not impossible. For example, Feng Wuxia alone had 400 points.

"In fact, I have also thought about letting Feng Wuxia's clone take us out."

"After careful consideration, this is not feasible. If the number of people decreases sharply, the organizer will temporarily add new general rules, which will be very disadvantageous to us."

Their goal is to end the Death Return Swim, not to take everyone away. As long as the barrier is still there, there will be a steady stream of swimmers entering the barrier.

New swimmers only need to choose a high-level magician to avoid fighting, and the points can be transferred to each other.

Step by step, all foreign swimmers can be eliminated, leaving only high-level swimmers.

The Death Return Swim will be defeated.

"Maki-senpai, you can enter and exit the barrier at will."

"Please take my sister into the barrier."

General Rule 1: Swimmers must report to any barrier within 19 days of the awakening ritual.

General Rule 2: Swimmers who violate the first rule will be immediately deprived of the ritual.

Deprivation of the ritual means death. If Fushiguro Miki wants to survive, she has only one choice: to enter the second barrier of Tokyo.

Mr. Ijichi has been waiting at the edge of the barrier for a long time. He will replace Fushiguro Miki as the new swimmer.

"Is this really okay?" Fushiguro Miki asked worriedly.

"Haha, don't look at me like this"

"When I was a student, I wanted to be a magician. I have been the pilot of Gojo Sensei for many years. Otherwise, I would not have been the counselor of the technical college.

Under the leadership of Zenin Maki, Fushiguro Miki successfully entered the second barrier of Tokyo.

After entering the barrier, Fushiguro Miki was randomly teleported and landed in front of Fushiguro Megumi.

"Sister, you are finally here"

"Xiao Jin, transfer my 100 points to Fushiguro Miki"

【Transfer Success】

【Fushiguro Megumi Points: 0】

【Fushiguro Miki Points: 100]

The moment the transfer was successful, a sick look appeared on Fushiguro Miki's face.

"Xiao Jin, additional rules, all swimmers cannot enter or leave the barrier!"

Fushiguro Hui was stunned. He felt that the woman in front of him had become very strange, and she didn't look like his sister at all.

He immediately began to panic. This was not his original sister.


"Who are you?"

The panicked Fushiguro Megumi's voice was trembling slightly. He had almost guessed that his sister was probably dead.

The woman in front of him was a victim.

Seeing Fushiguro Megumi's helpless appearance, Wan began to laugh sickly.

"I am Wan, and also your sister, Fushiguro Megumi!"

"Don't you know that rebirth can obtain all the memories of the original owner?"

Fushiguro Hui couldn't help but sweat. No wonder he hadn't discovered that it was easy to deceive Fushiguro Hui by possessing the original owner's memories and emotions.

"Why, why did you lie to me for so long?"

Wan Moran smiled and said,"You revealed the plan to me, and you also took the initiative to give me the points. It would be a waste not to play with such an interesting thing, hahaha!"

"Fushiguro, he's running away"

"Do you want me to chase him?" Yuji came to Fushiguro Megumi's side.

Feng Wuxia knew that the moment Wan appeared, Sukuna would take over Fushiguro Megumi's body.

Letting Yuji go was part of Feng Wuxia's plan.

"Good, we'll see something interesting soon, I hope you won't be too shocked, Sukuna!"

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