Sukuna was soaking in the bath, not noticing anything wrong.

While enjoying the bath, Rimei came in with a luxurious wooden box.

She opened the box and four Sukuna fingers appeared. She carefully took out the four fingers one by one and placed them in front of Sukuna.

"Lord Sukuna, I'm sorry I'm so useless. I only found four fingers for you."

"Your last finger is missing."

Sukuna was taking a bath carelessly. He knew that the last finger must have been hidden by Gojo Satoru in a special way, which made him unable to sense the breath of the finger.

"It doesn't matter, the last finger is at Gojo Satoru"

"Gojo Satoru must have hidden his fingers to avoid Yuji Itadori's death penalty. There is no need to continue looking for them. Nineteen fingers plus the strength of my new body have restored my strength to my prime."

After saying that, Sukuna slowly walked out. Yuji Itadori's face turned blue from holding his breath in the water, but he still didn't dare to surface.

Clenching his fist, Sukuna didn't feel much of an increase, probably because it was all absorbed by Yuji Itadori's bottomless pit.

"Rimei, prepare your yukata"

"I'm going to see an old friend, she has something I want."

After Sukuna left, Yuji Itadori suddenly stretched his head out and began to breathe in the fresh air.

"Ha ha……"

"I almost suffocated to death." Yuji Itadori kept rubbing his throat. There was a lot of steam in the bathing area, which blocked the figures of the two people.

"Get out first. Your power cannot be exposed at the moment. If Sukuna knows that you swallowed his finger and stole his bath, he will probably come to trouble you."

Feng Wuxia grabbed Yuji Itadori's collar neatly, walked to a corner and went out through the wall.

The timeline is December 22nd, and two days later is the day of the decisive battle agreed by Sukuna and Gojo Satoru.

At this time, everyone in the high school did not know that Gojo Satoru had been unsealed, and Gojo Satoru did not intend to continue hiding it, and planned to return to the high school base.

During this period, he had been struggling psychologically, that is, how to explain the resurrection of Geto Suguru.

It happened that Feng Wuxia brought Yuji Itadori back, and Gojo Satoru hurried forward to ask:

"The day of the final battle is coming soon. I want to go back to the college."

"But I don't know how to explain Jie's matter."

No wonder Gojo Satoru stayed in the hotel all the time. It turned out that he was waiting for Feng Wuxia.

This matter is easy to explain. After all, Panda saw Feng Wuxia reviving Lu Ziyunyi at that time.

"I'll explain it to you. It's fine if you want to take Geto back to the technical college."

"Panda saw me reviving Lu Ziyunyi, so it will be much easier to explain with a witness, so you don't have to worry about that."

After arranging the follow-up plan, the five of them set off to return to the technical college. There were too many people, and Feng Wuxia and Gojo Satoru couldn't bring them along, so they simply released Nue.

""Nue!" Feng Wuxia gathered her magical power, and an oversized Shikigami appeared.

Fushiguro Megumi was dumbfounded. Her first reaction was why Feng Wuxia also knew the Ten Kage, and then she thought that even if she knew the Ten Kage, what the hell was such a big Shikigami?


"How much magic power do you have? The size and strength of the shikigami are symmetrical according to the strength of the summoner."

"None of the ten shadow magicians in history could summon such a large shikigami. It's incredible."

Fushiguro Megumi touched Nue and couldn't believe the sight before her.

""Don't be in a daze, Hui, let's go back to the high school." While Fushiguro Hui was still in a daze, Gojo Satoru and his men had already climbed onto Nue's back.

"Got it. Speaking of which, let's forget about Gojo-sensei for now, but is senior Geto

Suguru really alright?"Gojo Satoru put on his blindfold, held Fushiguro Megumi's shoulder, and said confidently,"Teacher has a way to deal with this. Resurrection from the dead is really nonsense. To be honest, I don't quite believe it, but the facts are right in front of us. The explanation depends on the situation."

Itadori Yuji and Geto Suguru were chatting, Fushiguro Megumi and Gojo Satoru were reminiscing about the past, and Feng Wuxia was sitting on Nue's head to control the direction.

To control such a huge shikigami perfectly, one must not be distracted at all. Whenever the output of cursed power becomes unstable, the shikigami can easily get out of control.

"It's almost time. I'm going to prepare to remove the shikigami."

"The shikigami landing will cause too much noise, so it is best to remove it directly."

As soon as the voice fell, Feng Wuxia removed the shikigami, and Gojo Satoru quickly grabbed Geto Suguru, Yuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro.

The five of them landed safely on the roof of a tall building. This was the base specially chosen by the high school.

"This is it. You can see the pandas when you go down."

"The second-year students including Zenin Maki were on the second floor, Nobara Kugisaki and Nanami were on the third floor, and the rest were on the fourth floor."

"Let's go find Principal Gao and Yega first, they will be more receptive."Feng Wuxia put forward his own idea.

Gojo Satoru nodded, agreeing with Feng Wuxia's statement. If Yega Masamichi and Jiaru Gaozi didn't believe it, then let's not talk about others.

"I'll listen to you, let's go to the fourth floor first."

Fushiguro Megumi pressed the elevator button, and the five of them entered the elevator room of Xiaxiao one by one.


"Principal, where do you think Yumenjiang is hiding? We have been looking for him for so long but still have no news.

Jia Ru Nitro added two pieces of rock sugar to the black coffee and stirred it gently with a spoon.

Ye Mo Zhengdao stood at the elevator door and began to think about this question.

"Alas, finding the prison gate is like looking for a needle in a haystack. The death and return barrier is too big, and it is not something that can be found in a day or two."

"But I can sense Ryomen Sukuna's presence. Is there something wrong with Yuji?" Yaga Masamichi stroked his beard and suddenly started talking about Gojo Satoru.

"If Wu was here, maybe Sukuna wouldn't dare to act rashly. It was all because of this kid's carelessness. He was told to dispose of Geto Suguru's body a long time ago, but he insisted on hiding it. Now he is sealed by his best friend's body."

"Forget it, it's not all his fault. I know this kid's character best. It was because I turned a blind eye to his behavior that led to the tragedy."

While Ye Mo Zheng Dao was sighing, the elevator door behind him slowly opened.

Jia Ru Nishiko glanced inside, and the cup in his hand fell, spilling coffee all over the floor.

""Glass, if you are too tired, take a rest. Leave this to me."

Glass shook her head quickly, raised her right hand quickly and pointed to the back of Ye Mo

Zhengdao. She said in surprise:"Principal, it's Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru.……"

Yega Masamichi didn't pay attention to what Jiaru Nishiko said, and thought that Nishiko was hallucinating because of tiredness.

"Of course I know, we are just talking about the past of Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru."

Gojo Satoru walked out of the elevator door and said jokingly:

"Principal, I haven't seen you for more than 20 days and your brain has become a lot slower!"

【Thanks to"Luo Guang who loves to eat homemade soup" for sending the explosive update talisman】

【Thank you to all the brothers and sisters for the gifts.

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