"Youjin, Hui, have you missed your teacher during these days when he was away?"

"It's lonely to be alone in the prison gate."

Gojo Satoru grabbed Fushiguro Megumi and Itadori Yuji and floated in the air.

Ryoumen Sukuna was slightly surprised to see Gojo Satoru, but his expression was fleeting.

"It seems that the plan of that guy Nozomi has failed."

"Come to think of it, you are the strongest six-eyed master in history and the strongest sorcerer in modern times. It is basically impossible for him to use the prison gate to trap you to death."

There is always an inexplicable telepathy between strong people, just like Gojo Satoru and Ryomen Sukuna who are looking at each other at this time.

"Only fifteen fingers?"

"Then you are not worthy of fighting with me, let the fake girl next to you feed you the remaining fingers."

When Rimei heard Gojo Satoru say this, she immediately became furious and released a spell to attack Gojo Satoru.

Gojo Satoru just slightly turned his body to avoid Rimei's ice spikes.

A punch hit Rimei's stomach, and Rimei spit out a lot of blood from her mouth.

"Stupid, you are really weak."

"You have no right to talk back."

Li Mei fell heavily to the ground. The impact of this punch was too great.

Although Li Mei used the reversal technique to recover from the wound at the moment of injury, the pain still did not dissipate, but became more and more painful.

"Gojo Satoru, when you beat a dog, you have to consider its owner. I am very upset by your behavior."

Gojo Satoru mocked Sukuna nonchalantly,"What if I am stronger than the dog's owner?"

"Who cares about your face? I didn't expect that the world-famous Lord Sukuna would get angry for a lackey."

Ryomen Sukuna began to laugh. This was the funniest joke he had heard in a thousand years.

A thousand years ago, during the heyday of sorcerers, even angels could not beat him.

After a thousand years, there were only a few hundred sorcerers, which was a gradual decline with the times.

"Gojo Satoru, you are indeed the strongest sorcerer in modern times. You would have been a strong one a thousand years ago."

"But this only means that you are qualified to fight me. Want to defeat me? Maybe in the next life."

The two began to talk nonsense, saying as bad as they could.

Don't be fooled by Sukuna's calm appearance. He can't hide his eyes when he wants to kill someone.

"This is such a boring conversation. I don't want to waste my time here."

"Just give me a definite answer, when will the life-and-death battle take place?"

Gojo Satoru stood there and thought for a long time. After thinking about it over and over again, no day seemed to be suitable.

Suddenly he remembered what he had said to Geto Xiayou, that they would spend Christmas together this year.

"Then let's go to December 24th"

"It just so happens that December 25th is Christmas, and I want to enjoy life with Jie after the fight."

Sukuna's anger grew, and from Gojo Satoru's tone, he seemed to think that this battle was a sure win.

"Humph, it's settled. Don't cry when you're about to die!"

Gojo Satoru replied bluntly:"The guy who ran away from Yuji with his tail between his legs, enjoy the rest of your life."

The strongest sorcerer in modern times and the strongest sorcerer in history will fight on December 24.

The conversation between the strongest ended, and Fushiguro Megumi and Yuji Itadori successfully saved their lives.

"Gojo-sensei, you scared me to death just now"

"If you hadn't come, I thought I would die here."

Gojo Satoru gently stroked the back of Itadori Yuji's head and looked at Itadori Yuji with a smile.

"Yujin, it's best if Sukuna leaves your body."

"As long as I am here, no one will die."

Sukuna has left Yuji Itadori's body, which means that we can end this without killing Itadori, which is the best situation.

"Teacher, Sukuna is really strong, will you win?"

"We will win!" Gojo Satoru said with a firm look in his eyes, looking at the direction where Sukuna left.

""Yuji, Hui, hold on tight!" Before the two could react, Gojo Satoru took Yuji Itadori and Hui Fushiguro to fly to Feng Wuxia's position.

Feng Wuxia told Gojo Satoru an interesting guess. At first, Gojo Satoru was also scared by this guess, because the consequences of failure would be terrible.

But correspondingly, if it succeeded, Yuji Itadori's combat power would be improved by several levels.

"Teacher, where are we going?" Yuji Itadori asked hesitantly.

"Don't worry, we have to keep some suspense. If we know it too early, it won't be a secret anymore."

Feng Wuxia was lying on the bed in the hotel, bored, while Angel was eating popcorn and watching a movie.

Gojo Satoru knocked politely on the door, then led the two of them in.

"I've brought the people, let's get started"

"In order to prevent Hisahito's execution, I secretly hid a Sukuna finger"

"This means that Yuji Itadori will never be executed."

"But it doesn't matter now, those old guys are all dead."

Gojo Satoru said as he took out a wooden box from his pocket. The box contained the last finger that Sukuna had lost.

The wooden box was very strange. If you didn't open it, you couldn't sense the breath of Sukuna's finger at all.

"This is a special seal box for the family, a special grade spell tool."

Gojo Satoru handed the wooden box to Feng Wuxia, but Feng Wuxia was not sure if it would work.

"Angel, release the spell to purify this finger."

The angel obviously didn't understand the purpose of doing this, but still did as Feng Wuxia said.

Taking advantage of the gap of the angel's purification, Feng Wuxia began to explain to Yuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro:

"It's up to you to try or not. I can't guarantee success."

"If you fail, you will pass out due to being unable to bear the purified Sukuna finger, and it is possible that you will become a vegetable."

"If you succeed, you will gain the power of this finger. I think you are very aware of the value of Sukuna's finger. The power of one finger is enough to fight against weaker special-grade cursed spirits."

"And you have already engraved Sukuna's technique in your body, maybe you can use Sukuna's domain."

Itadori Yuji was shocked after hearing this, he never thought that this finger could be used in this way.

After thinking for a moment, Itadori Yuji decided to eat the purified finger, he didn't want to be weak forever

"I choose to eat the finger. If I fail, I will regret it later!"

Very good, this is Yuji Itadori's character.

The angel began to sweat. Purifying a finger consumed a lot of his physical strength.

Moreover, the stability of the technique began to decrease, and the purification speed was not as fast as at the beginning.

"It's almost done!"

The four people next to him saw Sukuna's fingers gradually change from dark brown to light yellow, and they knew that the progress had reached the last step.


A huge shock wave spread out, and Feng Wuxia immediately opened his skeleton to protect several people.

"It's a big fuss. Fortunately, we found a remote place, otherwise there would be more trouble."

Pick up the purified finger and observe it carefully.

"It contains the power of Sukuna and angels, which is pretty good."

He threw the finger to Yuji Itadori, and as soon as he took it in his hand, he felt a little nauseous.

It looked too much like a normal human finger, so he closed his eyes and ate it.

A black pattern appeared on Yuji Itadori's face, which was exactly what it looked like when he was controlled by Sukuna.

Gojo Satoru stopped Fushiguro Megumi and the angel behind him, and tentatively asked Yuji Itadori:

"Yuji, are you okay?"

Yuji Itadori opened his eyes and replied,"Teacher, I feel fine!"

"Success!" Feng Wuxia and Gojo Satoru high-fived. His guess was confirmed. Itadori Yujin could really bear it and gained the power of one finger.

【Thanks to"Yuhuangge" for sending me five reminders.】

【I'm sorry for the expense, thanks to all the brothers and sisters for the gifts that urged me to update.]

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