Ye Mo Zheng Dao turned around in surprise, and what came into his sight was the figures of Gojo Satoru and others.

He saw Geto Suguru standing behind Gojo Satoru in a cassock, while Feng Wuxia, Yuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro stood aside tactfully.


"What the hell is going on? You better explain it to me."

The first person who was confused was not Gojo Satoru's unsealing. Yega Masamichi focused all his attention on Geto Suguru.

He was not mistaken. The person standing in front of him was the real Geto Suguru. Yega Masamichi would never forget Geto Suguru who defected from the high school.

"I can't explain it clearly, so Feng Wuxia will explain it to you slowly. I still have to go see my students."After Gojo Satoru and Yega Masamichi greeted each other, he took Xiayou Jie into the elevator and headed to the third floor.

Before Yega Masamichi could speak, the elevator door closed, leaving only Jialiu Nizoko and Yega Masamichi dumbfounded.

"What exactly is going on? It's fine if Gojo Satoru is unsealed, but why is the dead Geto Xiayou here?"

With doubt, Jiaru Nishiko asked.

Feng Wuxia sat on the sofa, picked up the drink on the coffee table, and said slowly:

"It's very simple. I killed Nozomi, but Geto's soul didn't completely disappear. I used the special ability to revive the long-dead Geto."

"In other words, he is the real Geto Suguru, a brand new Geto Suguru. You should just treat the previous Geto Suguru as dead."

"By the way, I found a way to end the death migration, but it will take a little longer."

After listening to the explanation, Ye Mo Zheng Dao did not show too much surprise, but was as calm as usual.

"Did you also unseal the prison gate?"

Gulp, gulp, after drinking a bottle of drink, Feng Wuxia felt that something was missing. He turned his attention to the cake next to him.

In the eyes of several people who didn't understand, he picked up the cake and started to chew it.

"I did it. Unsealing the prison gate is not a difficult task. Besides, the angel is here, so it is very easy to unseal the prison gate."

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot one thing. I didn't want to tell you. It's not good not to tell you now. Don't be too shocked when you hear it."

Feng Wuxia's expression was serious, as if something big had happened, which made Ye Mo Zhengdao feel like he was on a roller coaster.

"It's okay, go ahead and tell me."

Ye Mo Zheng Dao took a deep breath and prepared himself for the worst news.

"The good news is: Yuji Itadori will not be sentenced to death"

"The bad news is: Ryomen Sukuna has left Yuji Itadori's body and has recovered all his strength. He and Gojo Satoru have scheduled a life-and-death battle on December 24."

Ieiri Shoko and Yaga Masamichi looked at the calendar next to them. Today is December 22, and there are less than 48 hours left until the life-and-death battle.

Noso is indeed very smart. He knows that Sukuna will definitely appear again, so he has made a plan that the game can only end completely if all swimmers die.

In other words, Noso wants to achieve his ultimate goal by having Sukuna kill all the swimmers.

Unexpected things happen, and he ignored the time bomb of Feng Wuxia, which led to the complete failure of Noso's plan that he had planned for a thousand years.

"Sukuna has left Yuji Itadori's body? This is a good thing."

"wrong...What did you say next?"

"Ryoumen Sukuna and Satoru agreed to a life-and-death battle in two days?"

Yega Masamichi rolled up his sleeves and ran into the emergency passage to the second floor, saying as he ran:

"Wu, look at the good things you have done!"

"Such an important matter, but they didn't even discuss it with us. A small part of the ordinary people in the barrier has not been sent out yet. Satoru, come and die."

In short, Ye Mo Zhengdao and Ieiri Shoko have passed this level. Several people don't know what is going on with Gojo Satoru on the third floor.

""Long time no see, did my dear juniors miss me?" The elevator door opened, and Xia Yujie came out in his monk's robes.

Panda lazily lay on the bed, ignoring Xia Yujie's intention.

Zen Yuanzhen was basking in the sun on the balcony, and because the glass door was closed, he didn't hear Xia Yujie's voice.

Only Gojuan, who was sitting on the chair, noticed something was wrong at the first time.



Gojuan looked at Xiayoujie with a look of fear in his eyes. Panda noticed Gojuan's abnormality and sat up slowly.

When he saw Xiayoujie, he was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Damn it, you you you!"

"Zhenxi, it's an enemy attack, enter combat mode."

Zenyuan Zhenxi, who was still basking in the sun, suddenly shuddered. Panda would never joke.

It just so happened that Youyun was on his left hand side, so he picked up the special-grade spell tool and came to the position of Gojuan and Panda.

"Don't be so excited. We haven't seen each other for a long time, right?"

"It's not good to be angry with your senior!"

Xia Youjie smiled, and he thought he made a good first impression on the others. But to the three pandas, that smile looked too creepy, and Zenin Maki's hair stood on end.

"You are so bold, this is not the place for you, go back to where you came from"

"I warn you, you will be the one who suffers if we fight. All the magicians of the high school are in the hotel. You still have time to escape now."

Zenin Maki was just talking, but she didn't really fight. Unless it was absolutely necessary, she must not fight in the base specially selected by Naoko.

"I am Xia Yujie, we met last year. Xia Yujie tried to explain, but Goujuan didn't give him any chance.

He drank a bottle of throat lozenge, pulled down his clothes and shouted at Xia Yujie:

"Don't move!!!"

The panda followed closely behind, quickly switching combat form to become a gorilla. Zenin Maki went around behind Geto Suguru, intending to form a killing triangle.

"Not bad, a lot of progress compared to last year, but not enough"

"If it's just this level, it's hard to touch me."


Goujuan spat out blood. With just one sentence, Goujuan's curse was broken. Without waiting too long, Panda punched him.

Xiayou Jie blocked Panda's attack with one hand, and took advantage of Panda's gap to grab Panda's neck with his left hand and perform a 360-degree roll.

"Maki, run away, we are no match for this guy"

"Damn the noose, I won't let you take a step forward."

A feeling of helplessness came over me. It seemed that no matter how I explained today, no one would believe me.

"This is so annoying. Can't you just stop and listen to me?"

"It's not good for children to fight and kill each other. I finally went back to the technical college, and I don't even have the mood to reminisce about the past."

Pulling out Youyun, Zenin Maki pointed the spearhead at him and said,"Stop talking nonsense. I don't know what your conspiracy is, but I won't let you take a step forward!"

"In that case, let's see who's better, otherwise you won't listen to me."......

Ye Mo Zheng Dao caught Gojo Satoru on the way, which resulted in only Geto Suguru showing up.

When he was teaching Gojo Satoru a lesson, he heard a strange noise coming from the third floor.

"You rascal, I'll teach you a lesson later. Let's go check the situation on the third floor first."

Pushing open the fire door, Zenin Maki, Gojumaki Stake and Panda were all lying on the ground.

Xiayou Jie scratched his head embarrassedly and said to Gojo Satoru and Yega Masamichi with an apologetic look:

"Sorry, did I go too far?"

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