"Don't just stand there like an idiot, Fushiguro!"

"If you act stupid now, won't all the things we have done for your sister so far be in vain?"

"Cheer up, she's your biological sister.

Fushiguro Megumi stood there in despair, shaking her head slightly.

"No, she's not my sister anymore."

"That person was a magician from thousands of years ago, who was reborn in the body of his sister."

"My sister died a long time ago, it's all my fault"

"If I had noticed it earlier, I wouldn't have bothered you, wouldn't have wasted points, and wouldn't have started a fight for me."

Yuji Itadori angrily punched Fushiguro Megumi in the face.

Fushiguro Megumi felt pain and didn't understand why Yuji hit him.


"‘Let me save you', you said this to me"

"Now you didn’t save me, but you gave up on yourself. Are you still the same person as before?"

He grabbed the collar of Fushiguro Megumi's clothes and said to her with true feelings in his eyes:"As long as Feng Wuxia is still alive, your sister is still alive."

"Believe me, your sister can still be saved!"

Yuji Itadori had seen Feng Wuxia's ability, so he firmly believed that Feng Wuxia could save Fushiguro Miki.

Fushiguro Megumi shook her head. It was ridiculous to revive the dead, but because of Yuji Itadori's serious look, Fushiguro Megumi agreed.

When Shikaku was resurrected, Panda was there. If Fushiguro Megumi had just asked about the situation, things would not be like this now.

"Let's go, before she goes far."

"It's not impossible to catch up, this is our last chance!"

Wan has a pair of wings behind him, and Yuji Itadori alone can't catch up.

He needs the help of Fushiguro Megumi's Nue to catch up with Wan.


"Catch up with the woman in front."

Fushiguro Megumi and Itadori Yuji jumped onto the back of the Nue, and the Nue started to chase the target at the fastest speed.

"I didn't allow you to leave, you little bastard."


Sukuna's mouth appeared on Yuji Itadori's left cheek. Fushiguro Megumi immediately felt that something was wrong and quickly released the shikigami and distanced herself from Yuji Itadori.

Yuji Itadori lost control of his body, and now Sukuna was controlling Yuji Itadori's body.

Sukuna only had one minute, this was the restraint he had set long ago.

"Sukuna, why did you show up?"

"What about Japanese knotweed? What did you do with it?"

"Answer me, Ryomen Sukuna!"

Get ready for battle and be ready for Sukuna's attack at any time.

Whoever talks about Sukuna didn't say anything nonsense, but stood there and said to himself:"The restraints are really troublesome, but I like to gamble, I bet there are loopholes in the restraints!"

Concentrate all the cursed power and gather it on Yuji Itadori's little finger, then pull off Yuji Itadori's little finger with excitement.

Blood splattered all over the ground, and the sense of uneasiness in Fushiguro Megumi's heart was gradually magnified.

"Stop now, or I'll be rude to you!" Fushiguro Megumi tried to stop Sukuna with words.

Staring at the broken finger, Sukuna himself did not move, but stood there quietly waiting.

""Hahaha, hahaha!"

Sukuna suddenly started laughing wildly towards the sky. His plan was accomplished.

The punishment for violating the restraints did not come, which meant that his bet was right.

The restraint of not being able to hurt"anyone" did not include himself.

Although he did not know what Sukuna's intention was, Fushiguro Megumi began to take it seriously and released the shikigami to attack Sukuna.

However, Sukuna's speed was simply too fast. Before Fushiguro Megumi could see clearly, he found that Sukuna appeared in front of him, and his hands were grabbed by Sukuna and he could not pull them out.

"Boy, I'm interested in you."

"It is not up to me to decide whether it will succeed or not. It doesn't matter if I waste a finger. I will not lose no matter how I calculate it."

The next moment, Sukuna picked up the little finger with cursed power and was about to put it into Fushiguro Megumi's mouth. Sukuna felt strange.

Makkura rushed out and cut off Sukuna's arms with a knife. Sukuna didn't understand. He didn't see Fushiguro Megumi chanting. Where did Makkura come from?


"No, I didn't feel the surge of magic power."

"You summoned the Demonic Hollow without chanting?"

Fushiguro Megumi panted heavily. Feng Wuxia's special training took effect.

Even if Sukuna took the initiative to control Fushiguro Megumi, he had the ability to resist and would not stay there and wait for death.

"From your tone, it seems like only one minute"

"In one minute, Yuji will take control of the body, am I right?"

For the first time, Sukuna felt the pressure. If he missed this opportunity, he might never get out again.

According to Yuji's personality, he would probably find a deserted place to commit suicide when the death cycle is over.

This is the situation that Sukuna is most unwilling to see.

"You have the scent of that man in you. Did he help you do this?"

"Damn it, when I come out, I will kill the guy named Feng first."

Feng Wuxia sneezed, not knowing who was thinking about him.

Liangmen Sukuna had to try his best and continue to look for opportunities to seize Fushiguro Megumi.

However, Moxu Luo was not a vegetarian. After Feng Wuxia's power was strengthened, Moxu Luo could already withstand Sukuna's slash.

"Moxu Luo is much stronger than last time. Is that man the one who did it again?"

"My slash attack is no longer effective. Can I only use the domain?"

"No, Fuma Yuchuzi attacks indiscriminately. It would be bad if he was killed."

Ryomen Sukuna was caught in a dilemma. On the one hand, he only had one minute, and on the other hand, if Fuma Yuchuzi killed Fushiguro Megumi, he would not have a body.

While he was still thinking, Makkulu rushed forward and slashed at Sukuna with the Demon Exorcist Blade.

He wanted to block the Demon Exorcist Blade with one hand, but when the blade reached his head, Sukuna found that Makkulu's strength and speed had gone up a level. He changed from one hand to two hands, and the current attack seemed a bit laborious.

"My goodness, your Moxu Luo has changed a lot."

"It is no exaggeration to say that his strength far exceeds that of Yamata no Orochi a thousand years ago."

The last time Sukuna felt the breath of Makkyo, he was sure that he could kill Makkyo in one second.

Until this time, he sensed that Makkyo had undergone a drastic change and found that his spells could not hurt Makkyo.

"What a tough guy."

"No problem, let's control the scope of the area."

""Domain expansion: Subdue the Demonic Cook!"

Sukuna expanded the domain, narrowing the scope of the domain to the extreme, trying to control it so as not to hurt Fushiguro Megumi.

A shrine appeared, and Sukuna stood right above the shrine, looking down at Makkura.

Sukuna's technique in the domain was strengthened, and the slashing could already hurt Makkura. Sukuna struck while the iron was hot, releasing flames to burn Makkura.

Countless slashes and flames hit Makkura non-stop, and Makkura didn't even have a chance to breathe.

Although the roulette wheel above his head kept spinning, it couldn't catch up with the huge damage caused by Sukuna.

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