"What a strange feeling, it's completely different from when Sukuna was inside me."

"It's as if this power originally belonged to me."

Yuji Itadori clenched his fists tentatively and found that he had endless strength in his body. Gojo

Satoru walked forward and circled around Yuji Itadori a few times. It was obvious that he was very interested in the current Yuji.

"It's amazing, the two auras blended together perfectly"

"If you didn't speak, I would have thought it was Sukuna"

"If he lifts his hair, he can probably impersonate Sukuna and make it look real."

When Gojo Satoru lifted up Yuji Itadori's hair, Angel and Feng Wuxia couldn't help but sigh.

This is exactly the same as the Sukuna that possessed Yuji Itadori, the aura is the same, and Sukuna himself may not be able to figure it out.

"This is so interesting. I declare that Yuji Itadori has evolved into Two-Faced Itadori!"

"Come with me, Yuji, and let's test your strength."

When Gojo Satoru wanted to take Yuji Itadori with him, Feng Wuxia stopped Gojo Satoru and took out the Nine Phases Diagram given by Shoxiang from behind and gave it to Yuji Itadori.

After solving the matter of the Immortal Palace a few days ago, Shoxiang gave the Nine Phases Diagram to Feng Wuxia before they split up, hoping that Feng Wuxia could personally hand it over to Yuji Itadori.

"Your brother asked me to give it to you."

"The corpse of the Nine Phases Diagram can be put to great use. Zhang Xiang said that he hopes you can make good use of your brother's corpse."

Itadori Yujin was silent for a long time, but still took the corpse of the Nine Phases Diagram, and then ate it in front of Gojo Satoru and Feng Wuxia.

"The aura has become stronger again. It seems that the power of the Nine Phases Diagram cannot be underestimated."

"Whether Yuji's strength has reached that of a special-grade sorcerer still needs further evaluation and actual combat."Gojo Satoru analyzed as he stood aside.

Gojo Satoru took Yuji Itadori and flew quickly. Knowing that the angel could fly but not very fast, Feng Wuxia hugged the angel and soon caught up with Gojo Satoru.

"Teacher, it's flying too fast, I'm afraid of heights!" Yuji Itadori held Gojo Satoru tightly.

"What are you afraid of? The teacher has you firmly in his arms. Just get used to your fear of heights."

Gojo Satoru is still the same. Yumon Jiang has not changed him. He has always been a good teacher who likes to joke and is a little neurotic.

"Hold on tight, Yujin, the teacher is going to speed up!"

Seeing Gojo Satoru speeding up, Feng Wuxia hurried to catch up. The four of them were located above the second barrier of Tokyo.

When flying over Yuta Otsutsukota, Yuta Otsutsukota seemed to sense something. Although it was only a momentary breath, it was still accurately detected.

"Senior Maki, I can feel the auras of Sukuna and Gojo Sensei."

Zenin Maki punched Otsutsukota on the head and said,"I've already told you that your perception isn't very good. Forget about Sukuna's aura, but how did you tell about Gojo Sensei's aura?" Otsutsukota scratched his head. He wasn't sure if there was something wrong with that link.

"Are you planning to go to Tokyo's First Barrier to find Geto Xiayou?"Feng Wuxia and Gojo Satoru flew side by side.

"I guess so. Jie's technique is very strong and has great potential, but Jie's own physical skills just touch the special level, so Jie's test data on Yujin is the most accurate."

Three minutes later... the four of them successfully entered the first barrier of Tokyo. Xiayou Jie sat in a movie theater watching a movie alone, stuffing popcorn into his mouth non-stop.

"Jay, I'm back!"

"Look who I brought here?" He didn't show anything when he saw Itadori, but after a few seconds he started staring at Itadori Yuji.

He had all the memories of Nozomi Sukuna, and the one who appeared before him was Itadori Yuji in the form of Ryoumen Sukuna.

"Two-faced Sukuna?"

"No, you are Yuji Itadori."

After careful observation, Xia Youjie found that the auras of Yuji Itadori and Sukuna were perfectly integrated.

If he didn't pay attention, he couldn't tell them apart at all. It was as if there were really two sides of Sukuna present.

"Is it relying on the angel's magic? I have to say your idea is really bold."

"If you fail, the consequences will be disastrous. It's amazing that you could do such a thing."

He took Yuji Itadori's hand and introduced himself briefly:"Hello, Yuji-san"

"My name is Geto Suguru, please take care of me in the future."

Yujin Itadori didn't understand. He had fought with Noso for a long time and was deeply impressed. It was not until he got close that he realized that Geto Suguru and Noso were completely different.

One was a gentle and warm man, and the other was a sinister and cunning evil sorcerer who had lived for thousands of years.

"It's really not the same person. The stitches on his head have disappeared, and the frequency of the cursed energy has changed."

It can be seen that Yuji Itadori is puzzled, but he didn't explain too much about this matter.

"Jay, I hope you can test Yuhito's strength"

"I think Hisahito's strength has reached the special level. If Feng Wuxia and I can't bear the force, we may crush Yuji to death. Then this task will be handed over to you."

Xiaoyou Jie smiled. He was very happy, not only because Gojo Satoru's educational philosophy was very successful.

He was more glad that his thoughts at that time did not mislead him.

"Oh, you did it."

"The world of magic needs to be cleaned up. You should completely change it through education."

The pillars of the world of magic now are all from the academy. The whole world of magic has been completely renewed and there will be no more signs of corruption.

"This is your second special-level subordinate, right?"

"You are very suitable to be a teacher, Wu!"

"As for the venue, I don't have a suitable place, so why not just do it here?"

""The domain is expanded and the Taizo is everywhere!"

This is the domain of Nozomi, but now it belongs to Geto Suguru.

In the domain, he can directly test all aspects of Yuji Itadori.

Pulling several people into the domain together, there is no need to worry about damaging the surrounding buildings.

"Come on, show me your full strength, let me see if you have reached the special level."

Yuji Itadori clenched his fists and said,"Excuse me, Senior Geto Suguru." He rushed out suddenly, charging his right hand to attack Geto Suguru.

Geto Suguru didn't see Yuji Itadori's movements clearly for a while, but he still dodged the punch with his years of combat experience.

It must be said that the Sukuna Finger and the Nine Phases Diagram brought too much benefit to Itadori.

"Good, very fast, and punches decisively"

"This is the demeanor of a strong man."

"The physical skills are definitely up to standard, and now let's test the attack power."

To release the cursed spirit manipulation technique, Geto Suguru personally selected a few cursed spirits that had just entered the special level as an appetizer.

Three ugly cursed spirits appeared and rushed towards Yuji Itadori.

Yuji Itadori seemed to sense something, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity came over him.

He tried to imitate Sukuna's movements, and in an instant, a"slash" like Sukuna was released.

That's right, Sukuna's technique had long been engraved in Itadori's body, and now it seems that it can be used.

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