"Yes, this suits my taste."

"Time is running out, I can't keep you here, just go to hell like this!"

Countless slashes hit Mokoruo, and although Sukuna had carefully controlled the slashes, there were still a few indiscriminate slashes that injured Fushiguro Megumi.

Seeing this, Mokoruo hurriedly stood in front of Fushiguro Megumi and blocked many slashes for Fushiguro Megumi.

"Damn it, if this continues, Moxu Luo won't be able to survive for long."

"There must be other ways. Feng Wuxia must have left a backup plan in my body, but I just didn't find it."

Fushiguro Megumi's head was covered in blood, and his abdomen was slashed by Sukuna, and he began to bleed profusely.

Mokorara was still struggling to hold on. Sukuna's attack speed was too fast. It was estimated that it would not take long for Mokorara to be defeated.

"I see. That's how it is."


The next moment, Fushiguro Megumi removed the Makura ritual. Sukuna looked at Fushiguro Megumi and didn't understand why he did this.

"Are you planning to wait for death?"

"Well, I will let you disappear without any pain."

Ryomen Sukuna pinched Fushiguro Megumi's cheek and was about to throw his finger into Fushiguro Megumi's mouth.

A pair of familiar eyes appeared, and Sukuna suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of powerlessness.

"Why, why did you appear in Fushiguro Megumi's body!"

Fushiguro Megumi's eyes suddenly turned into Samsara Eyes, and he looked at Sukuna with disdain.

"I give you three seconds to move your hand away."

"Three, Two, One……"


Feng Wuxia controlled Fushiguro Megumi's body and broke Sukuna's arm with one hand.

"Have you degenerated because you haven't been out for too long?"

"Are you pretending not to hear what I said or are you deaf?"

Ryomen Sukuna took a big step back. He only had the strength of fifteen fingers, so it was impossible for him to beat Feng Wuxia.

After weighing the pros and cons, he decided not to give up like this. Even if he couldn't take over Fushiguro Megumi's body, he must come out this time.

No one knew whether Itadori Yuji would find a quiet place to commit suicide, and everything he did would be in vain.

Besides, if he missed the opportunity, there would be no next chance.

"Humph, luckily Li Mei had a backup plan in advance."

""Rime, bring me the body I prepared!"

An iceberg appeared in the air. Rime stood on the top of the iceberg and rushed to the scene as soon as she heard Sukuna's call.

"Lord Sukuna, I have prepared the body you requested."

"I am just waiting for your order."

Sukuna knew that he had not failed yet. As long as Li Mei was there, he would have a chance to revive.

Li Mei jumped down with the body. Feng Wuxia felt that this body was very familiar, but for a moment he could not remember it.

"The new body you requested, I wish you a new life in advance."

Rimei landed smoothly with Sukuna's new body, half-knelt on the ground and said to Sukuna

"Well done, next is the incarnation."

"This body is not very strong, but it is enough."

Rimei was very grateful. Sukuna hadn't praised him like this for a long time.

"It is my lifelong honor to work for you!"

In front of Feng Wuxia, Su Nuo put the little finger he had just torn off into his body.

"You're lucky, little bastard."

"Although I can't see interesting things anymore, this new body is not bad."

Sukuna stretched his body, enjoying the long-lost sense of freedom. No one can restrain him.

"Boy, I just said that I will kill you first when I come out."

"Let's kill Fushiguro Megumi first, he's just in the way."

When Sukuna was about to take action, Feng Wuxia controlled Fushiguro Megumi's body to summon the shikigami.

"Do you really think that I control Fushiguro Megumi using Fushiguro Megumi's power?"

"Ridiculous. It's really ridiculous."


The hand gesture was formed, and a shikigami appeared, covering the sky and the sun, covering an area of several kilometers.

Sukuna looked at the nue in the sky in disbelief. Even Sukuna could not summon such a large shikigami. This was the first time he had seen such a huge curse.

"Fushiguro Megumi is weak, but that doesn't mean I'm weak"


The ritual around him took shape, and Moxu Luo appeared again, but this time it was not the same Moxu Luo as before.

If the Moxu Luo just now was more than three meters high, the current Moxu Luo was thirty meters high, enough to be comparable to a tall building.

"Fushiguro Megumi's total cursed power is too small to unleash the power of the Ten Kage"

"In my hands, the Ten Kage is an unsolvable technique."

Yujin Itadori, who was lying on the ground, woke up and was horrified to find that Sukuna had escaped from his body.

When he saw that Fushiguro Megumi's eyes had turned into Feng Wuxia's, he was relieved.

"Sukuna, I am just a trace of power left in Fushiguro Megumi's body"

"You have the strength of fifteen fingers, but you may not be able to beat me."

Of course, Sukuna knew that the power that Feng Wuxia left in Fushiguro Megumi's body would be exhausted sooner or later. Sukuna was waiting for a suitable opportunity.

When the power in Fushiguro Megumi's body was exhausted, it would be the time for him to start killing.

"You are indeed very strong, in every aspect."

"If you had participated in the encirclement and suppression operation a thousand years ago, I might have died because of it."

Sukuna was stalling for time, but Mokoruo would not give Sukuna time to wait.

With one slash, half of the city was destroyed, leaving a large area of ruins in its place.

"Sure enough, there is too little power left."

"Yuji, the power I hid in Fushiguro Megumi has been used up. You can handle what happens next."

"It will take me at least five minutes to get here, why don't you hold on first?"

Yujin Itadori was stunned and quickly hugged Feng Wuxia's thigh. It was impossible for him to deal with Sukuna.

Itadori couldn't even block Sukuna's punch, let alone hold on under Sukuna's hands.

"Is it finally going to disappear?"

"What an annoying bastard, I will kill these two brats when your power dissipates."Sukuna's hands were broken, and he was using the reversal technique to repair the wound.

Feng Wuxia smiled, and this sentence was specially said by Feng Wuxia for Sukuna to hear.

"Tiger stick, time has come"

"If you really can't run, just run. If you can't run, find a good place to lie down and make a grave."It's better to rely on yourself than on others. Yuji Itadori is calculating whether he has a chance of surviving against Sukuna.

Fushiguro Megumi will wake up, and even if the two of them fight Sukuna together, they may not be able to last for a few seconds. Fushiguro

Megumi's pupils were dilated, and he was distracted for a moment, but he soon woke up.

""Irrawaddy, are you okay?"

Fushiguro Megumi had no memory of what had just happened. Yuji Itadori described everything that had happened in the simplest words.

Fushiguro Megumi frowned after hearing this, and the situation was not optimistic.

"Okay, do you guys need to discuss who will die first?"

Sukuna wanted to play a little more, but Yuji Itadori suddenly said:

"I'll do it."

Sukuna was shocked and said,"You..., why?……"

Yuji Itadori's eyes transformed into the Rinnegan, staring straight at Ryoumen Sukuna

"I'm sorry, but there is also some power I left in Yuji's body. I'm afraid I have to disappoint you!"

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